Chapter 313 What kind of fairy work is this

“Isn’t I just here? I haven’t met for an interview yet, why are you leaving?”

“What’s wrong with you, are you sick?”

“If you are sick, it doesn’t seem to be suitable for you to come over as an employee.”

The foxes saw Chen Luoyu’s state and thought he was very strange.

“You just need to stop, he was scared by you.” Lin Chuan understood Chen Luoyu’s mood at this time, and looked at the foxes with an angry expression.

As soon as Chen Luoyu came over, the fox spirits went too enthusiastically, as if following the den of thieves.

It would be strange if he hadn’t reacted like this.

“We are not a scourge, how could we scare him?”

“Yes, is there such a beautiful bad guy?”

“We still don’t want to make him feel at home. Is this also wrong?”

The foxes were very unconvinced, and said angrily.

“You can go shopping casually tonight.” Lin Chuan said with a higher volume.

“We are not…”

“One more sentence, the benefits are cancelled, and now disappear for me!”

The vixens’ eyes started to light up after hearing what he said, but they still wanted to hold back.

As a result, Lin Chuan said that the welfare was cancelled, and they shut up in an instant, and they ran away in no time.

“Ahem, sorry, they are just a little bit more enthusiastic, they are still nice.”

“Now that the interview is officially started, you can briefly introduce yourself first.”

Seeing that they had finally left, Lin Chuan heaved a sigh of relief and sat up straight, serious.

He doesn’t actually have much experience in interviewing others, but he has never eaten pork and has always seen pigs run.

As a recruiter, as long as you seem to want to do that.

“My name is Chen Luoyu, and I am a disciple of the Floating Cloud Immortal Sect on Zishan Island. I am currently going out to experience and live in Deling Building temporarily. My cultivation base is on the 9th floor of Qi Lianqi.”

Chen Luoyu was really relieved to see that the foxes had left, and responded lightly.

When speaking, his eyes unconsciously glanced at Ling Xiaoxiao who was aside, as if this self-introduction was speaking to her.

Lin Chuan noticed Chen Luoyu’s expression, frowned slightly, and felt a little unhappy in his heart.

This is not because he is jealous, but because Chen Luoyu came to the interview, obviously because of impure goals.

Lin Chuan wanted to find employees to work for him, but not to create love opportunities for him.

And it is still paid to fall in love, which is even more forbidden.

However, Chen Luoyu was the first to come for an interview, or a disciple of the Floating Cloud Immortal Sect, Lin Chuan decided to give Chen Luoyu another chance.

“Our company does not allow office love, can you accept this?” Lin Chuan asked directly.

“Of course I can’t accept it!” Chen Luoyu replied without even thinking about it.

When he came to the company to apply for the job, he originally came for Ling Xiaoxiao.

If he can’t talk about office love, then he can work for someone else when he is full?

“Well, you can go now.” Lin Chuan’s response was also very straightforward.

“…Leave!” Chen Luoyu didn’t expect Lin Chuan to be so decisive, the arrogance in his heart also rose, and he left without looking back.

Lin Chuan didn’t want him, it was Lin Chuan’s loss, he was not a pity at all.

“Why do you look weird, why, want him to stay?” Lin Chuan noticed that Ling Xiaoxiao’s expression had become a little weird, and couldn’t help but jokingly asked.

“It has nothing to do with him. I don’t like people who covet beauty and enter the company.”

“I just want to ask, is it really impossible to have an office love?”

Ling Xiaoxiao shook his head, not at all sorry for Chen Luoyu’s departure, and said what he was struggling with.

After speaking, Ling Xiaoxiao bit her lip, blinked and stared at Lin Chuan with big eyes, wanting to know his answer.

“Of course not. The office is a place to work, not a place to fall in love. If you want to fall in love, just go home and talk.”

Lin Chuan said without hesitation.

“Want to fall in love and go home to talk?” Ling Xiaoxiao blinked, suddenly feeling that there was something in Lin Chuan’s dialect, and her face was hot.

Lin Chuan stays at home most of the time.

This hint is too obvious!

Seeing Ling Xiaoxiao suddenly blushing again, Lin Chuan felt inexplicable.

I have to say, the girl’s mind, he really can’t guess what a big man is.

“Ding…” The elevator door opened again, and another immortal cultivator came over.

“Hello, are you here for an interview, please here.” Ling Xiaoxiao saw someone coming, and instantly returned to work, welcoming that person in.

“My name is Xia Bin. I belong to the Linlan Xia family. I practice Qi Ninth Level.” Xia Bin introduced himself with some dodgy eyes.

“Why would you want to join us?” Lin Chuan looked at him, and asked Xia Bin’s head lower and lower.

“Because I have no money, but I still want to stay here to practice.” Xia Bin raised his head, hesitated for a moment, and directly told the truth.

The rent of the Deling Building at this time is quite expensive. The monthly rent per square meter is 1,000 yuan, which is many times higher than other office buildings.

Don’t think that this is cheap for the cultivators. The cultivators live in and want to cultivate.

But if you want to set up a quiet room for cultivation, it doesn’t appear to be cramped. If you can practice quietly, it will cost fifty square meters, which is fifty thousand!

For the immortal cultivators with good backgrounds, of course it is nothing, but those with poor backgrounds are stretched out.

Of course, this rent is difficult for the cultivators, and it is definitely good for Lin Chuan.

Because the total office area of ​​Deling Building is nearly 50,000 square meters.

In other words, just to collect rent, Deling Building can receive almost 50 million yuan every month, a proper tool for attracting money!

Because the benefits were amazing, those who held shares in Deling Building also consciously returned most of their shares.

This makes Lin Chuan currently hold 90% of the shares, which belongs to the absolute controlling shareholder.

“You are very sincere, and you didn’t fix those empty heads.”

“Well, I will now tell you about the benefits of our company.”

“First of all, the company will provide you with a room on the top floor, so you can practice during non-working hours.”

“In terms of salary, one month is 30,000 yuan, and the year-end bonus is not included, depending on the usual performance.”

“In terms of welfare, every person who joins the job will have a gold card from the mall next door, get a 40% discount on purchases, and provide 30 soul-gathering pills every month to help with cultivation.”

“If there is a job that requires combat, the company will also provide 100 various magic charms.”

“By the way, the first few who came in have special benefits. They can join me to the once-in-a-hundred-year auction.”

He was so sincere, Lin Chuan was straightforward, and directly stated the benefits.

At the beginning, Xia Bin was okay. What Lin Chuan said was in his expectation, and his salary was even low.

But Xia Bin couldn’t sit still after hearing the back.

Thirty Spirit Gathering Pills every month, one can be eaten every day when practicing. This is a luxury that only the core disciples of the famous school can experience!

A hundred magic charms, is this to arm him into an output machine?

What shocked Xia Bin the most was that Lin Chuan said that he could take him to the auction!

What kind of fairy work is this!

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