My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 134: fireworks display

The last day of the summer festival is the much-anticipated fireworks display.

At that time, a lot of bright fireworks will be set off by the West Lake.

Both ordinary people and trainers can enter with tickets.

It is also a holy place for many couples to date.

Lu Cheng's fingers trembled a little, and cold sweat even oozes from his forehead.

Looking at the sweet **** on the cabinet, he took a deep breath and called the senior sister.

"Hey, senpai, are you going to the fireworks festival tomorrow night?"

"I'm sorry..." The senior sister on the other end of the phone sounded a little low.

"I might not be able to go tomorrow..."

The corners of Lu Cheng's eyes jumped, and he said in a wide voice, "It's alright, alright!"

Senior Sister hesitated for a moment and said, "My dad, maybe he will be back tomorrow."

Lu Cheng didn't know much about Senior Sister's father, so he was stunned for a moment.

"My father, don't allow me to go out at night."

Senior Sister sighed softly.

"But, they're already college students..."

"He's a very stubborn person."

Lu Cheng put down his phone in frustration, and when he looked back, his elves were staring at him with concern.

Six-tailed was lying on the forest lizard's shoulder, his eyes sparkling, and the slime's sesame eyes also revealed great curiosity.

Even the carp king put his big flat head against the glass, reflecting a big fish face.

"Forget it, take them together." Lu Cheng touched his nose and said.

"Just give yourself a vacation!"


Night fell quietly.

There were already a lot of people on the edge of the West Lake. The cool wind was blowing, and it was a gentle summer night.

The purple sky is cloudless, only the bright moonlight shines down.

This is undoubtedly a good day for a fireworks display.

"Pikachu balloon, Fat Ding balloon!"

"Sweet water, delicious sugar water!"

A magic wall puppet showed a peculiar movement, attracting the attention of many passers-by, while the stall owner smiled and filled the child with immortal grass ice.

"Mom, how long does it take to start?"

"Don't worry, there's still an hour left!"

Lu Cheng leaned on the railing and looked around.

A folk singer was sitting beside Roar Bomb and sang to himself, while Miao Miao was walking past the crowd with a bucket in her mouth.


People are throwing money into Miaomiao's cornucopia.

Lu Cheng looked at this scene with a smile, and for some reason, he suddenly sighed.


The six tails flexibly wrapped around Lu Cheng's neck, the six tails dangled on his shoulders and rubbed his neck affectionately.

Suddenly, its eyes lit up and it called out in one direction.

Lu Cheng looked in that direction curiously and said in surprise.



"This year's Jiangcheng Fireworks Festival will be held by the West Lake tonight. It is reported that this will be the biggest fireworks festival in recent years."

Mu Wen turned off the TV and walked to the window.

Mu Dan's black car just drove away from the door, and as the door was locked, Mu Wen felt as if something was closed.

Outside the window, there is a quiet high-end villa area, and the sound of cicadas is quiet.

A wooden owl who flew over for some unknown reason was standing on the top of the tree dozing, and was suddenly startled by the strange long-tailed hand that came up.

Mu Wen smiled at this scene and sighed softly.


Suddenly, Mu Wen felt a chill on her wrist.

Looking down, she saw a crystal clear and versatile monster crawling in from the window, and the mucus splashed onto her hand.

"Variety monsters?" Mu Wen was a little stunned.


And this cry was more familiar, Liuwei stood on the treetop of the original Mumu Xiao, and shook his tail towards Senior Sister.

"This is?"

Mu Wen was stunned for a while, then suddenly came to another window.

Outside the villa, Mawell was sitting on Lu Cheng's neck, trying her best to look inside the villa.

"Marville, have you gained weight!"

Maville turned her head, her hard yellow face was full of blush, and her eyes were full of blood and tears and cried.


(No, don't talk nonsense!)

"Are you really sure that Senior Sister wants to come out?" After hesitating for a while, Lu Cheng asked nervously.

At that time, Lu Cheng was waiting for the opening of the fireworks festival by the West Lake, but he didn't expect Mawell to slip out alone.

According to its flustered description, the senior seems to have been watching the reports of the fireworks display at home, and it was only because of her father that she couldn't sneak out.

(Master, she really wants to come out!)

Lu Cheng relied on "heart-to-heart" to barely understand Mawell's words, and was finally dragged by Mawell to the villa.

"Okay, okay, did you see Senior Sister!"

Maville turned her head and turned her big mouth, the bangs beside her ears swayed in the wind.


Marville swung vigorously with the big mouth above her head.

Next to the window, Senior Sister waved at Lu Cheng.

Because of the distance, Lu Cheng couldn't see her expression.

Suddenly, she lowered her head.

The phone vibrates.

"Sister: Wait for me."

After a long while, Senior Sister changed into light black clothes.

Then, she threw the torn rope from the sheet from the window more than three meters high!

Seeing Senior Sister take a deep breath, Lu Cheng hurriedly shouted:

"Slime, transform!"

Senior Sister looked at the ever-changing monster beside her, who suddenly turned into a Bibi bird in amazement.

Pulling back the hair by her ear, senpai took a deep breath.

Grabbing Bibi Bird's claws, Senior Sister landed lightly and suddenly grabbed Lu Cheng's hand.

"hurry up!"


"There's still half an hour before the opening, you have to hurry up!"

"Oh oh!"

The two just ran like this, Senior Sister took Lu Cheng's hand and ran in front.

The fragrance came from the top of the hair, and the six tails also jumped down from the top of the tree, and the lightning flashed and fell on Lu Cheng's shoulder.



"Fortunately, I caught up!"

The splendid fireworks dyed the sky by the lake red, and the splashing sparks reflected the lake surface red.

Everyone raised their heads in unison, and even the senpai opened her mouth slightly, admiring the stunning scenery in front of her.

In the air, countless fireworks split into golden flowers, and even Pikachu, Eevee and other shapes.

"It's so beautiful." Senior Sister murmured.


"You didn't watch the fireworks!"

Lu Cheng was staring at Mu Wen's profile, distracted, and coughed awkwardly:

" I plan to let Liuwei evolve before college."


The splendid firelight shot up into the sky, reflecting the senpai's cheeks flushed.

She twisted her hair by the side of her ears and said with a smile:

"No matter what decision you make, I will support you."

There was a sudden shortness of breath, Lu Cheng touched his nose and looked away.

I don't know when, Lu Cheng's elves also got out of the poke ball.

"Mum!" Six tails lay on Lu Cheng's shoulders, shouting at a six-tailed firework.

"Exactly." The forest lizard embraced the bone sword and nodded slowly.

The Variety Monster didn't make a sound, and Sesame's eyes seemed to be shining with longing light.


Only the carp king looked at the sparkling lake, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Water splash!

It jumped high, and suddenly slammed its head into the railing.

The carp king's turban fell off and was instantly wet with tears.

Mama, the fireworks display is not fun at all!



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