My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 133: Is this the temperament of the strong?

The Summer Festival was held on August 28 for three days. It was the last festival for the majority of students before the school started.

During the three days, various activities will be held.

In line with the concept of "enable more people to participate in it", even ordinary people can compete on the stage and enjoy the pleasure of being a trainer in the battle performance of this conference.

And Lu Cheng, at the moment, is standing under the circular arena, watching a well-matched duel.

The uncle on the left seemed to be commanding an elves to fight for the first time. His face was flushed with excitement, and he even called the name of the move wrong.

"Horn Bud, use numbing powder, oh no, hypnotic powder!"

"It doesn't matter, it's all the same!"

On the opposite side, the man who was on the verge of going bald was not to be outdone, and commanded loudly:

"For walking grass, we use whatever powder we use on the opposite side!"

The head is like a strange species of trumpet, walking on slender rhizomes, and there are thin eyes on both sides of the trumpet.

I saw that the trumpet bud suddenly aimed its mouth at the walking grass, whistling violently.

Purple poisonous powder!

However, the poisonous powder has no effect on the walking grass at all!

And the purple deformed creature, the rotten vegetable leaves on the forehead suddenly overflowed with purple powder.

The poisonous powder of the walking grass also has no effect on the trumpet buds!

The two uncles looked at each other in confusion.


Since ordinary people don't know much about elves' attributes and restraint, the two elves are fighting each other with vines and flying blades with little effect.

In the end, Horn Bud came out on top and won the victory.

The uncle blushed with excitement, suddenly raised his trumpet bud high, and waved vigorously to the audience under the stage.

There was a good-natured laughter from the audience.

The number of trainers is actually quite small, more like the uncle in front of him, who only owns elves, but has never fought elves, and has no knowledge of elves' expertise.

However, their love for elves alone is enough to move Lu Cheng!

For this "Battle Show", the organizing committee specially set up an amateur group and a professional group.

The players in the amateur group are ordinary people who have not undergone battle training, while the professional group is a novice trainer like Lu Cheng.

In the amateur group competition in the morning, the uncle won the final victory.

And his trumpet bud also successfully evolved into a dumb flower after defeating his opponent's Little York, which made him tearful on the spot.

I saw him holding up the mouth dumb flower high, and the mouth dumb flower took the man's head into its huge cavity—

Although the picture is very scary, this is a way for Duan Hua to express her goodwill.

"Next, please enjoy the battle performance from the professional group!"

Since it is a ring system, Lu Cheng only needs to wait until his name is called before entering.

When he appeared on the stage, someone recognized his identity as the U20 champion, which immediately attracted a burst of cheers.

"It's miserable, how can you get a bonus!" The players in the audience were pale, and even had the idea of ​​abandoning the game.

And the level of this competition is really average, and it cannot be compared with the U20 competition.

After defeating the four opponents in a devastating way, Lu Cheng faced the first opponent who was fairly capable.

His elf is a Bibi bird, with a long barbed beak and sharp eyes, it can even be regarded as a vicious bird.

"Now, please enjoy the wonderful battle brought by Wang Er and Lu Cheng!"

Wang Er?

This name sounds familiar.

Could this trainer be the grandson of Uncle Wang?

Lu Cheng thought with shame, but Wang Er first greeted Lu Cheng:

"My mother keeps mentioning you to me!"

Although I don't know what it was, it undoubtedly caused a great psychological shadow on Wang Er!

Looking at Wang Er's resentful expression, Lu Cheng sneered: "My mother often mentions you to me too!"

"Really?" Wang Er's eyes lit up, "That's really great!"

Lu Cheng secretly said, it is often mentioned, but it is just a negative teaching material.

"Anyway, I will try my best to win this game!"

"Go, Bibi Bird!"

Looking at this brightly colored Bibi bird, Lu Cheng's eyes lit up.

Statistically, this Bibi bird is proficient in two skills: lightning flash and wind.

And this will not cause much damage to the small fist stone after the slime is transformed.

As the opponent of the slime's first battle, this Bibi Bird is also qualified!

"Go, little fist stone!"

(I'll take a good look at Bibi Bird later, and try to win this transformation form!)

Lu Cheng tried to communicate with Slime by "having a heart-to-heart".

Hearing the sound of "Mum", the slime burst out of the Poké Ball and turned into a small fist stone.

Seeing Xiaoquan Stone, Wang Er said with a serious expression: "As expected of a champion, my elf attributes are completely restrained!"

"If it was hurt by falling rocks, Bibi Bird would not be able to fly."

"In terms of ground combat, Xiaoquan Stone has the absolute advantage."

"Damn, what a deep calculation!"

What are you talking about, slimes won't "fall rock" at all!

Even if it turned into a small fist stone, it would only "rounder" and "harder", barely including "collision", there were only three moves in total.

This Wang Er seems to be a little too cautious...

"Little fist stone, harden!"

"Oh?" Wang Er raised his glasses and said, "Not in a hurry to attack, but to expand his defensive advantage, so that Bibi Bird can't start."

"Tsk, worthy of being a champion, it's really tough enough!"

"It's a pity that on my side, I won't admit defeat!" Wang Er shouted, "Bibi Bird, the wind is blowing!"

The wings flapped, setting off a whirlwind, and the hardened little fist stone didn't move at all!

"Little fist stone, become round!"

"Damn, you still haven't attacked!" Wang Er bit his lower lip and said:

"It becomes round after hardening. Is this a psychological tactic?"

Suddenly, a light flashed through Wang Er's glasses, and he shouted loudly:

"I understand!"

Lu Cheng said with a confused expression, "Huh?"

What do you understand?

"Don't look surprised!" Wang Er hummed, "I'm studying the tactics of each of your players."

"You are waiting for me to relax my vigilance and let Bibi bird launch a melee attack, and then let Xiao Quanshi attack."

"Let me mistakenly think that the defensive back is actually a defensive counterattack!"

The audience was in an uproar and said with emotion:

"So it is, is that so?"

"Although I don't know what he's talking about, it looks amazing!"

"That champion is so cunning!"

"As expected of a champion, he has such a deep scheming." Wang Er adjusted his glasses and sneered:

"But it's a pity, Champion Lu, you've already been seen through by me!"


At this moment, Slime's cry came from his heart.

It has completed the transformation form of Bibi Bird!

In this case, Lu Cheng's purpose of letting Slime play has been accomplished.

"Turn into a Bibi bird!"

Wang Er was taken aback by Lu Cheng's command.

"What? This, isn't it a small fist stone?"

"Slime, transform!"


After the transformation, the ever-changing monster suddenly dashed towards Bibi Bird.

Wang Er didn't even react, UU reading www.uukanshu. When com looked at the ring again, Bibi Bird had been knocked off the ring by the Variety Monster.

"This, this is just a variety of monsters!" Wang Er stammered.

Wang Er has been fooled!

Immediately, there was a burst of enthusiastic cheers.

"What happened just now?"

"I don't know, it seems that the little fist stone suddenly turned into a Bibi bird!"

"Damn it, that elf is an ever-changing monster!"

Lu Cheng smiled and patted the pale-faced Wang Er on the shoulder, preparing to go to the next game.

Wang Er, who was stunned for a while, looked at Lu Cheng's back, and was suddenly deeply moved:

"I didn't choose to speak for fear of hurting my self-esteem, but they encouraged me with a pat on the shoulder!"

Wang Er looked up to the sky, and there seemed to be tears in the corners of his eyes.

"This, is this the bearing of a strong man!"

Ding - Mission 'Summer Festival Battle Show' completed!

Mission Objective: To win the first place in the battle performance at the Summer Festival.

Quest rewards: 1W cash, 5 potential points, and the skill CD "Till the end"!



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