My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 110: Golden cicada shells

Seeing Liu Shengnan put the gun on the ground, Ren Li showed a somewhat hideous smile.

"Now, step back..."

However, before he finished speaking, Ren Li felt that his hands were empty.

Looking down, a black fox bit his hand fiercely.

With a flash of red light, Zoroya was taken back by Wang Yingjie's dark ball.

Looking at Ren Li at the end of the corridor, Wang Yingjie showed a mocking smile and suddenly turned to flee.

Ren Li was stunned for a moment, then his eyes turned red, and he roared: "Stinky boy, you are plotting against me!"

The sudden change in the situation made Liu Shengnan also a little stunned.

But the next second, she said loudly:

"Dolby, awaken the power!"

The awakening power of the rock attribute sealed the retreat of Ren Li and the **** alligator.

"Pylast, hypnotic powder!"

At the same time, Pylast's hypnotic powder also fell on Ren Li, causing him to gradually pass out.

And Lu Cheng's forest lizard used the blade to make up for the crocodile, and he made a head.

Looking at the messy corridor, the three exchanged glances and breathed a sigh of relief.

"In this way, the task is completed."

"But that kid who escaped..."

"No need to chase." Liu Shengnan pulled his sweat-soaked hair, let out a sigh of relief:

"Later, I will let the captain search the whole ship carefully."

"That kid is also injured and can't escape very far."

Liu Shengnan picked up the pistol on the ground and handcuffed the unconscious Galaxy member.

And Xie Yuan patted Lu Cheng on the shoulder.

"Well done, boy!"

Lu Cheng smiled reluctantly, and immediately fell into deep thought.

"That Zoroja..."

Fang Cai, including Ren Li, didn't find anything strange about that crew member.

Only when Zoroya showed its original shape did Lu Cheng think of using a magnifying glass to detect it.


Personality: Afraid of loneliness

Trait: Transformer (Hidden Trait)

Matching move: random grab, surprise attack"

Judging from the matching moves shown, this Zoroja is obviously still weak.

Just its characteristics—

The Transformer was supposed to be the hidden feature of the Variety Monster, which allowed it to transform into the Elves it saw.

And it is this characteristic that gives Wang Yingjie the possibility to escape the golden cicada.

Lu Cheng sighed and clenched his palms regretfully.

This is the second time.

No more than three things!

After another two minutes, the security personnel who arrived after hearing the news blocked the scene and handed over to Liu Shengnan.

"Yes, from the association?"

Looking at Liu Shengnan's documents, the uniformed crew members were in awe.

Immediately, the three fainted Galaxy Group were handcuffed into the barn and monitored by special personnel.

The rest of the people began to search the entire cruise ship.

"However, I may have to tell you." The captain took off his hat with some embarrassment and said:

"Most of the ships on this ship are distinguished guests, and we can't force it..."

Liu Shengnan sighed and said, "I understand."

"Let's only search public areas for now."

"If there is no result, I will have to wait until I disembark the ship tomorrow to conduct an investigation."

The captain nodded thankfully.

At this moment, Lu Cheng felt someone tap his shoulder.

"Go and relax?" Xie Yuan, who had dark circles under his eyes, said with a smile.

"Looking at your expression, you seem to be very remorseful."

Lu Cheng sighed and said, "It's my fault, I couldn't catch him."

"You've done a great job."

At this moment, Liu Shengnan came over, his beautiful eyes narrowed slightly:

"This is your first mission."

"Besides, this time the information was wrong, thanks to you restricting those two boys."

At this moment, her tone became serious:

"Otherwise, Xie Yuan and I are likely to explain it here."

Xie Yuan scratched his chicken coop head. This time, he did not bring the Rafflesia Flower with him, which was obviously a wrong decision.

"Go back and let the boss deduct your salary!" Liu Shengnan stared.

Xie Yuan sighed and lowered his head in frustration.

"I'll go search with Xie Yuan first. If you're okay, you can go back to rest first." Liu Shengnan smiled at Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng glanced at his phone. It was only after nine o'clock, and it was far from his rest time.

"I'll go to the restaurant first." Lu Cheng scratched his cheek,

"I'm also very curious, thank you for the pastry that senior said!"

Xie Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up. Just as he was about to say that I was going with you, Liu Shengnan ruthlessly pulled him away.

Looking at the two who were leaving, Lu Cheng sighed.

At this moment, there was a sudden cold feeling from the abdomen.

Looking down, Slime was staring at those sesame eyes, looking at it pitifully.


And Liuwei also rubbed his trousers from the side, and called out with some complaints.

Looking at his elf, Lu Cheng gradually revealed a smile.

"Okay, okay, I know you're hungry, let's go eat!"


"A steak, a berry parfait, and a spicy pizza!"

Although the restaurant is a self-service model, you can also choose to order food, which is also free.

The taste of the steak was quite good, and the meat was quite delicious, which made Lu Cheng's eyes shine.

"This is the loin of Kentaro's upper loin, and the meat quality is very demanding." The waiter explained with a smile.

Lu Cheng's steak-cutting action stopped for a moment.

He couldn't help thinking of his grandfather's grumpy Kentaro.

But only for a moment, Lu Cheng stuffed a small piece of steak and chewed it.

Really fragrant!

Beside Lu Cheng, the three elves wearing napkins sat awkwardly in the children's chair.

The six-tailed tongue licked the ice cream with grace, while the forest lizard stared at the pizza with a wary face.

As for the Variety Monster, he looked left and right, staring at the napkin on his stomach, and Sesame Eyes suddenly lit up.

"Slime, come down, the tablecloth is not edible!"

"That's tableware! You can't eat it either!"

" Don't grab Liuwei's ice cream, Liuwei, don't!"

"Forest Lizard, use See Through!"

Finally, the forest lizard slashed the burning dining table in half.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Lu Cheng paid the compensation and hurried away.


"Have you found Wang Yingjie?"


In the hall, Lu Cheng met Xie Yuan with a tired face.

Xie Yuan yawned and said, "After searching for a long time, I found nothing, Brother Liu asked me to go back to rest."

Brother Liu?

This was the first time Lu Cheng heard Liu Shengnan's nickname.

As everyone knows, Liu Shengnan still has many titles in the association: a man's wife, a woman who hates marrying a woman, a blind date with a 99-game losing streak, and many other titles.

"Is that pastry chef still there?"

"The restaurant is still open, but the master you mentioned has already left work."

Xie Yuan sighed in distress and said, "Alas, I was thinking of having some sweets after work."

Lu Cheng took out a bag of soufflé from his arms and smiled:

"Well, I bought it specially for you."

"People don't allow take-out, and I even spent money on it!"

"Oh, that's great!"

Xie Yuan's eyes glowed, he took Shu Fulei, patted Lu Cheng's shoulder and laughed:

"In the future, if you have anything to do with the Armed Forces, just mention my name!"

"Is it useful?" Lu Cheng said with shame.

Xie Yuan touched his chin, thought for a while and said, "I don't know."

"Okay, it's been a busy day, let's rest early."

Xie Yuan patted Lu Cheng's shoulder and said with a smile, "Brother Liu said that he will report your outstanding performance to the superiors, so just wait for the reward!"

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