My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 112: Gorgeous Contest and Ribbon Competition

When taking the subway, the Pokeball also has to go through the security check.

Once the sprites such as double-bomb gas and naughty bullet are detected, they will be sent to the police station.

A foreign power gym owner who came to visit C country was detained by the police for carrying a naughty bomb, and even made headlines at the time.

So, if this kind of elves are really cultivated, the poke **** have to be transported by other means.

"Please put away your Poké Ball." The security guard responded with a smile.

Looking around, I saw a few huge posters on the wall.

On the screen, it is the recently popular movie star and her fiery red demon fox.

The fiery red demon fox is an evolutionary form of the fiery fox. The initial form is as cute as the six tails, but when it finally evolves, it becomes a bit curious.

With a dry and sunken face like an old witch, with a fiery red exploding head, holding up a dead stick like a witch wand with a faint ghost fire burning on it...

Lu Cheng sighed and said, "They are all foxes, why is there such a big difference?"


The subway in Modu is very clean, but it is also surprisingly congested.

On the subway, an urban beauty was holding a Porkpie, and that curious eggshell creature kept spitting on Lucheng.

Like a large ostrich egg, a Porkby emerged from the patterned eggshell, revealing a yellow, dry face that was densely freckled and intimidating.

The face seemed to be poked with a ballpoint pen with two faint holes, and Porkby stared at Lu Cheng from the two holes.

Lu Cheng had goosebumps, but a little girl had been teasing that Porkby.

When the little girl stretched her fingers to Porkby, Lu Cheng clearly saw a strange smile on Porkby's shriveled face!

"Sister, this Porkby is so cute!"

"Ha, yes, you will yawn even if you look at it!"

Covering his forehead, Lu Cheng got off the subway.

After walking for about half an hour, Lu Cheng's gorgeous competition hall appeared in front of Lu Cheng's eyes.

The official name of this splendid competition hall should be called "Minas Pavilion". It was built to commemorate the elf of the C-country contestant who won the championship in the World Gorgeous Competition, a shining Minas.

From the outside, the guild hall looks like a huge statue of Minas.

Because it is made of glass, the entire Minas Hall reflects sunlight, making the lifelike Minas even more moving.

The prototype of Minas came from a mermaid, but Lu Cheng felt that Minas was just a fish with beautiful tentacles and a slender body.

Entering from the main entrance of the guild hall, because it is a working day, there are not many people in the guild hall.

"Hello sir, the admission ticket is 200 yuan."

The guild hall is surprisingly large, like a European-style architectural style, with pictures of past winners of ribbons hanging on the walls, and the outside scenery can be seen from the floor-to-ceiling windows. The huge crystal chandelier hangs from the ceiling, and the marble staircase leads to the second floor of the clubhouse.

However, Lu Cheng couldn't find the fruit mixer after searching for a long time.

"Lu Cheng?"

Lu Cheng looked back, somewhat surprised.

You can actually meet this woman here!

Lu Ning changed into another Bodomian dress with a fringed hem and a feather-like pendant on her head. There was a scent of lavender on her body, and she was obviously well-dressed.

"Why did you come here?"

"I came to the Magic City for a tour. I heard that the Minas Pavilion is very famous, so I came here."

"Then you've come at the right time." Lu Ning said with a slight smile,

"There is a performance today, would you like to come and watch it?"

Lu Cheng had no interest in the Gorgeous Competition, shook his head, and said curiously:

"Looking at your outfit, are you going to play too?"

The Gorgeous Tournament also requires trainers to dress, so Lu Cheng asked.

"Yes." Lu Ning said with a shallow smile.

"The main reason for my return to the Magic City is to participate in the selection of this lovely ribbon."

Lu Cheng suddenly remembered that someone on the boat seemed to have talked about this.

"Do you already have a beautiful ribbon?"

Lu Ning nodded and smiled: "Yes, as long as you collect all five ribbons, you can participate in the national competition."

Lu Cheng sighed,

Unexpectedly, besides being a trainer, Lu Ning is also the coordinator of the gorgeous competition.

"By the way, there is also a junior ribbon competition today. Would you like to take this opportunity to try it?"

Lu Ning smiled, revealing a shallow pear vortex: "With your six tails, it's definitely no problem to take down the primary ribbon!"

"I'll forget it, I know nothing about the Gorgeous Competition..."

Just when Lu Cheng declined, the system suddenly sounded a beep.

"Ding - Discovery Mission 'Introduction to Coordinator'

Mission Objective: Obtain a ribbon of any level in the Gorgeous Contest

Quest reward: Title 'Junior Coordinator', skill 'Dynamic Vision' LV1!

Skill Description: Improve your visual response, slightly enhance image capture and perception. "

Lu Cheng's expression gradually became strange, and Lu Ning asked curiously:

"What's wrong?"

"Then what, where is the place to sign up?"

Lu Cheng showed a somewhat embarrassed smile: "Idle is also idle, haha"


Every Monday and every Saturday, the Minas Pavilion will hold gorgeous competitions of different levels.

And the ribbon of the gorgeous competition is only awarded to the first place in each competition.

Ribbons are divided into three levels: elementary, middle, and high. Generally speaking, only those who get the lower-level ribbons can go to the advanced assessment.

As for Lu Ning, it was with the long-eared rabbit that she achieved the triple jump and won the high-end beautiful ribbon in one fell swoop.

She also appeared on the cover of "Youth" magazine with this outstanding achievement.

In terms of rank, the high-level ribbon and the badge of a province are a match.

However, only the Minas Pavilion in the Magic City has the right to issue two kinds of high-grade ribbons, "beautiful" and "cute".

Therefore, the threshold of the National Gorgeous Competition is lower than that of the Trainer Competition.

"Gorgeous competition, how did it compare?"

Lu Cheng was still confused about the so-called gorgeous competition, so he had to cradle Lu Ning next to him.

"If you insist on comparing the law, it should be creativity."

Lu Ning smiled slightly and said:

"The gorgeous competition is divided into two parts, one is the move part, and the other is the battle part."

"In the part of the moves, UU reading judges will score the moves used by the elves, and those who meet the standards can get higher scores."

"In the battle phase, in addition to defeating the opponent, the more important thing is to show your own move creativity."

"Good ideas and moves can make opponents lose points while getting higher scores."

"The one with the highest comprehensive score at the end will get the ribbon!"

Lu Cheng nodded thoughtfully.

"Then what if the elf on the opposite side loses in the battle stage?"

"Knock out the opponent's elves, and lose a lot of points to the opponent."

"But if you are too reckless in battle, you won't get a high score."

Lu Cheng continued to nod his head thoughtfully.


Lu Cheng found a blind spot!

"What about eliminating everyone else's elves?"

Lu Ning's expression froze, and she smiled awkwardly:

"Because of the elimination system, in theory, all other elves lose their combat effectiveness, so there is no need to score..."

"I understand." Lu Cheng suddenly realized,

"So, as long as you eliminate your opponents in the battle, you can get the ribbon, right?"


Lu Ning didn't know whether to nod or not.

In theory, in the battle between the coordinators, the opponent will be defeated in the most gorgeous way possible, because the score is higher and it is not easy to lose points.

But if you come up to eliminate everyone...

She always felt that Lu Cheng had misunderstood something.

Looking at Lu Cheng's murderous look, he rushed to the counter to sign up,

Lu Ning murmured with some shame:

"I hope nothing goes wrong with his group..."

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