My Pick Up Artist System

Chapter 300: Flower power

When Ben's photo received a standing ovation, Darryl couldn't help but scowl. 

It infuriated him that everyone reacted like that! Yet, even after all the fanfare, he was still confident he'd win. 'I don't believe there was anything special about his photo. But, even if he managed to fool others, one thing's still for sure: my technique was better! And that, should be enough to win!'

As someone who placed great importance on this contest, he wouldn't be unaware of the rules that gave a heavy weight to technical ability. So, as he recalled them, his face relaxed, having found something positive to deal with his discomfort. Yet, he wasn't the only one annoyed.

To his side, Stacy's face had scrunched into a grimace. 'THAT girl is getting more praise than me?' She didn't see how that was possible! Although the blonde didn't understand photography, she knew what was hot and sexy, and in terms of looks, she believed she was much sexier than Charlotte. No, she knew it for a fact! So how could it be that she only got a few words of admiration while that short girl received so much applause! 'Is short with glasses in style? Is this a new trend? Like the recent one of obesity being healthy and sexy?'

Stacy didn't get it, but she vowed to scour the brainwashing fashion mags when she got home, trying to understand this event. However, the ones in the toughest position at the moment weren't any of the photographers or models, but the judges, because they needed to score Ben's photo, and it wasn't a casual decision. Each one of them believed their scores would decide the winner of this contest. As for the entrants coming after? F*ck 'em.


Their deliberation took longer than with any of the pictures before, yet, with time pressing down on them, they all made their decisions.

The first female judge announced her score to the audience. "I rate this photograph…a 10!"

Gasps ensued from the audience! She gave it a higher score than Darryl's? It was shocking!

Darryl and Stacy also couldn't believe it! The redhead realized he might lose, and paled...

The blonde realized she was unhappy, and popped a Xanax in her mouth...

As for the judge, she was proud of her decision. Although Ben's photo wasn't perfect, it showed the kind of magic that technique alone could never capture, and that was enough to get the highest score from her.

Next, it was the obese judge's turn. His expression was complicated but he also announced his decision. "I give this submission the grade…of a 9!"

The audience began mumbling once again as they shifted forward in their seats. Now, the fight was on! Darryl and Ben were neck and neck with a 10 and 9 each, and the next judge would decide the winner. Darryl also sighed with relief. 'The last one must've been a fluke. That judge must dislike me because of my hair color…' 

He believed his redheaded people had been silently oppressed for thousands of years…

And that the dark-haired and blonde-haired persecutors needed to check their privilege…

As for the obese judge, he coughed, because announcing the judgment irritated his throat. It was a tough decision, but one he needed to make. Ben's photo was outstanding, marvelous. In fact, he believed it edged out Darryl's in quality. Yet, the judge's eyes couldn't accept it, because those eyes already belonged to another. He turned to gaze at Stacy. That's right, he was also a member of her OnlyFans!

Then, as he stared at her chest for an inappropriate amount of time, the other two judges cleared their throats, causing him to regain his professional attitude. He was a professional, at sneaking glances when no one was looking…

In any case, now, the scores were one to one, creating an air of tremendous tension in the room. Ben's hands became clammy, anticipating the impending climax. 

Meanwhile, to his side, Charlotte was even more anxious. She'd never squeezed her little hands together so hard. Even though she didn't care if her photo won the contest, she wanted the victory because Ben deserved it. As such, she clenched her jaw in anticipation, unable to recall the last time she desired something so much, until a moment later when she did remember, because it was only a few minutes ago when she prayed to find and kill that sniper…

Either way, it came down to the final judge, a very old woman with deep wrinkles and white hair. The room quieted down as the fiery eyes of every person fixated on her, awaiting her pivotal decision. Then, the woman closed her eyelids, as if entering deep contemplation about who to choose.

A minute later…she was still in that pose.

"Somebody check her pulse!"

The place became chaotic as everyone realized they were in a room with a corpse…

Anything could happen now. Would she become a zombie? A vengeful spirit? They didn't know! Even if unlikely, the chance wasn't zero...

Yet, their concerns soon ceased, because the old woman sat forward in her seat, opening her eyes and blinking as she noticed everyone staring at her with a mix of concern and fear of the unknown…

The elderly judge smiled. "Excuse me, I fell asleep." 

Everyone grumbled, but they couldn't bemoan it much. After all, who would they complain to? The one who decided to make old people enjoy naps?

Regardless, they were all relieved the third judge was fine; so much so that they didn't notice her eyes narrowing in a sneaky fashion, as her thin lips curved into a tiny smirk. The truth was, she wasn't sleeping. She just liked the attention!


At her age, it was difficult to even get her grandkids to visit her, so she pulled this move whenever she got the chance…

The first and second judges were more experienced than most of the audience though, so they shook their heads in disapproval. 'This is why we shouldn't have chosen one judge to be narcoleptic Nancy!'

Still, as old and wily as she was, Nancy was serious enough to do her duty. So, after the audience calmed down, she lifted her head and gave her decision. "For the final judgment…" She glanced at Ben and Charlotte at the back, who clenched their fists in nervousness.

"I choose to award…" She turned to Darryl and Stacy at the front, who leaned forward on their toes.

"Out of a score of one to ten…" She glanced at Ben and Charlotte again, whose hands were getting tired from over-exertion…

"Spit it out, grandma death!"

The random shout from the audience alerted Nancy that her time to soak in the limelight was ending, as she sighed under her breath, but announced her decision. "This photograph…gets a ten!"

The audience erupted!


"Are you serious?!?"

"He actually beat Darryl!"

No one could believe it! The massive favorite to win the competition had been dethroned! Despite having such a beautiful model too!

Darryl's face was dead. 'I…actually…lost?' He stared at the ground, lost. Everything was over now. All his plans ruined…

Meanwhile, Stacy's face was also unsightly; No longer beautiful but twisted in disgust, due to not only losing but doing so to such a nobody in front of everyone here. Why'd she even come here in the first place? 'Oh yeah…' Turning to look at the loser redhead next to her, her frown deepened. 

It was this bastard who coerced her out here but ended up full of sh*t! Instead of winning, she became a laughingstock! So why should she stay here a moment longer? Scoffing, the blonde stood up from her chair and stomped away, leaving the room as she cursed in her mind. 'The subscription fee is rising next month, assholes!'


The entire event was suspenseful and ended with a bang, resulting in the victory being seized by a black sheep from out of nowhere. It was so riveting that people wouldn't stop talking about it as they gathered their things to leave. At the same time, the few contestants whose photos hadn't been reviewed yet squinted in confusion as they remained in their seats. "I didn't get my chance to go ye--"

"Shut up! Read the room, fool!"


No one cared about them anymore. It was like a sports match with a one-sided score as the stadium began clearing out. No one cared about the heartbroken and the damned... The audience was too busy recovering from the shock of the result. After all, not a single person saw it coming, except for one…

Grinning, Ben turned to Charlotte. "You see, I told you that you were special..."

Hearing that, her heart fluttered, as she gazed at him with moistening eyes… Compared to winning any contest, those few words were the real prize for her, because no one had ever told her that before.

As for Ben, his words weren't empty either. He truly believed Charlotte was a special model, and his comment to Darryl about model quality was spot on too. Although Darryl's model was sexy, there was nothing more. She had no character. No special charm. She looked like any of a hundred other pretty girls you'd find on Instagram within a few minutes. Meanwhile, Charlotte's photos, displayed real soul!

In the end, recognizing that was what allowed Ben to secure the victory today. Hence, although he may have been dense in many aspects, over these past few months, he'd learned one thing:

Girls are all flowers, and all flowers bloom.

Only, each flower is different. With a different place or time where it blooms most beautifully, gracefully, and enchantingly.

There are flowers that bloom in private.

And flowers that become more attractive bundled together.

If there are flowers that shine in a bouquet, then there are also large flowers best suited for a vase.

In Charlotte's case, she was a fragile flower, one that sparkled brightest when flipping you the bird.

In any case though, a garden can never have enough flowers.


*Author's Thoughts: I hope everyone has been enjoying this arc. However, it's not the end, because there's still some unsettled business. Yes, I'm talking about a fugitive whose face remains recognizable...which in Ben's perspective, was the same as being unslapped...

How could he accept that?

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