Chapter 295

“Do you understand, these Annan monkeys have been killed by us!” Lin Chuan conveyed the news he had just heard to his teammates who were recovering from their injuries.

“Of course I heard. I thought that these Annan cultivators were all fatal.”

“Laughing to death, this Annan monkey is still putting gold on their faces.”

“As long as you kill a few more waves, maybe they won’t dare to do it.”

The teammates all laughed and felt a lot easier.

To be honest, the continuous fighting has exhausted them. Although the body can hold it under the support of the pill, the spirit is on the verge of collapse.

However, these Annan cultivators apparently collapsed before them, and they no longer have the confidence to kill them.

This gave the players an extremely strong sense of pride, as if they were given a shot of a cardiotonic injection, and their spirits became active again.

Having received the information he wanted, a teammate who had recovered, he smoothly killed the seriously injured Annan Cultivator.

Lin Chuan saw this scene and didn’t say anything.

He is not a Virgin, and he knows that being kind to the enemy is cruel to himself!

If this Annan cultivator was allowed to go back alive and reveal the information he had received to others, the ghost knew what kind of change the situation would take place.

The group of people continued to advance on the corpse mountain and the sea of ​​blood. The ultimate move was used more and more smoothly, the cooperation became more and more tacit, and the speed of killing the enemy was getting faster and faster.

This also just confirmed the rumors that they were possessed by the devil, and those Annan cultivators were even more afraid to attack them.

Their path became smoother and smoother. I don’t know how many Annan cultivators followed them from a distance, and they didn’t do anything.

Lin Chuan and the others, just so swaggering, under the gaze of countless Annan cultivators, they rushed to the border between Annan and the Heavenly Dynasty!

As long as they cross the border, they are considered safe.

The team members knew this very well, so they all smiled and were elated, feeling that they had turned around before the ghost gate and came back to life.

However, just when they felt this way, an extremely terrifying aura was locked on them.

This made their bodies stiff, and the panic radiated from the inside out.

“Yuan…A cultivator in Yuanying stage!” Bai Ze, who was also locked in, said with difficulty.

Lin Chuan’s face changed immediately upon hearing this.

He has never seen a cultivator in the Yuanying stage, but through various channels, he also knows that every cultivator in the Yuanying stage is a real cultivator.

From the pill formation stage to the Nascent Infant stage, the cultivator seems to have completed a reborn transformation, and the power of gestures can provoke the reaction of heaven and earth.

It is no exaggeration to say that the cultivators of the Yuanying stage are land immortals, who can crush everything below the Yuanying stage!

And they are now being spotted by a terrifying cultivator of the Nascent Soul Stage.

The tortoise shell formation they formed, no matter how powerful it is, I am afraid it will not be able to withstand a blow from the cultivator of the Yuan Ying stage.

In other words, all of them will die here.

When the border is in sight, die here!

How happy they were just now, how frightened they are now.

The psychological gap of falling directly from heaven to hell caused the team members to almost collapse before seeing the immortal cultivator in the Yuan Ying stage.

“Meet the ancestors!” Suddenly, the Annan cultivators in the distance all bowed to the ground, their postures must be more respectful and respectful.

“You are the members of the Tian Dynasty Repair and Management Team, right?”

“To kill so many sons and sons of my Annan, then this seat will let you pay for it!”

An old man wearing a crown and a yellow robe suddenly appeared in the air, staring at Lin Chuan and them with blood-red eyes.

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved the scepter in his hand, a black giant python with the thickness of a bucket and a length of tens of meters, with a blood basin and a big mouth, biting at them.

The black snakes of Duoli are already very difficult to attack. If you replace it with such a big black python, you can imagine how terrifying the attack is.

Lin Chuan looked pale when he saw this scene, hesitating to disconnect the tortoise shell formation.

This kind of powerful attack is not something that tortoiseshell formation can withstand, but it is possible for a seamless heavenly robe.

However, this will also expose the existence of Tianyi Tianyi. The ghost knows if this primordial cultivator will have any means to remove Tianyi Tianyi from him.

In the end, there may still be a dead end!

The strength of the immortal cultivator in the Yuan Ying period is so terrifying!

“Hahaha, fellow daoist, don’t you bully the kids like this.”

Just as Lin Chuan’s mind was spinning rapidly and thinking about how to deal with it, a hearty laughter came, and a huge palm appeared out of thin air, blocking Lin Chuan and the others.

After the black giant python flew over, the giant head stretched out his hand and grasped the black giant python firmly and pinched it tighter and tighter.

The black giant python struggles madly, and every time it shakes, it can cause violent turbulence in the surrounding aura, which shows the horror of the black giant python.

But such a powerful black python just couldn’t get rid of that huge palm.

It wasn’t until the primordial infant stage cultivator waved his scepter with an ugly face, causing the black giant python to shrink quickly, and then escaped and returned to the person.

After the black giant python disappeared, that huge palm suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

“Guanglingzi, it’s you again!” The man gritted his teeth while staring at the empty sky.

“Hahaha, it’s right here, you haven’t seen you for a long time, you really haven’t changed at all.”

“I told you long ago, don’t wear this suit anymore, do you know that monkey like you really looks like a monkey?”

A cloud in the sky suddenly began to change, solidified into a white figure fluttering, and let out a burst of hearty laughter.

“It’s Guanglingzi of Tianworm Valley, we are safe!” Bai Ze saw his appearance with a relieved smile on his face.

Lin Chuan and the other team members felt relaxed after hearing this.

“Who won the crown after the monkey, I was originally the king of all the cultivators in Annan!”

“You dare to appear on my Annan’s site, believe it or not, I launched the blood gu formation to kill you directly here!”

Hearing Guanglingzi’s ridicule, Meng Qi was so angry that his forehead was violent, and his voice became deeper and deeper.

“Then you are here, do you think I’m afraid of you?”

“Blood Gu is really powerful, but you need to preside over the formation.”

“Believe it or not, as soon as you activate the blood gu formation, our immortal cultivators from the Heavenly Worm Valley will come out and slaughter the entire Annan immortal world!”

“Would you like to try, I die faster, or my disciples and grandchildren kill faster!”

Faced with the threat of Qi Qi, Guang Lingzi responded with no fear at all, and very domineeringly.

The enthusiasm of the two spiritual leaders made Lin Chuan addicted to each other.

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