Chapter 315 Zhao Gongming: Do you have other women out there?

“What are you talking about?” Lin Chuan recalled Chen Luoyu’s cool back when he left, and it was very interesting to see how anxious he was now.

“It was my fault to leave so hastily before.”

“Now I have thought about it. If I don’t talk about office love, there is no problem at all. Please give me a chance to become a company employee!”

Chen Luoyu stared at Lin Chuan with hot eyes, and seemed to want to tell Lin Chuan through his eyes that he had completely figured it out.

The treatment that Xia Bin said was really attractive, it was exactly the treatment of the core disciples of the famous sect, and even exceeded in some aspects.

Don’t even think that Chen Luoyu was also sent by a famous sect, but he came from a branch that has fallen.

The number of core disciples in the celebrity school is also very limited, so he is naturally out of his turn.

And now, as long as he joins Lin Chuan’s company, his password can enjoy the same treatment as a core disciple!

If that still doesn’t make sense, then there is a problem with his brain.

“I’m asking what you said in the last sentence.” Lin Chuan said with a light smile.

“Do I still have a chance?” Chen Luoyu hesitated.

“I can answer you now, there is no chance.” Lin Chuan’s smile became even stronger.

Opportunity is like a girl’s youth. If you say it’s gone, then it’s gone. No amount of masks can make up for it.

“…” Chen Luoyu’s expression froze in an instant.

He did not expect that Lin Chuan’s response was so decisive.

“Puff……” Ling Xiaoxiao couldn’t help laughing when he saw this.

“Then I’m sorry, goodbye.” Chen Luoyu heard Ling Xiaoxiao’s laugh, and his awkward toes could be buckled out of the three rooms and one hall.

He knew there was no point in staying here, he could only turn around and leave.

How unrestrained he was when he left before, how embarrassed he was now.

“Let’s let it go, let’s let it go.”

“Don’t stand in the way, I’m still rushing to the interview!”

“Such a good treatment, you can’t miss it.”

“No, no, there is no fool who would refuse such a good job opportunity, right?”

Before Chen Luoyu went out a few steps, a large group of immortal cultivators rushed over from the stairs.

They were blocked by Chen Luoyu, and they were very irritable, so they squeezed Chen Luoyu aside.

As a disciple of the Floating Cloud Fairy Sect, Chen Luoyu has never been so embarrassed.

After hearing the words of these immortal cultivators, poking his heart like knives, Chen Luoyu’s whole body is not good.

Obviously it was only one rejection, how could it be as if it was abandoned by the whole world?

When Chen Luoyu was in deep thought, the number of immortal cultivators rushing to the top floor did not decrease, but more and more.

Looking at this state, if the windows on the top floor were not closed, they were all planning to fly up.

When they found Chen Luoyu squatting in the corner, they glanced at it at most, and then continued to squeeze inside in a hurry.

Since Xia Bin revealed the company’s treatment, because the news was so explosive, it spread throughout the Deling Building in a short time.

All the cultivators were attracted by this treatment.

The core disciples of the famous sect are all cultivating in the heaven and the blessed land, so naturally they don’t need to come to rent a house to practice.

Therefore, among the many immortal cultivators in the Deling Building, none is a figure at the level of a core disciple of the famous school.

Hearing this treatment, how could I not be moved.

They rushed over, just not wanting to miss this opportunity.

So Chen Luoyu, who was squatting in the corner, made them very strange. Someone took the initiative to give up the opportunity?

Some immortal cultivators who knew the truth secretly laughed at Chen Luoyu, and missed what a great opportunity for a wishful love.

You know, Chen Luoyu was the first to come up for an interview!

“Don’t squeeze, line up in an orderly manner!”

“If there are people who squeeze inside, they will be disqualified for the interview directly!”

Lin Chuan hurriedly said loudly when seeing this crowded scene.

As soon as he said this, the immortal cultivators stood there honestly, not daring to move, for fear that Lin Chuan would misunderstand that they were going to squeeze inside.

“Wait here first, and Ling Xiaoxiao will distribute the form later. You can fill out an interview resume, and then you can go back and wait for our interview notice.”

Lin Chuan told them the arrangements for them only after seeing them disappear.

“Ah, do you still need to fill in your resume?”

“Isn’t that the process of interviewing ordinary people? When did we cultivators fill out the resume?”

“No way, the situation is better than people. Who told us to rush to get a job? If you have the ability, you just go back.”

“…Isn’t it just a resume? It doesn’t matter if you fill in it. This is a smart way to save everyone’s time!”

As soon as he said this, the cultivators couldn’t help whispering.

As cultivators, wherever they go, they are not treated like uncles by ordinary people, and even if they want to join a company, it is impossible to fill in a resume.

But no matter how they can’t accept it, they can only accept it.

No way, Lin Chuan gave too much!

“You take your time, don’t worry too much, those guys are honest, it’s okay to let them wait a little longer.”

After Lin Chuan said those words, he returned to the office and saw that Ling Xiaoxiao was making a form in a hurry, and stepped forward and comforted.

“Anyway, not being prepared, this is my mistake, and I will naturally try to make up for it.”

Ling Xiaoxiao responded with a full reply, and then continued to make the form.

After reading Lin Chuan’s recruitment notice, she thought that not many people would come for interviews, so she didn’t prepare these things.

As a result, when I look at the immortal cultivators who came for the interview, a large piece of Wuyang Wuyang, the problem that she did not prepare in advance is immediately exposed.

Thinking of this, Ling Xiaoxiao was upset, and admired Lin Chuan a lot more.

She was struggling to attract immortal cultivators to apply for the job. Lin Chuan waved her hand, and a large number of immortal cultivators lined up to apply for the job.

Is this the banknote ability?

Lin Chuan didn’t know that Ling Xiaoxiao had so much thoughts. Seeing that she was busy, he sat aside and happily played with her mobile phone.

Anyway, today, basically, nothing happened to him anymore.

Lin Chuan was scribbling the sound, and a notification popped up, the content surprised him.

[Zhao Gongming: Brother, you haven’t contacted me for a long time. 】

This extremely resentful tone is more like a deep-seated woman whose husband has not returned home for a long time.

Lin Chuan is really afraid of another sentence after him, do you have other women outside.

Just thinking about it, Lin Chuan felt like a chill.

[Xiaoyao Xian: Keke, big brother, if you have something to say, don’t use such a tone, I feel panicked. 】

[Zhao Gongming: Are you panicking? I am still panicking!

I’ve tried all of the collections of local love stories you gave me before, but now those fairies ignore me, what should I do? 】

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