My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 90 - Shy Grass

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Battle cries and clanging swords ruled over the acoustic world of this place.

I was in the middle of something.

Two humans got to me: "Hey, kid!"

Did I have the look of one sorry, panic-stricken little kid who's been caught up in the middle of something too big for me?

Surely, I must be looking that way.

The two humans I'd just encountered along with the orcs just decided to pass before me.

Why'd they do that?

"It'll be dangerous, but hold tight behind us, boy, we'll protect you."

They'd wanted to let me know I'd be safe and sound behind them two.

They must've mistaken me for one of their allies, yes. Would they go and protect me if that wasn't the case.

What's more, I indeed look more human than orc … actually, aren't I basically identical to the likes of humans like this?


I looked human but didn't certainly give off human-like vibes.

Nor friendly vibes, let me tell you.

But anyway, that was how it happened to be.

And for this round, orcs would be the opponents, it seemed to the two humans.

And so, the two orcs 'we' were facing just sort of looked at themselves, checking up on each other … their thick red-tanned lips slowly and gradually went arching up.

They grinned like this for a short little while.


Wolves that had just encountered their sheep. That's the story their grins tell about them.

Wolves were orcs, humans were sheep; supposedly.

It was understandable for them to feel that way.

As being an orc would want it, they were noticeably bigger and larger.

They really were. The difference between an orc and a human was the difference between a wild mountain and a docile stone.

Well, I'm exaggerating, but kind of it was true, in a way.

They got broad and sculpted shoulders.

In between these two sturdy anchors, was to be found the as sculpted and as sharp manly chest.

With their unsettling dark red tanned skin you could observe in between the natural holes there were in their timid leather armor.

Naturally thick arms with bulging veins, attached to their orcish swords and axes by poignant hands.

The stones--the humans were comparatively weaker in comparison … but knowing them, they knew to be cunning, just like the even tinier stones--that is to say, the elves.

And so, they had their own confidence for themselves, I noticed.

The weaker the smarter, it seemed to me, must've been a reality.

The weaker you'd be, the trickier you'd get.

Or maybe, the weaker you'd be, the tricker you'd have to be.

In the end, all the same.

The sun shone down on our foreheads, and the two humans tightened their formation on me.

They got me covered and all.

One of them still holding out his free hand at me and tried to make me back up a little bit. It was 'dangerous,' huh.

Well, he tried to do that and nodded to his comrade.

This latter nodded back.

Tense but confident was about the outline of their complexion.

They carefully proceeded onward.

One hesitant step--or rather, careful, maybe--was to be thrown before the other, as they walked, showing off their formation.

And their formation was … special, to say the least..

They lined up their touching shoulders together altogether as one.

And completing their battle stance, they were holding out their sword in the opposite direction.

It was an experienced duo you got there.

… or maybe not at all.

I lack the experience to judge all this.

Certainly anyway, doing this, the two of them would strike me with these 'I know what I'm doing' vibes.

And that's what I'd meant by cunning. They had no choice but to be this way.

Putting up confidence in their demeanor, they walked the rather short distance they'd to walk.

Surprisingly the orcs didn't change their stance one bit.

Were they ready that way?

The air grew denser and thicker.


"Do as you want, orcs."

The two confident humans scoffed at this. Scoffing at it was the only natural thing to do, right?

They could only do that much, though.

And scoffing at it it was, then.

Oh, and it only got in my head at this moment, but maybe the orcs didn't grin that way for no reason?

Maybe it wasn't just two wolves versus two sheep from how they saw it.

Maybe three wolves were actually to be counted up.

Because, I mean, wolves could actually be anything with the right clothes.

The two confident humans were ready to launch their attack.

And me?

<Spider Web>

The ability to produce cobwebs.


Just about producing spider webs as a spider would.

That's right.

There isn't much to say about this one. Except that it's quite cool, heh.

It's quite cool in itself, and it's quite cool that I must've also gotten into a spider, at some point during the Dull Era.

Let's call it that, the Dull Era.

(Author's note: Obviously, MC refers to this as the time before he got his consciousness.)

It has a nice ring to it.

Anyway, this was yet another skill of mine.

My belt was around my waist.

Onto my waist, there was my glittering sword.

I got it from back in the forest. And if I remember correctly, it was one of the strong paladin's shortswords. Well, I chose it, it was my sword now.

And onto my glittering sword's handle, there was my right hand.

My grip on itself was to be tightened.

And tightening it, just as if it were natural, I produced cobwebs with my hand.

My hand, my sword, my cobwebs.

All this was stuck as one.


The sword went off its sheath … and looking at my hand, "That be the only use of this skill … hm?"

I didn't quite have a great sense of imagination, I guess. But, to me, it was good enough that way, "That way at least, the sword won't just bounce off and get away while fighting enemies, huh."

Holding out the even more shining sword under the sun, "Yeah, and I reckon that'll do for a use."

It was just cobwebs, mostly.

Maybe there would be more applications to that skill depending on the context, but for now, that'll be all.

My sword's handle being tightened by both my grip and the cobwebs in between, I brought it down.

The orcs had seen me doing this.

And so they stepped back. All the more grinning, they stepped back again, and again … most likely, they'd seen me come.

And then would come <Quick Pace>.

You know this one already.

Crackling my neck…

I had to deal with 30 enemies…

I went on the move!

Not even five meters separated me from the humans, at this point.

Dashing onward, with my head tilted forward, I was the wind.

Already behind their back, I stopped, folded, and unfolded my legs super quickly.

And then I was the air.

Two necks were presented before me, rather close to one another.

I figured their formation wasn't of much use if they didn't know their enemy, obviously.

And so their guards weren't on.


Along with a quick move of my arm … and you knew the next skill too, <Chain Attack>.

(Author's note: 'Chain Attack' previously was 'Four Deadly Black' but I've changed it, the name was too boring.)

A combo of dark slashes.

That's what it was, basically.


And my sword fell onto the right one's neck, cutting it thoroughly--he hadn't time to react and just fell like my sword.

❮Mingle into the Very Many Grasses battle, and slay the enemies that may come your way. 1/30❯

The other one's eyes grew to their fullest, "Wh--" and as his shoulders rotated towards his fella…


With another slash, the sword dug itself in between the human's neck and shoulder.

Too much of a shock, and too much of a burst of pain.

It was too sudden, he passed too, then fell towards my feet as they landed back on the ground, too.

The surrounding green grass became shy and red.

And putting little force into it, I took my sword off of the dead shoulder.

Oh--and maybe he wasn't entirely dead by now, 'cause he coughed some blood, and the grass became even more shy and red.

❮Mingle into the Very Many Grasses battle, and slay the enemies that may come your way. 2/30❯

By now, the human really was dead.


"Heh, heh, heh…"

And orcs laughed.

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