My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 109: climb for grandpa

A drop of cold sweat oozes from Ren Li's forehead.

The attack from Liu Shengnan and Xie Yuan made him very uncomfortable.

If they can't break out of the encirclement as soon as possible, Ren Li and his party will become turtles in the urn!

Right now, the best way is to kill the three in front of you, then abandon the ship and escape.

Thinking of this, Ren Li's eyes flashed a trace of ferocity.

"Longlongyan, a million-ton punch, a crocodile, bites the artificial egg cells!"

The **** crocodile opened his **** mouth, moved his powerful hind legs, and swooped at Xie Yuan and the two of them!

And Long Longyan swung out a thick and powerful fist covered with scales,

A powerful and heavy energy whistled along with the fist wind!

"Dolby, hold on!"

The crocodile's bite failed to break the green barrier,

But Long Longyan's million-ton punch came directly at Liu Shengnan!

The terrifying strong wind whipped up Liu Shengnan's forehead hair, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes, but she calmed down immediately.

There are still four bullets in the chamber!

A graceful lower back, a million-ton punch left a terrifying hole in the corridor wall.

The entire second floor seemed to shake!

But Long Longyan was unrelenting, his blood-red eyes widened, and he threw another punch!

But this punch was blocked by Pylast's thick mushroom.


Pylast let out a painful cry, and the bright mushrooms dented suddenly, but flocculent spores suddenly splashed from the top of the mushrooms!

Each spore is like a winged worm, instantly wrapping the body of Rumble Rock!

On Long Longyan's body, densely packed with egg-shaped spores, the spores took root in his cracks, causing Long Longyan to scream in pain.

"Longlongyan!" Ren Li's expression changed.

A green energy visible to the naked eye slowly gathered in Pylast's body, Xie Yuan's face softened a bit, waved his hand, and shouted out the move:

"Pylast, the ultimate absorption!"

The mushroom worm infiltrating like a spider suddenly raised its forelimbs, revealing white sacs and black shading,

A terrifying grass-type energy is gathering!

If this ultimate absorption hits, Long Longyan will explain it!

Ren Li's complexion turned blue.

Just when he wanted to direct the gangster to help Long Longyan, a bullet suddenly hit his shoulder!

Staring at Liu Shengnan's muzzle, Ren Li's face showed an unbelievable look,

A large amount of blood splattered from the wound!

Did it miss?

Liu Shengnan lifted his sweat-soaked hair with regret, and stared at Ren Li coldly.

Forget it, the same goes for catching alive!

With a bang, Long Longyan was hit by the ultimate absorption and fell to the ground in pain.

"Come back to protect me, you bastard!"

Ren Li had no choice but to let the **** go back to his side, looking at the two people who were getting closer and closer,

His face gradually became crazy.

"Longlongyan, it exploded!"


The night watchman looked a little strange, with a ghost-like body, but a black tail was exposed.

But that doesn't stop it from moving!

I saw the Night Watcher suddenly pull away from the wall,

A pair of sharp bone claws emerged from its body, flashing a faint cold light!

Come straight to Lu Cheng!

Lu Cheng's complexion changed. I don't know if it was because of the system or because of this month's training, he had an almost intuitive instinct.

He subconsciously patted his belt and shouted:

"Variety monster, transform!"

The Variety Monster, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, suddenly covered Lu Cheng's body, Lu Cheng stretched out his fist, and slammed it towards Ye Xunling!

The small fist stone wrapped around Lu Cheng's arm also performed a "hardening" move, like a stone with sharp edges and corners, shining with a cold luster!

Ye Xunling flew onto Lu Cheng's arm, but it didn't hurt much, instead it flew out and let out a scream.


"This is?"

The real touch made Lu Cheng stunned. Can boxing hit Ye Xunling?

However, the body of the Night Watcher slowly emerged as its true body.

A somewhat messy Zoroja stared fiercely at Lu Cheng!


Lu Cheng was stunned for a moment, and at this moment, a figure suddenly rushed towards Lu Cheng!

Lu Cheng turned sideways subconsciously, bent over, and threw a straight punch!

The thin boy curled up in pain, but he still kept shouting:

"Wang Yingjie, go out and help the boss!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Wang Yingjie rushed towards the small cabin door.

But Lu Cheng was hugged desperately by the skinny boy, making him hesitate for a moment!

"Climb for you!"

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Lu Cheng pressed his knee against the boy's abdomen, making him hit the wall and coughed violently.

However, at the moment when Lu Cheng was dragged by the boy, Wang Yingjie had already rushed out of the room!

At this moment, Ren Li's loud cry came from outside the door:

"Longlongyan, it exploded!"


"Are you crazy?"

Standing at the door, Wang Yingjie was stunned and shouted at Ren Li.

Using a large self-destruct in this narrow corridor, let alone them, even the entire ship may be affected!

Ren Li was completely insane. He covered his bleeding wound, his eyes were bloodshot and he laughed loudly:

"Damn boy, you just happened to go to hell!"

Liu Shengnan suddenly rushed to Lu Cheng, grabbed Lu Cheng's shirt, and shouted:

"Hide behind Dolby's wall of light!"

"Lu Cheng, Xie Yuan, let your elves also use and defend!"

Just when the white light on Long Longyan's body could no longer be suppressed, Wang Yingjie's icy voice sounded:

"Kami turtle, water cannon!"

Lu Cheng subconsciously asked Liuwei to defend it, but the water cannon was not aimed at them!

I saw the surging water column violently rushing towards Ronglongyan, and large pieces of gravel fell off Ronglongyan's body, but it couldn't break free and screamed in pain.

At the same time, the white light of the big self-explosion gradually dimmed!

After the water cannon ended, Long Longyan fainted directly.

The smile on Ren Li's face also completely solidified!

"This..." Xie Yuan didn't react for a while.

"You're fine!" Ren Li said with a distorted with a grim smile, "Wang Yingjie, you're fine!"

Liu Shengnan was the first to react, raised his pistol and said, "Catch him!"

At this moment, a crew member wearing a white hat came in.

Looking at the mess, he said with a stunned expression:

"The sound just now..."

"Don't come here!" Liu Shengnan yelled:

"Let the security guard seal this place!"

However, it's too late!

This crew member is just an ordinary person, and he doesn't even have a Poké Ball.

Looking at the crew, Ren Li seemed to see the last straw for the man who was about to drown.

He suddenly flew towards the crewman, locked the crewman's neck with his intact right hand, and shouted:

"Don't move!"

"If he moves, I will strangle him to death!"

"Damn, why at this time..."

Liu Shengnan whispered in pain, and Ren Li's voice came:

"It's you who said it, stinky mother-in-law!"

"Put the gun down!"

Ren Li's face was covered in blood, and his shirt was splashed with blood, but his eyes were still blood red, full of hope for life.

"Stay here and don't move, I won't strangle him!"

Liu Shengnan still held the gun, his fingertips trembled slightly.

"What are you doing! Put down the gun for Lao Tzu!"

The crew's face was getting greener and greener, and seeing that he was about to lose his breath, Liu Shengnan sighed and slowly put his hand down.

Just when everyone's attention was attracted by the hostages, Wang Yingjie touched the wall and came to the end of the corridor.

Looking at Ren Li with a frantic face, a mocking expression appeared on his face.

Taking out the dark ball, he pressed the button on the crew.

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