Chapter 314 Do I Still Have A Chance?

“Are you dissatisfied with the treatment?”

“If there is any dissatisfaction, we can talk about it.”

After Lin Chuan saw that he had finished speaking, Xia Bin did not respond for a long time, and was a little uncomfortable.

It was the first time that he recruited immortal cultivators, and he didn’t know what the market was like.

For Lin Chuan, this salary is really nothing.

Needless to say, the salary, every month you can receive tens of millions of rent, which is not enough.

The golden card was provided by a young man, and the magic talisman was only needed by Lu Mao.

Pills are not rare for him, he wants to be able to get them from the gods at any time.

The only thing that can be called rare is the number of places to participate in the auction.

If Xia Bin is really dissatisfied, there is no problem at all by giving him a salary increase or something.

“Can you still discuss?” Xia Bin had just recovered, and he was dumbfounded when he heard what he said.

This treatment was already very good, and Xia Bin couldn’t believe what it was like to be better than this treatment.

“Of course it can be discussed. Looking for a job is a two-way choice. You can say what you are dissatisfied with.”

Lin Chuan said generously.

It’s hard to meet a person who has come for an interview. He is happy to chat more and accumulate experience.

“No, no, no, you have misunderstood. I have nothing to dissatisfy. The salary is already very good. Can I join the job now?”

Xia Bin hesitated, then shook his head abruptly, looking at Lin Chuan longingly and said.

Lin Chuan didn’t understand the market and offered a high price, that was his business.

If he doesn’t know what is good or bad, the lion speaks loudly, even if he can be hired, he will be fired after Lin Chuan learns the market.

Rather than that, it is better to get the treatment that Lin Chuan has promised.

After all, this kind of treatment is already very good!

“So you are satisfied?”

“I’m quite satisfied with you, you can join the job at any time.”

Lin Chuan was very surprised when he heard the words, but he didn’t show it, and said calmly.

“Okay, I’ll go back and clean up, and I will start today, President Lin, Assistant Ling, please take care of me in the future!”

Upon hearing this, Xia Bin stood up and bowed to the two of them, and then left excitedly.

“It seems that this guy is quite satisfying.” Lin Chuan couldn’t help joking after seeing this.

“I think it must be that your salary is too high, so he is so satisfied. If there are more people coming later, how about a lower price?”

Ling Xiaoxiao found a lot of things through Xia Bin’s expression, and felt that if the salary dropped a little, the applicants should also be satisfied.

“No need, I just want to use high treatment to attract immortals to come in.”

“Reducing the salary seems to save a little cost, but in fact there are more things to worry about. I don’t have so much leisure time to worry about these.”

Lin Chuan shook his head and rejected Ling Xiaoxiao’s proposal.

Anyway, these treatments are not even a mere dime for him.

If this kind of treatment can save him more snacks, it is totally worth it.

“It’s not my money anyway. Just do whatever you want.”

“But it seems that we are thinking about this too early. There are no people coming to apply for the job now. I don’t know when we can recruit enough people.”

Seeing his wealthy look, Ling Xiaoxiao couldn’t help but give him a blank look.

“Don’t worry about this, they should be here soon.” Lin Chuan smiled lightly and said meaningfully.

After Xia Bin returned to the place he rented, he began to pack things up and made a lot of movement, attracting many immortal cultivators to come and watch.

“Xia Bin, you haven’t lived for long, are you leaving now?”

“Let your family grit your teeth and support you with a little more money. Now it’s hard to leave and want to come back.”

A cultivator put on a look of considering him.


“The immortal cultivator blends into you like this.”

“Is your Xia family really a cultivating family?”

“If you don’t have money to repair any immortals, let’s find a factory to work.”

When other immortals heard this, they all laughed and ridiculed Xia Bin.

The details of Xia Bin’s stay here for so long have long been figured out by these immortal cultivators.

The Linlan Xia Family is said to be a family of Xiuxian, but in fact it is an ordinary small mountain village, but there was an immortal-cultivator in the ancestor who was an outer disciple in the small school.

Until Xia Bin practiced the techniques left by the immortal cultivator and successfully broke through and became a cultivator, the Linlan Xia family, the immortal cultivator family, was worthy of the name.

But for an ordinary small mountain village, it is too difficult to support a cultivator.

Xia Bin didn’t know how many hardships he had gone through before he had his current cultivation base.

These immortal cultivators around are much better off than Xia Bin, and naturally feel that they are qualified to laugh at him.

“I am not leaving, but moving to the top floor. I am now an employee of Deling Building Management Company!”

When Xia Bin heard them mocking the Xia family so much, his face was cold.

If they only mocked himself, Xia Bin wouldn’t feel anything.

But they ridiculed the Xia family who gave birth to him and raised him, frugalized food and clothing, and even smashed the pot and sold iron to provide him with spiritual resources, which made Xia Bin unacceptable.

“Oh, did you really apply for the job?”

“Chen Luoyu, didn’t you go to the interview, how is the situation?”

The cultivator turned a blind eye to Xia Bin’s face and looked at Chen Luoyu who had just come to join in the fun.

“Don’t mention it, the boss of the company was so arrogant that he said that it is not allowed to fall in love in the office.”

“Just break the company, and don’t let you talk about love, so what else is worth going? I turned my head and left!”

Chen Luoyu didn’t feel any pity at all, so he directly complained.

“Hahaha, good job.”

“Who do those people think they are? They want to recruit us.”

“I’m waiting for the day when no one will apply for the job, and they will tear up the job posting in a desperate way.”

The other cultivators all laughed.

“You don’t know what you missed.” Xia Bin shook his head when he heard the words and said, looking at them with pity.

“What can we miss?”

“No, it should be said that this broken company can give us anything, can he afford us?”

The cultivators were very disdainful of his words.

In their view, only a poor cultivator like Xia Bin would be hungry for food and join the management company.

“The company will give 30 spirit-gathering pills, 100 charms every month, and the opportunity to participate in the century-old auction!”

“Which one of you can offer such treatment?”

Xia Bin already regarded himself as a member of the management company. Seeing that they were so disdainful, he was full of dissatisfaction and directly stated the salary and benefits Lin Chuan said.


“The treatment of this company is so good?”

When he said this, everyone was shocked.

Chen Luoyu even ran away and went straight to the top floor.

“Excuse me… Do I still have a chance?” Chen Luoyu rushed to Lin Chuan and asked, panting.

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