My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 113: Gorgeous contest, that's all?

"Hello, I want to apply for the junior cute ribbon competition!"

The staff was taken aback by Lu Cheng's aura, but they still smiled with their excellent professional qualities:

"Hello, for the evaluation of the primary ribbon, please pay 1,000 yuan."

"So expensive?" Lu Cheng clicked his tongue.

Different from the gym, the ribbon evaluation of the Gorgeous Competition requires payment.

This is also the reason why the Gorgeous Competition has always been relatively small in China.

Complaining returned to complaining, Lu Cheng still paid the money.

"May I ask what your spirit is?"

Having received the money skillfully, the smile of the staff became more cordial.

"Six tails!"

There was a burst of red light, and the brightly colored Liuwei tilted his head and let out a whimper.


Since it was a cute ribbon, Lu Cheng still decided to let the cutest Liuwei play.


Seeing Liuwei, the eyes of the staff lit up.

She has worked here for a long time and has seen many coordinator elves, but none of the six-tailed fur is as outstanding as the one in front of her!

Bright hair, fiery red tail, and shiny body, you can imagine the soft touch just by looking at it!

Just by its appearance, it has already surpassed many elves of professional coordinators!

Taking a deep breath, the staff resisted the urge to stretch out their claws and said with a smile, "Please put away your number plate."

"Good luck!"

Lu Cheng took the number plate.

There are at most five people in a group, and the number plate Lu Cheng got is "5".

"Aren't you going to change your clothes?"

Beside him, Lu Ning reminded kindly, "Dazzling costumes can impress the judges deeply."

At this moment, a man with feathers all over his body, like an Indian native, passed by with a wave.

"You mean..." Lu Cheng fell into deep thought.

"No." Lu Ning smiled embarrassedly, "Odd clothes don't count!"

Another aunt who was round and fat, wearing a pink sequined dress, passed by with a pink alien creature like a fat pig.

Lu Cheng continued to ponder.

"Forget it, you should still wear your own clothes." Lu Ning said while holding her forehead.

Lu Cheng nodded cautiously.

Compared with these people, your casual clothes are a plus!

At the circular entrance, Lu Ning and Lu Cheng said goodbye.

"I'm going to prepare for my game." Lu Ning waved his hand and said with a smile, "See you later!"

To be honest, Lu Cheng doesn't know anything about the gorgeous contest.

But since I am No. 5, the best way is to learn and sell now.

As a contestant, Lu Cheng stood in the backcourt with the first four.

"Later on the stage one by one, let your elves show their moves!"

The man like a director said solemnly.

The four people in front of Lu Cheng nodded as if they were familiar with each other, and Lu Cheng had no choice but to nod.

At this moment, the man said to the walkie-talkie, "Okay, let's get started!"

The curtain opens!

With the dazzling glare of the stage, Lu Cheng realized that they were standing in the center of the stage.

And in the auditorium in front of them, audiences were sitting in twos and threes.

At the front are five serious-looking judges.

There are actually as many judges as there are contestants!

Looking at the nervous expressions of the players in front, Lu Cheng couldn't help but secretly said:

There is still a face for this thousand yuan!

"Please show the No. 1 contestant."

On the jury's seat, a kind old lady with white hair and gold-rimmed glasses smiled.

This made the first girl with braids sighed in relief.

The white powder on her face looked a little dazzling under the strong light, and she commanded in a trembling voice:

"Nidoran, use sleep!"

The speckled blue mouse shook the whiskers on its lips, and suddenly trembled violently, closed its eyes, and stomped on the ground like a corpse.

8, 10, 6, 7, 8

The judges gave a high score of "39"!

The kind old lady who played very kindly smiled and said, "Yes, your Nidolan's sleep is very contagious, making the old lady a little sleepy."

Saying that, the grandmother took off her gold-rimmed glasses and rubbed her eyes.

"thank you!"

The girl thanked her as if she had received an amnesty, and walked aside with Nidolan in her arms.

Lu Cheng's eyes twitched.

That's it?

Is this a gorgeous contest?

I feel like my IQ has been insulted!

The second contestant was a little Lada with bright fur, but Lu Cheng couldn't associate the grinning "angry front teeth" with cuteness.

The third contestant, a naive Tulong brother, yawned, and there was nothing left.

The fourth contestant had some bright spots, a scarlet compound-eyed Ba Butterfly used the wind to blow the rose petals onto the judges' table, which made the grandma nod her head.

However, the beautiful judge with blond hair and waves in the center covered her face and sneezed.

"The judge Xia Lu is allergic to pollen." The grandmother explained apologetically.

At the same time, Xia Lu only raised the low score card of "3".

Ba Ddie's trainer's face was ashen, a petrified appearance.

Finally, it was Lu Cheng's turn.

Lu Cheng had some doubts.

gorgeous contest,

That's it?

Throw out an elf, let the elf use a move, and you're done?

But up to now, it can only go up.

After clearing his throat, Lu Cheng commanded:

"Six tails, use sparks against the sky!"


Looking at Lu Cheng's six tails, a gleam of light flashed in the kind old grandma's eyes.

To be honest, the performance of several players just now was really unsatisfactory.

Even the most basic appearance of the elves did not meet the standard for awarding She only gave each of them ten points out of not attacking them.

At this moment, Xia Lu next to her whispered, "Mr. Xiao, look at this six-tailed..."

The grandmother nodded and said in a low voice, "Just from the color of the fur, this six-tailed elves are already better than other elves."

While the judges were talking, Lu Cheng's command had already been given.

"Six tails, use sparks against the sky."

In the amazed eyes of the judges, splendid sparks fell from the sky like fireworks, and the sparks instantly ignited the atmosphere of the whole show.

The audience who were talking at the beginning also stopped talking and watched Lu Cheng's command.

The beautiful firelight made the color of Liu Tai's coat even brighter.

The characteristics of the six tails, start the fire!

I saw the six tails standing in the sparks, the six tails stretched out, and the pupilless eyes glowed with a purple luster.

Lu Cheng didn't know if he could continue to command after he finished talking about his moves, he just looked up at the sky like other players.

Afterwards, it was Liuwei's own performance.

The six tails are like an elves chasing flames, with flames burning on their bodies, dancing lightly, and sparks surrounding it like butterflies.

With the end of the spark, the audience burst into warm applause.

Xia Lu's eyes lit up, and she whispered to the grandmother:

"This kind of use of sparks is rare."

The grandmother nodded and said with a smile:

"Thanks to the characteristics of the six tails, otherwise it would be self-defeating."

In the grading session, the judges unanimously raised 10 points.

Only the old grandmother wearing gold glasses held up a six-point scoreboard.

Feeling the strange sight, the old grandmother adjusted her glasses and looked at the six-tailed with a smile.

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