Chapter 296: One Enemy, One Country!

“Guanglingzi, if it weren’t for our Annan who didn’t have a second Yuanying stage cultivator, I would never let you go back alive!”

After listening to Guanglingzi’s words, Meng Qi’s face was blue and white, and he was silent for a long time before gritted his teeth.

Both his tone and demeanor revealed a deep unwillingness.

Even so, he did not dare to continue.

A dignified primordial elder brother, just so suffocated the monstrous anger.

“That’s it?” Lin Chuan was very disappointed when he saw this.

He thought there would be an earth-shattering fight between the two Nascent Soul elders facing each other.

As a result, there was nothing…

You are a Nascent Soul, you are still at your home court, and you are so embarrassed. You just let go of ruthless things. Can you do it?

“Hehe, let’s wait for the second immortal cultivator to appear in your Annan Cultivation Realm.”

“But I heard that you Annan Cultivators were killed by the younger generation of our Cultivation Team.”

“Whether there is a second cultivator in the Nascent Soul Stage, that might really be true.”

Guang Lingzi smiled happily, not taking the threat of sorrow in his heart at all.

“Wait, wait, there is a time when you cultivators of the heavenly celestial cultivators are crying!” The slapstick who was frequently slapped, his eyes became extremely sinister.

The terrifying power once again caused Lin Chuan and the others to stand upright.

“Since I’m going to cry in the future, I will laugh more now, hahaha…”

Guang Lingzi gave out a hearty smile again, and the huge palms appeared again, supporting Lin Chuan and them soaring into the sky, under the gaze of a group of Annan cultivators.

“Trash, it’s all trash, my ancestors have lost all of my face by you!”

“The ancestors calm down, we really don’t blame us, they are possessed by the demon god, how can they not be killed…”

After Lin Chuan and the others left, they furious at the Annan cultivators, seeming to pour all the anger on them.

“I have seen the predecessors of Guanglingzi.” After flying into the territory of the Heavenly Dynasty, Bai Ze finally relieved his heart and saluted Guanglingzi.

“I have seen senior Guanglingzi!” The other team members also saluted excitedly.

There are very few immortal cultivators in the Yuan Ying period, and many players have never seen it before.

In addition, it was Guanglingzi who had rescued them just now, which naturally made them even more excited.

“Well, no courtesy.”

“Your repair management team did a good job this time, and it gave us the head of the heavenly practice world a lot of prestige.”

Guang Lingzi waved his hand, looked at everyone with appreciation and said.

“We didn’t expect to really break a blood path.” Bai Ze thought of the experience just now, feeling very complicated.

Before that, he had never imagined that he could actually smash through the entire Annan Cultivation Realm and return to the realm of the Heavenly Dynasty.

What they have done just now is simply an incredible feat.

“Unexpectedly? Didn’t expect you to dare to do it recklessly?”

“Do you know how much trouble you have caused, and the entire Annan practice world is crazy, and the old and undead man, Qi Qi, has done it himself.”

“If I come a step late, you will really have no place to bury you!”

Guang Lingzi, who had a kind face just now, suddenly changed his face and gave them a general training.

“This is indeed my fault.” Bai Ze, who was trained for a while, was not uncomfortable at all, but was very guilty.

He knew very well that there was nothing wrong with what Guanglingzi said, and if it was a little bit wrong, all of them had to be buried in Annan.

“Huh, just know the severity.”

“I am not your leader, and I am too lazy to teach you, so just go back by yourself.”

Guang Lingzi waved his big hand, his huge palm disappeared, and he disappeared between the heaven and the earth in a blink of an eye.

“This senior Guanglingzi is quite fierce.” Lin Chuan looked at the empty eyes, feeling that Guanglingzi was quite interesting.

“That’s fierce? You haven’t seen anything more fierce. There are some primordial elders who just stand there and say nothing, can scare people to cry.”

Yue Qin’er said with lingering fear after hearing the words.

“Then it seems that I have less knowledge. By the way, the captain, why did Annan’s cousin be so soon?”

“Annan is his home game anyway. They are all Yuanying stage cultivators. If he doesn’t make sense, he is afraid of senior Guanglingzi.”

Lin Chuan felt that there was a story in it, but he had something more interesting, so he looked at Bai Ze and asked.

“He is really not afraid of the predecessors of Guanglingzi in Annan, but the cultivators who are afraid of the Heavenly Worm Valley really come out.”

Completely safe, Bai Ze is relaxed, so he can take his time.

“Is the Sky Insect Valley so powerful? Does it have a second Yuan Ying stage cultivator in the Sky Insect Valley?”

“Otherwise, it’s just a family sect. There are so many people in Annan’s Cultivation Realm, so you won’t be afraid.”

Lin Chuan became more interested.

“There is no second celestial cultivator in the Heavenly Worm Valley, but the strength of the Heavenly Worm Valley is enough to wipe out the entire Annan cultivator world!”

“In other words, the entire Annan practice world was suppressed by the Heavenly Worm Valley.”

“Senior Guanglingzi said that when he and Qi Qi were trapped in the blood gu formation, it is no exaggeration that the Heavenly Worm Valley immortal cultivators can destroy the entire Annan immortal world.”

“As long as there is the Sky Worm Valley, Annan Monkeys don’t want to jump in front of us.”

Bai Ze looked in one direction and said in a somewhat complicated tone.

“That’s one enemy, one country, shouldn’t you be so powerful!” Lin Chuan’s eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he was amazed.

A sect in the border area of ​​the Celestial Dynasty directly suppressed a country next to it, and it will bring you feelings when you think about it.

“If you know more about the spiritual world, you will know that this kind of thing can’t be more normal.”

“Our celestial sect, just take out a family, it is the existence that can make the surrounding immortal world scared!”

Bai Ze raised his head slightly, and started Tsundere on.

The looks of the other team members are similar, and they are all proud of being a cultivator of heavenly immortals.

“I really didn’t know before, our Heavenly Cultivation Realm is so powerful, it seems we still have to come out and see more.”

Lin Chuan said sincerely.

If he didn’t come out like this, he really didn’t know what happened to the immortal cultivators abroad.

I don’t know how powerful the heavenly practice world is.

Thinking of this, Lin Chuan also felt a sense of pride.

As a cultivator of heaven, you should be so proud!

“People’s Heavenly Worm Valley can directly suppress Annan’s immortal world.”

“On the other hand, Pu Liqi said that he was going to establish a sect, but now there is no shadow of a sect. It’s simply outrageous!”

After the pride was over, Lin Chuan remembered Pu Liqi, who was saying that he was going to start a school, and couldn’t help but shook his head.

People have to die than people, and they have to be thrown away.

Compared with Tian Chonggu, Pu Liqi couldn’t even count as a small ant.

What kind of school do you want to set up? Find a factory and go to work.

“Aye…” Pu Liqi, who was leading a group of disciples, was looking for a suitable sect address among the mountains, and suddenly sneezed.

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