Chapter 290

Surprised or not surprised

“It doesn’t matter if you are stunned or just wait and see, let’s make it clear. We can’t just wait here like this, right?”

Su Ma could not help but ask.

He who gets along with Lin Chuan a lot, naturally knows that Lin Chuan has a strong strength.

But just let them wait here inexplicably, not to mention the players, Yuya himself is not happy.

“Yes, we can just wait here, and Duoli will send it to the door himself.” Lin Chuan said confidently.

“Where is your confidence?”

“Now that Duoli already knows that we are here, how could it be possible to snag the net by ourselves.”

“After all, this is the country of Annan. If we have been spending time here, waiting for a lot of efforts to gather a large number of Annan cultivators, the situation will be completely reversed.”

Bai Ze frowned even more when he looked at Lin Chuan’s feelings of success.

What they paid attention to in this assault operation was speed, killing Duoli with the power of thunder, and leaving before the people in Annan’s practice world could react.

The longer they stay in Annan, the more dangerous they become.

If Lin Chuan couldn’t give him a reasonable reason, Bai Ze would not be able to accompany him on the adventure, even if he was someone Yue Qingyang had taken care of.

“I want to introduce you, this is my dog’s bald hair.” Seeing that Bai Ze was impatient, Lin Chuan pointed to the bald hair.

“What do you introduce a dog to do, is there anything special about it?” Bai Ze’s face was very ugly.

When discussing business matters, he doesn’t like to interrupt.

“Yes, my dog ​​is very special. It has very strong hearing and can hear sounds from far away.”

“I asked you to call Duoli just now, just to make Bald Mao remember Duoli’s voice, and then use his ears to find him.”

“Now, Bald has found him and found that he is coming here.”

“So as long as we stay here, we will definitely be able to meet Duoli!”

Lin Chuan didn’t continue to sell Guanzi, and directly explained the special features of baldness.

Of course, he didn’t fully explain the bald hair’s supernatural powers, and his expression was more conservative.

Even so, it has already shocked the players’ jaws.

The ability to accurately find people who are far away through sound is terrifying!

“Your dog is really so powerful?”

“Then this is a god dog, I didn’t notice it just now.”

“I can see it. The first time I see it, I feel its extraordinary.”

“Cut, as an afterthought, it’s nothing special on the surface, it’s weird if you can feel it!”

After the team members learned about bald hair, their enthusiasm for it was high.

Bald was lying on the ground, his face was full of arrogance, but his wagging tail still exposed his pride.

So many people praise the feeling of it, baldness has never experienced it.

“Stop talking and let Bald Mao listen carefully!” Lin Chuan saw that Bald Mao was surrounded by the team members, so he didn’t have a good air.

Interfering with baldness at this critical time is not delaying things!

The team members knew how serious they were, and after hearing Lin Chuan’s call, they quickly stepped aside, and even dared not make any more noises for fear of disturbing the bald hair.

“Duo Li knows we are here, why would he come here?” Bai Ze frowned, standing aside.

It wasn’t that he didn’t believe Lin Chuan’s words, but he was very confused about Duoli’s motives.

“I guess there must be something in this cave that Duli attaches great importance to, even if he takes the big risk, he will have to come back.”

“And he didn’t come back alone. Bald said there were many people around him.”

“Perhaps he feels that his current strength has surpassed us, and he can catch us by surprise.”

Lin Chuan gave out his speculation.

“Hehe, really good calculation, want to swallow us in turn?”

“Then we will stand by and kill Duoli and his helpers together!”

A smile appeared on Bai Ze’s face, and the long scar twisted with it, looking very hideous.

Lin Chuan admired the strong self-confidence that came out of him.

No matter who the opponent is or how many people there are, Bai Ze said that if you kill Duoli and their helpers, you must kill them all!

Of course, Bai Ze is not an empty talker, nor is he blindly confident.

He led the players into the forest, and after understanding Duoli’s direction, he chose a good place.

A group of people bury traps, bury traps, arrange arrays, and they are very busy.

Duoli obviously didn’t know, they already knew his location, and they didn’t know the wave of ambush.

If Duoli brought people over, he would have to suffer first.

“Come here, it’s not far away.” After a while, Bald Mao said suddenly.

“Everyone is in place, Duoli is almost here, Pai Yao is over.” Lin Chuan, hiding in a tree, whispered to the communicator.

“Bai Ze received it!”

“Yuya received it!”

A response came from the communicator.

“Hey, why didn’t I know that Bald Mao had this ability?” Yue Qin’er couldn’t help asking while Duoli hadn’t come.

“It only has this ability recently. I haven’t had time to say it yet.” Lin Chuan responded.

“How can you not say such an important thing? If the bald hair is so powerful, then what I said, wouldn’t it be overheard.”

Yue Qin’er’s pretty face blushed, a little embarrassed.

“Cough cough, get ready to fight!” Lin Chuan blinked, and somehow responded, reminding her to be prepared with a stern face.

Yue Qin’er was very annoyed, but now is not the time to lose her temper, so she can only put away her depression, stare at the front intently, ready to release spells at any time.

“Ah…” Suddenly, a scream came, and a thin, short, dark-skinned young man fell to the ground.

It turned out that he stepped on a trap, a leg was directly amputated, blood spurted out, the scene was called bloody.

“Ambush, there is an ambush!”

The group of people who were rushing here suddenly panicked, their eyes were shooting everywhere, feeling that there were problems everywhere.

They explored the surroundings, and soon there were several screams, and several people were recruited.

“Get out first!” A low, hoarse voice sounded, and the group of people quickly retreated.

Lin Chuan realized that the voice was a bit familiar, and when he took a closer look, he found that the person speaking was a middle-aged man with a snake-headed staff, and his whole body exuded a dark atmosphere.

His hair seemed to be constantly swaying by the wind. Lin Chuan took a closer look and discovered that where the hair was, it was clearly black snakes, constantly twisting!

“He is Duoli, start the formation!” There was a loud shout from a tree not far away, and the team members started to activate the formation buried around.

“People in the repair management team, you actually hide here to ambush us!”

Duoli didn’t even know that he was yin, his face became extremely ugly, and the snake on his head began to dance.

“Are you surprised or surprised?” Lin Chuan showed up on his own initiative and said with a smile.

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