Chapter 289 Just wait for the rabbit!

While launching the attack, a group of people rushed into the cave.

A bunch of strange animals guarding the cave died in the first wave, and the rest did not give up and attacked them frantically.

Misfortune took the lead, relying on the armor on his body and rushing forward.

The eager Yue Qin’er was surrounded in the middle, except for using a spell at the beginning, there was no room for her to play.

Lin Chuan deliberately fell into the last position, observing the team members’ every move.

This was the first time he participated in such an action, so naturally he had to observe it carefully.

These team members really cooperated very well. Who attacked and defended, who was in front of and behind, was very organized and methodical.

Of course, the most outstanding among them was Bai Ze who stepped back a bit after the first attack.

From the attack he launched, Lin Chuan clearly felt that Bai Ze’s cultivation level must be in the Golden Elixir period!

Cultivators of the Golden Core Stage, but the absolute backbone of the spiritual world, lead the team to perform tasks, and are fully qualified.

As the person with the highest cultivation base, Bai Ze did not rush forward to kill the Quartet, but gave up the attacking position and directed the other team members to attack.

He is like a general, twisting all the players into a rope, like an arm, giving full play to everyone’s greatest strength.

In this way, all the team members have been exercised, and Bai Ze can also take a temporary rest, in the fullest state, to deal with possible emergencies.

This cave is worthy of being the home of the great demon. In addition to the alien beasts, there are also various insidious organ formations, which are hard to guard against.

Fortunately, Bai Ze was so experienced that he cracked these secret calculations one by one.

Even so, two of the team members were injured and were very poisonous. They had to retreat to the middle of the team and hurriedly run the exercises to remove the poison after taking the poisonous medicine.

“Stop!” Bai Ze said suddenly when the players were able to fight vigorously.

“What’s the matter?” All the team members stopped attacking, looking at Bai Ze a little blankly.

They didn’t understand, why they stopped suddenly when they were playing well.

“There is something wrong here, Duoli may not be in the cave!” Bai Ze frowned and said as he looked at the deep cave in front of him.

“Doli is not in the cave?” The players looked at each other.

If it is true as Bai Ze said, then they would not make any sense if they pierced this cave.

“It is indeed very possible. The alien beasts here seem to be passively triggered, and there is no trace of man-made manipulation behind it.”

“Perhaps, we stepped into the trap set by Duli.”

At this time, Lin Chuan said.

Lin Chuanke has been observing, but also found something wrong in the cave.

Coming along the way, the alien beast mechanism is indeed powerful, and it has caused them a lot of trouble.

But Lin Chuan always felt that the power of these things should be more than that.

Then the answer is more obvious. This is because the people who manipulate these things are not here!

“It’s not a trap, I’m sure, this is Duoli’s lair!”

“But it may not happen by coincidence when we came, or Duoli received the news and has already escaped. This is the situation now.”

Bai Ze glanced at Lin Chuan appreciatively, then looked at the cave in front of him, his face a little ugly.

Regardless of the possibility, Duoli is not in this cave, which is absolutely bad news for them.

This is Duoli’s lair. After they came, Duoli would definitely be aware of it.

It’s hard to catch him anymore.

“Then what should I do now?” The players are not fools, and soon thought of this, and their faces were very ugly.

A bunch of them came to grab Duoli, and they couldn’t just be like this.

But if they want to break the game, they have no clue.

Yue Qin’er, who participated in the mission for the first time, was even more upset at this time.

She finally experienced the feeling of a cultivator, the damn Duoli was not there!

“Maybe I have a way.”

“Captain Bai Ze, you said that the team already has a lot of information about Duoli, which does not include his contact information?”

When the team fell into awkward silence, Lin Chuan spoke.

“The contact information is naturally there. What do you ask this for?” Bai Ze asked, staring at him.

“Then call him.” Lin Chuan said with a light smile.

“What are you kidding about, how can you call Duoli? Isn’t this just a horror?”

Before the others reacted, Yue Qin’er couldn’t help saying.

If you think about it, you will know that if you call Duoli at this time, you will not get any information. On the contrary, you will startle and start Duoli, making Duoli more vigilant.

The team members nodded after hearing the words, feeling that Yue Qin’er’s words were fine.

“Wouldn’t we be able to find Duoli without getting rid of the grass and scaring the snake?”

“Or, do you have a better way?”

Lin Chuan guessed that they would question, and said calmly.

The players were silent again.

Yes, their action this time almost failed, and another call will not make the situation worse.

“Then fight, what do you want to tell him?”

Bai Ze didn’t know what medicine was sold in Lin Chuan’s gourd, but when the mission was in trouble, he was willing to try any method.

“Needless to say anything special, just nonsense, the more Duoli can say, the better.” Lin Chuan asked.

Bai Ze didn’t ask much, and directly dialed Duoli’s phone.

“Duoli, you are already on the death list of the repair management team. Did you commit suicide yourself, or did we send you to die?”

As soon as the call was connected, Bai Ze said an extremely domineering word.

“Repair management team, you really still came to me.”

“The things I have done, have long since been on your bullshit death list how many times, do you think you can scare me?”

“You made the movement in the cave, do you want to guess where I am now?”

“Looking for it in the forest, there may be surprises, Jie Jie Jie…”

Duoli listened to Bai Ze slapped his head and covered his face, making an unpleasant feeling in his heart, and couldn’t help but ridicule.

The team members were very upset when they heard this, gritted their teeth, and helpless.

They really don’t know where Duoli is now, like a punch in the air, no matter how powerful it is, there will be no effect.

“Well, we will go to you now, if you have a family member, please tell me in advance.”

“Because next year today will be your anniversary, it would be too miserable if no one gave you money to burn paper!”

Lin Chuan leaned over and said something into the microphone, then hung up the phone, leaving Duoli to lose his temper.

“That’s it?” Bai Ze frowned.

“It’s alright.” Lin Chuan glanced at the bald hair, smiled and nodded.

“To be clear, what on earth do you want to do?” Bai Ze’s face was very serious.

He has done what Lin Chuan said, and now he needs an explanation from Lin Chuan.

“I don’t want to do anything, just wait here.”

“Yue Qin’er said just now that we are trying to frighten the snake. I want to correct it. Let’s call it waiting!”

Lin Chuan looked at the forest behind him, with a meaningful smile on his face.

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