My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 152: Screaming Chicken and Charcoal Grilled Chicken (2/5)

The three fire families, the evolution of the fire chicken, the strong chicken!

In Lu Cheng's eyes, this elf is like a stretched rooster, with an extremely sharp beak, standing on two feet like a human, and its wings have evolved into arms.

A human-shaped elf with a chicken face and messy orange-yellow feathers all over his body. In addition to being weird, he is full of a sense of disobedience.

"Strong chicken

Feature: Accelerate

Matching moves: Double Kick, Fire Kick, Charged Fire Attack, Sand Splash

Analysis: Good at fire-type physical moves, slow to start, and proficient in sand-splashing moves. "

The characteristic of this strong chicken is a rare acceleration.

This feature can continuously increase the speed of the elves in the battle. Once it takes hold, it will be quite difficult!

Besides, the restraint of attributes is not good for Lu Cheng's forest lizards.

Yuan Hongliang grinned and said, "Junior, you can also choose other elves!"

In the battle, the trainer who releases the elves later has a natural advantage.

However, this forest lizard should be his trump card. Yuan Hongliang secretly said.

It is impossible for a freshman to have the energy to cultivate two at the same time—


A golden light suddenly blinded Yuan Hongliang's eyes.

Looking at the nine tails with golden hair, Yuan Hongliang stammered, "This is yours?"

"Original elf!" Lu Cheng laughed.

Yuan Hongliang suddenly suffered from angina.

This kid, how rich is the family!

Raising a forest lizard is not enough, there is actually an evolved six-tailed!

The evolution stone alone would cost hundreds of thousands!

The point is, that Nine-Tails was bred quite well at first glance.

The attribute advantage of the strong chicken is gone!

In response to Yuan Hongliang's kindness, Lu Cheng smiled and said:

"By the way, senpai, its characteristic is to start fire, why don't you use other elves?"

Well, it's at a disadvantage all of a sudden!

Yuan Hongliang waved his hands tiredly and said, "It's okay, just these two elves!"

Although the nine-tailed fire characteristics are very difficult to deal with, the strong chicken is also proficient in fighting moves.

As a senior of the junior year, Yuan Hongliang has absolute confidence in his own strength!

You have to win this freshman year! Yuan Hongliang gritted his teeth.

Otherwise, where will the senior's face go!

Shen Sitian, who came to hear the movement, suddenly lit up when he saw the two people fighting with swords.


Sitian, who doesn't think it's a big deal, specially opened the battlefield, and sat on the high referee's platform, smiling:

"Don't worry, I'll be the referee!"

Yuan Hongliang had long been surprised by Shen Sitian's character, but Lu Cheng murmured:

"If it breaks, don't you still have to lose money..."

"Lu Cheng, dawdling, hurry up and release the elf!" Shen Sitian whistled.

Lu Cheng was ashamed and took out the Poke Ball.

"Go, Kyuubi!"

"Come on, strong chicken!"

The growth of these two elves has been witnessed by Shen Sitian on the surveillance screen.

Lu Cheng's nine tails, the flames are surprisingly powerful, and it seems that he has eaten a lot of high-level cubes. The appearance is the most beautiful of all the nine tails that Shen Sitian has ever seen.

As a senior of the junior year, Yuan Hongliang has a lot of experience in training and nurturing nature. The newly evolved strong chicken has also fully adapted to the new form, which should not be underestimated!

Looking at these two elves, Shen Sitian couldn't help but be a little excited.

Who doesn't like to watch free elf battles!

Lu Cheng's style of play is changeable, from the stormy combos to the defensive counterattacks of Gongsun Rong, the teacher, and he has certain opinions.

In the face of a strong chicken whose characteristic is acceleration, Lu Cheng chose to attack!

"Nine Tails, use your supernatural powers!"

Nine tails' red pupils are covered with purple awns, and their gorgeous tails are raised, exuding an elegant and powerful aura.

Shen Sitian opened her small mouth.

Lu Cheng had never trained this trick of Nine Tails before.

This kid, he actually hid his trump card!

"Does it really have supernatural powers?"

Yuan Hongliang never had a fluke mentality when it came to fighting.

From the moment he threw the Poke Ball, he became extremely focused.

In an instant, he made a decision:

"Strong chicken, stand-in!"

Nine-tails have a huge range of supernatural powers, and if they dodge with lightning, they are likely to fall into the attack range of Nine-tails.

Since that's the case, it's better to give up first!

"Use the sword dance!"

Lu Cheng frowned.

This strong chicken reacted extremely fast. After using the stand-in to avoid the supernatural power, the speed was obviously faster!

And with its sword dance, the strong chicken's claws also become sharper!

"Don't attack, strong chicken!" Yuan Hongliang shouted loudly,

"Continue to use the sword dance!"

Under the acceleration characteristics, Lizhuang Chicken's starting action has already surpassed Jiuwei's.

The familiar dance moves are back!

Once the strong chicken has completed two sword dances, the balance of this victory will begin to tilt!

However, just as Lizhuang Chicken was about to complete the second sword dance, Jiuwei's figure suddenly jumped out!

Lightning flashes!

Although Jiuwei's speed is not obvious on weekdays, Lu Cheng deeply remembered that the little guy was able to compete with Mu Shougong in speed!

Obviously, Yuan Hongliang did not expect that this nine-tailed animal could have such a speed.

In an instant, Jiuwei came to Lizhuang Chicken.

The stunned Lizhuang Chicken was suddenly surrounded by nine soft tails around its neck.

So warm, so comfortable...

Li Zhuangji was in a trance for a moment, and the next second, Lu Cheng's command came.

"Nine Tails, use fraud!"

Lizhuang Chicken's physical attack is very high, and fraud can just cause effective damage to it!

The tail was suddenly locked, and Li Zhuang chicken's eyes bulged, and he couldn't help hissing and screaming.

It's you, screaming chicken!

Yuan Hongliang was caught off guard by this combination of "flash of lightning" and "fraud".

And the strong chicken is also locked by the tail of the nine tails, and the acceleration characteristic cannot be used!

This Lu Cheng is tricky enough!

Yuan Hongliang gritted his teeth and said, "Strong chicken, throw sand!"

Splashing sand can reduce the hit rate of elves, but how much it drops is a metaphysical probability.

Lu Cheng frowned and still commanded: "Nine tails, continue to use fraud!"

On the edge of the stand, Si Tian, ​​who was holding his face, suddenly showed a smile.

Yuan Hongliang's use of splashing sand is famous all over Jiangda!

Contrary to Lu Cheng's expectations, Lizhuang Chicken suddenly spewed a large amount of sand from its mouth, and immediately fascinated Jiuwei's eyes!

Immediately, the strong chicken broke free of its tail instantly, and a dashing two kicks kicked the nine tails away!

This strong chicken actually makes a trick!

Also, how did Yansha come out of your mouth?


Lu Cheng was stunned for a moment, then suddenly looked at Nine Tails on the field.

Nine tails don't look right!

After all, Kyuubi is a girl, and she was sprayed with sand and dust on her face, how could the beauty-loving Kyuubi take it!

Jiuwei, who was trembling all over, was suddenly enveloped in a dazzling red light.

The supernatural power instantly raised the dust on his body, and along with the whimper of the Nine Tails, its red pupils were full of anger!

The emotion from "Heart has a sympathy" is the strongest one in the history of the Nine Tails!

The strong chicken was frightened by this scene, and couldn't help but look back at his master.

Yuan Hongliang was also a little worried.

Could this nine-tailed be hiding some great tricks?

"Okay, okay, got it!" Feeling the emotions of the Nine-Tails, Lu Cheng sighed and gave an order,

"Use big characters to explode flames!"

Big character explosion?

Even if it is a fire-type ultimate move, it will have little effect on the strong chicken!

Did this Lu Cheng make a mistake in command?

The experienced Yuan Hongliang naturally wouldn't let this opportunity go, and said loudly, "Strong chicken, use two consecutive kicks to meet it!"

The strong chicken jumped high, but was suddenly frightened by the oncoming Yuan Hongliang couldn't help but be stunned.

How could this fire group be so big! ?

"Strong chicken, avoid it!"

There is absolutely no way to avoid it!

The strong chicken turned back in despair and let out a final scream.

Then, it was blasted against the wall by an explosion of large characters.

The scene was very quiet for a while.

Only a faint scent pervaded the venue.

Shen Sitian was also stunned, and after a while, she smiled awkwardly: "The winner, Lu Cheng!"

"Go to the infirmary quickly, it will be cooked in a while!" Shen Sitian whispered.

Yuan Hongliang took back the Poke Ball with a strange face, and trotted out of the training room.

In his mind, there was only that strong and outrageous freshman, surrounded by the angry nine-tailed figure.

Lu Cheng smiled bitterly at Jiuwei: "Okay, this time it's my fault, I'll invite you to go to the spa later!"


The nine tails dodged their heads arrogantly, but the nine tails lifted up unconsciously, revealing it deeply.



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