My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 151: Heartbroken old iron (1/5)

Yuan Hongliang is a well-known training maniac in the elf department.

Every day I have to soak in the training room for more than three hours, and I can't be shaken.

As the former president of the Battle Club, the members both love and hate him.

Love is because under his leadership, Jiangnan University has achieved an unprecedented top four in the National Freshman College Competition.

And the hatred is because he is too strict, and he is equally serious in life.

However, after he left office, his performance against Zhan Club declined, and he only achieved the top sixteen.

Yuan Hongliang walked into the room with a shoulder bag on his back, but unexpectedly found that someone was already in the training room.

"Forest lizard, Leaf Blade!"

Yuan Hongliang, who wanted to leave, was attracted by Lu Cheng's training content.

This accuracy training, dubbed "fruit ninja" by the members, is also a project he is very good at.

It's okay not to look at it. Looking at the scores on the LCD screen, he almost glared off his eyes.


Yuan Hongliang is well aware of the perversion of this training.

Every 100 mark is equal to a bottleneck.

After this bottleneck is exceeded, the difficulty of the level will skyrocket.

Even Yuan Hongliang was only able to break through 300, and only had a record of "305"!

However, the boy in front of him, and the forest lizard, still look unhurried!


The forest lizard shouted loudly, and the leaf condensed in his hand directly hit the tricky golden ball, and the word plus ten popped up on the screen again!

Even Yuan Hongliang couldn't help but get nervous.

It will be 300 soon. Will the forest lizard survive the "bomb" difficulty?

Seeing that the score was approaching three hundred, Lu Cheng's expression gradually became serious.

Facing the sudden acceleration, he said solemnly, "Forest lizard, use see through!"

This is his recent new discovery, seeing through can enhance the hit rate of the forest lizard's blade!

What's this?

Can see through also be used as an auxiliary skill?

Yuan Hongliang opened his mouth wide, and in his astonished eyes, naughty thunderball-shaped **** flew out one after another, but the forest lizard was not in a hurry, and the blade hit the red ball again at a tricky angle!

300 points!

The score on the screen made Yuan Hongliang's heart lift again.

Five more points and his record will be broken!

A golden ball flew out!

How can you brush golden **** at this time!

Yuan Hongliang's complexion changed, this was a big challenge for trainers!

Although the golden ball has a high score, its hit rate is extremely low, and if it misses a hit, 10 points will be deducted!

At a high speed of 300 percent, the golden ball has almost no chance of hitting!

Pity. Yuan Hongliang sighed.

This kid, had a chance to break my record.

However, Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed!

"Forest Lizard, give up the rest and aim at the golden ball!" Lu Cheng shouted loudly,

"Use Throw!"

Yuan Hongliang was taken aback.


The hit rate of the throw is much lower than that of the blade!

However, a sharp sword intent struck!

What the hell?

This forest lizard actually threw a long sword!

But, is this trajectory really going to hit?

The bone sword deviates a bit, and finally hits a bomb.

Lu Cheng's score stayed at "300".

"It's such a pity." Lu Cheng sighed, "It's almost!"

Yuan Hongliang sweated silently.

Unexpectedly, he actually became nervous just now!

Lu Cheng turned around and was suddenly startled by Yuan Hongliang.

"Uncle, who are you?"


Although I, Yuan Hongliang, are a little more mature, I'm far from my uncle's age!

Yuan Hongliang said with a dark face, "I'm a junior."

Since he was not sure about Lu Cheng's age, Yuan Hongliang just said:

"Student, I think you have a good understanding of the training content."

"Three hundred points, I practiced for a long time before I rushed up."

Lu Cheng nodded knowingly and said with emotion, "Yes, I've been stuck at 300 for a week!"

"It's just going up today, it's really hard!"

Yuan Hongliang almost didn't get it right in one breath.

One week?

I had been on the 300 cal for a year at the time!

This kid, it's not like this is how you blow B, right?

We have to dismantle this stinky boy!

Yuan Hongliang coughed and said, "Classmate, if you can use advanced equipment, you should also be from the Zhan Club, right?"

Being able to use a high-level target and hitting 300 points, it makes no sense not to be a member of the Battle Club,

Maybe even the school team.

Yuan Hongliang wanted to use his name as the former president of the Zhan Club to mention this kid, not to be too public.

After all, even if he is a member of the school team, he has to give him some face!

"What kind of fighting club?" Lu Cheng was taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled.

"No, I'm a freshman this year!"

Looking at Yuan Hongliang, who was suddenly coughing violently, Lu Cheng looked confused.

This senior, why does he keep coughing?

"Senior, do you want to call Teacher Shen for you?" Lu Cheng asked with concern.

"No need." Yuan Hongliang waved his hands tiredly, swallowed and said,

"Are you really a freshman?"

Lu Cheng nodded.

"It broke through three percent in a week?"

"It could have been faster, but my forest lizard may be better at melee combat." Lu Cheng said solemnly.

Yuan Hongliang took two steps back abruptly, as if his heart was being pricked.


Almost broke my three-year record in one week?

Isn't this his best project?

After stopping thinking for half a minute, Yuan Hongliang, whose face was pale, shouted, raised his head and said:

"Little brother, let's fight!"


Yuan Hongliang's whole body seemed to be on fire, this was the flame of grief and anger!

He will use victory to comfort his wounded heart!

"Ding - Discovery Mission 'Challenge from Seniors'

Mission Objective: Defeat any elf of the junior students in the battle.

Quest reward: 10 potential points, 5 random tree fruits. "

Is this really the senior of the third year?

Looking at the mission prompt, Lu Cheng secretly said:

This looks too anxious!

But the junior-senior elves have been trained for three years at least. With Lu Cheng's current level, it is still extremely difficult to defeat him.

Looking at Lu Cheng's frown, Yuan Hongliang hummed:

"It's alright, I won't bully you. In the 1v1 battle, I only use the elves I got last year!"

"Besides, you know, practice brings true knowledge, and only actual combat can bring out the true effect of training!"

Have you only been training for a year?

This seems to be acceptable!

"That's fine, senior." Lu Cheng smiled, "Let's have a friendly match!"

After his mood calmed down, Yuan Hongliang instead developed a love for talent.

Such an excellent freshman, if he can join the battle club, it will definitely bring the strength of this year's freshmen to a higher level.

Taking advantage of this match, he also wanted to test Lu Cheng's true strength.

"This should be your initial elf, right?" Looking at the forest lizard, Yuan Hongliang smiled slyly,

"In the battle, you should always be prepared to be restrained by attributes!"

Saying that, Yuan Hongliang released a fiery red figure.


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