My Pick Up Artist System

Chapter 157: Ben's resume

Rubbing the cold plastic of his chair's armrests, Ben tried to restrain himself from going outbreak monkey in the middle of this office...

It wasn't easy though, since the rude third interviewer criticized him as a waste with no regard for his feelings.

The elderly first interviewer didn't add anything but nodded his head in agreement. Though he wasn't as impolite, it was obvious he was thinking the same thing, as he gazed at ben with dismissal.

Bob, the second interviewer coughed. "My old friend at New York University recommended him, claiming he was very talented."

The third interviewer sneered "It says on the resume he only just arrived in New York City. It's his first undergrad semester. What talent can he have?"

At this rebuttal, Bob's face dropped. Although he agreed this interview was a waste of time, and didn't expect Ben's qualifications would be so weak, he still planned to give his old friend respect and not embarrass Ben. Yet, what was with the third interviewer's attitude? He should've been clear on this matter, but still showed no tact!

Bob's face turned red with anger. 'I'm a manager too!' He struggled to avoid raising his voice. "Paul, do you have a problem with me showing respect to my friend by interviewing his recommended applicant?"

Seeing Bob was about to escalate things, the first interviewer clapped the table to defuse the situation. "All right, we're all here already. Since Bob's friend recommended him, we might as well give the young man an opportunity."

Hearing this, and looking at Bob's glare, Paul snorted but didn't escalate any further, knowing that wouldn't be in anyone's best interest.

As for Bob, his face also relaxed, as he prepared to start the interview. However, despite supporting Ben, his expectations weren't any higher than the other two. Although he smiled, Ben noticed when he checked the clock on the wall, unable to hide his impatience.

Seeing this, Ben cursed in his heart. People looked down on him his entire life. Despite that, in recent months, he struggled with every inch of his being, fighting through rejection, failure, and even death! He didn't do it to be ridiculed here! He came here to strive for a better future! Not to be humiliated!

With his emotions still flaring, Ben dug his nails into his chair's armrests, as he subconsciously mumbled under his breath. "It's not okay, and if they don't do my interview properly, I'll set the building on fire…"

"What was that?" Bob asked as everyone squinted at Ben, not hearing what he said due to the low volume...

Realizing his emotions were a bit out of control, Ben cleared his throat. "I's an honor to be here for this interview. This building…I really admire…"

"Yes, it's a fine piece of architecture." Bob nodded. Knowing the situation was harsh on Ben, he tried to ease things with a nervous laugh... "Well, Benjamin, thanks for coming. We'll be starting the interview now." He glared at Paul. "If no one has any objections…"

Paul snorted but didn't say anything. He revealed himself to be…a habitual snorter…

Bob continued. "I suppose we'll start with your resume."

"No relevant work experience whatsoever…" Paul commented, before he checked out from the interview and switched his attention to his phone.

"Yes, well we all start from there, don't we?" Bob defended Ben, not caring that Paul stopped paying attention. It would make going through the motions less abrasive for Ben anyway.

The first elderly interviewer also frowned when he saw Paul's unprofessional demeanor.

Bob continued. "Benjamin, there were a few points in the resume I wasn't clear on…under extra-curricular activities, could you explain what you meant by:

climbing the ladder…

and pick up…"

Everyone in the room squinted as they glanced between the resume and Ben...

He'd never filled out a resume before. He was nervous when writing it and didn't have anything to put down. So, not wanting to leave it blank, he tried his best…adding anything that sounded reasonable...

The first interviewer answered Bob's question with a serious tone. "I understand the meaning. Although these old bones aren't fluent in the youth's terminology, I still know a thing or two." He stared at Ben with intensity, then pointed at him.

That was the moment Ben realized he'd f*cked up.

Then, the old man said it. "Pick up basketball, right?"

He smiled. "My grandson is an avid player. And climbing the ladder…I'm pretty sure I heard my niece mention that was a class in her gym…" He smiled and nodded at Ben. "An athlete, good lad…"

Ben's face remained flat. "Thank you...Sir…"

"Please, call me Jacob."

"Thank you...Jacob…"

The old man was much friendlier than before. After siding with Bob, he also decided to give Ben a chance given the circ.u.mstances.

"Okay…" Bob continued. "Could you explain some of the things you wrote under achievements?" He read out some that confused him:

"Fool's Gold,

Forever Dry,

Boxing out,

Defusing Traps,

Cat, Raven or Snake,

Poking the Dark Abyss,


Forever Filthy,

Boulder Holder,

Buttering Biscuits,

Baja Blast,

Lure the Tiger from the Mountain,

Athenian War Paint,


Everyone once again stared at Ben…

He swallowed. 'Ok…NOW I've f*cked up.'

Jacob frowned and narrowed his eyes at Ben. "Those should all be....jargon for specific skills, am I right?"

Ben sighed. "You could say that…" He knew it was over.

Nodding, Jacob leaned into the table and stared into Ben's eyes. "Benjamin…you're..."

Ben gulped as he prepared for the worst.

"a survivalist, aren't you?"

Ben…returned a slow nod… 'I did survive the death challenge...'

The old man's eyes brightened and he slapped the table. "I knew it! A real athlete! I love those shows, that Bear Grylls, it's incredible! Benjamin, you shouldn't be so modest! It's impressive for such a young man to do that!"

Ben blinked. 'Modest? Is that why I feel so ashamed despite having accomplished so much?

Is this what it means to be humble?'

Soon, humble Ben's interview continued…

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