Chapter 316 Big Brother, You Are Single by Ability

“Is the earth-flavored love words useless for the fairies?” Lin Chuan was a little surprised when he saw Zhao Gongming’s words.

These local love words are all carefully selected.

Even if you can’t make the chatting fairies startle, at least you can smile.

How can it be that the fairies ignore him?

[Xiaoyao Xian: Those love words shouldn’t have no effect.

If you don’t mind God of Wealth, can you show me the chat log? 】

Lin Chuan, who couldn’t figure it out, could only ask Zhao Gongming to record the chat to see if there was something wrong with his way of speaking.

He is actually very reluctant to be this love mentor, but there is no way, Zhao Gongming is so righteous to him, he naturally has to find a way to solve Zhao Gongming’s single problem.

[Zhao Gongming: No problem, there is nothing to watch.

With so many people, you want to see which chat log I have with. 】

The heroic Zhao Gongming, as expected, didn’t care about the trivial matter. He didn’t care at all about the chat log and directly posted a screenshot.

Lin Chuan didn’t know what it was like looking at the large row of contacts displayed on the screenshot sent by Zhao Gongming.

Obviously, Zhao Gongming seized the opportunity to watch the door in the Fairy Lounge and successfully added many Fairy’s WeChat accounts.

But with so many fairies, he didn’t pick up any of them, and ignored him.

What does this mean? It means that there must be a big problem with Zhao Gongming!

[Xiaoyao Xian: You can come here, choose what you think is better. 】

Feeling the troublesome Lin Chuan said helplessly.

[Zhao Gongming: I think the conversation is pretty good, it’s too difficult to pick.

Forget it, let me give you one. 】

It took Zhao Gongming for a while before he posted a screenshot of the chat.

Lin Chuan took a look and found that it was the chat history between Zhao Gongming and He Xiangu, and he immediately became interested.

[Zhao Gongming: Good fairy, I’m Zhao Gongming. 】

[He Xiangu: I know, I just added you today, and I’m not too confused, how could I forget it. 】

[Zhao Gongming: Yes, yes, fairies have a good memory, but you today make me especially remember. 】

[He Xiangu: (Curious) Oh, is there anything special for me today? 】

[Zhao Gongming: You are particularly annoying today. 】

[He Xiangu: (crazy) Why do I hate it? ? ? 】

[Zhao Gongming: It’s not that annoying, it’s likable, and never tire of it! 】

[He Xiangu: (shy) Brother Gongming, how weird you are today.

Let’s not talk about this anymore. Have you eaten it? Have you called a bunch of friends to drink and eat meat again? 】

[Zhao Gongming: I used to eat meat, but from today I have decided to go vegetarian. 】

[He Xiangu: Why? 】

[Zhao Gongming: Because you are my dish! 】

[He Xiangu: … Zhao Gongming, do you have any misunderstandings? 】

[Zhao Gongming: I have no misunderstanding, please take care of your mouth! 】

[He Xiangu: Why is this again? 】

[Zhao Gongming: Because I can’t help but kiss him at any time. 】

[He Xiangu: Abnormal! goodbye! 】

When Zhao Gongming sent another message, a red exclamation mark appeared.

[He Xiangu opened friend verification. 】

The following reminder is also very eye-catching.

Lin Chuan, who read the chat log, couldn’t laugh or cry.

In the beginning, Zhao Gongming’s local love words were still used well, and he immediately picked up He Xiangu, and they all called out Gongming’s eldest brother.

Zhao Gongming estimated that the effect of the local love talk was good, so he decided to make persistent efforts. Suddenly there were two more, one more explicit than the other.

Not only did this not make He Xiangu irritated, but on the contrary, it was too late and made her disgusting.

[Zhao Gongming: Brother, have you finished reading it, did I use the native love words you gave me, but she deleted me! 】

Zhao Gong obviously didn’t realize his problem, and he felt aggrieved.

[Xiaoyao Xian: When you are using the earth-flavored love words, you have to learn how to use it, and you can’t use it mechanically.

Is there anything else, let me take a look again. 】

Lin Chuan was too lazy to talk about him now. After commenting on one sentence, he asked him to send another chat record.

[Zhao Gongming: Why don’t I learn and use lively? I will send you a live-learning and lively use. 】

Zhao Gongming was not convinced, and quickly posted a chat record.

Lin Chuan saw that it was a chat record with Fairy Chang’e.

How about Zhao Gongming’s friendship, even Chang’e Fairy’s WeChat account.

Lin Chuan really wanted to see how Zhao Gongming learned and used.

[Zhao Gongming: Fairy, I went to farm today. 】

[Fairy Chang’e: Oh, what kind of field did you plant? 】

[Zhao Gongming: Fairy Chang’e’s smile is not as sweet as yours! 】

[Fairy Chang’e:? ? ? 】

[Chang’e Fairy opened friend verification. 】

The chat history was very short, Lin Chuan read it all at once, and then couldn’t help but put a thumbs up.

In front of Fairy Chang’e, she said, “Fairy Chang’e’s smile is not as sweet as yours.”

Isn’t this telling people clearly that this was sent to the wrong person, or was copied and pasted?

I have to say that Zhao Gongming is really a talent!

Lin Chuan laughed angrily by his hand.

[Xiaoyao Xian: This is also called learning and using? 】

[Zhao Gongming: Of course it was a living study and application, but there were too many people chatting at the time, and I forgot to see who the chatting person was.

It was just a small mistake, and Chang’e blocked me. It was really stingy. 】

Zhao Gongming still feels wronged.

[Xiaoyao Xian:…There should be nothing shorter than Fairy Chang’e, right? 】

Lin Chuan asked with a hint of hope.

If the chat history with Fairy Chang’e is the worst case, then Zhao Gongming still has a little chance to save.

[Zhao Gongming: Why not, there was a fairy I sent a message, and she didn’t even reply, so she blacked me out.

Are all fairies so rude now? 】

Zhao Gongming sent another chat record.

[Zhao Gongming: Bao, I went for a drink today, what kind of wine I drink, and your forever.

Bao, I am going to heaven today, what day I am going to, I like your every day.

Bao, I saw Tian today. What Tian looked at is as sweet as you.

Bao, I picked a flower today. What kind of flower I picked is like you smiling like a flower.

Bao, I watched the stars today. What stars I see is my true love for you. 】

[The other party has turned on friend verification. 】

“…” Lin Chuan was completely speechless.

It doesn’t say anything at first, it’s just a bunch of earthy love words, which is not disgusting when anyone sees it.

Just blacking out Zhao Gongming is already very kind.

How can this kind of emotional intelligence help him solve the single problem?

[Xiaoyao Xian: Brother, you are really single by your abilities, you have no emotional intelligence at all.

Xiao Li Yiqing, big teasing hurt the body, strong teasing ashes, don’t you understand? 】

Lin Chuan couldn’t help it anymore, and spit out directly.

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