My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 175: Recruitment and selection of Jiang University varsity team (2/5)

Longqingguo Cube, although I don't know how it compares to Fang Weiyue's "Giant Cube", it still has the same effect.

He threw the purple cube into the carp king's water tank, and it hurriedly swam over and swallowed the cube in one bite.

After a while, the carp king's face suddenly turned green like bitter gall, slapped his fins in pain, and his belly turned white.

Lu Cheng glanced at the Longqingguo cube with a strange expression on his face.

Wei Ran has identified it, there is nothing wrong with the cubes, it's just the smell...

Lu Cheng also tasted one secretly himself. He swore that he had never eaten something so bitter in his life.

Bitter and astringent, full of fishy smell, the key is to still have some fruity sweetness—

The sweetness of these Xu makes Longqingguo even more difficult to swallow!

"Sister Fang, it should be with peach fruit."

Looking at the dying carp king, Lu Cheng said with shame:

"Next time, let's improve the formula."

The prototype of Shalinguo comes from Salak, also known as snake skin fruit. This green tree fruit is sour and sweet, which is more delicious than Longqingguo.

Sand scale fruit cubes, which can increase the speed of elves, have become the new rations for forest lizards.

The coconut palm fruit is the favorite tree fruit of many coordinators. It can polish the beauty of the elves and make the elves' fur more vivid.

This prototype is the fruit of the coconut tree, which naturally became the food of the nine tails.

Although the nine tails are already very beautiful, but girls, the love of beauty is always endless.

Lu Cheng was also happy to see Jiuwei's hair becoming more supple.

The ordinary nine-tailed, if not cared for, the hair will be withered and even split, and the color is only seen in light yellow and beige.

But Nine Tails' hair is solid gold, 24K pure gold!

At least in terms of beauty, the Nine-Tails hardly lost to any elves.

At the same time, the strength of the Lucheng elves has also steadily improved in the daily training.

Nine-tailed "Da Qingtian" has become more and more skilled, and forest lizards have also mastered the dart form and sword form of "leaf blade".

And the carp king—

The carp king was still dead.

The power value of the impact was barely stable at "35", but it couldn't reach 40, which gave Lu Cheng a headache.

Every time he sees those watery dead fish eyes, Lu Cheng can't wait to stuff Long Qingguo into its mouth.

By the way, the carp king now weighs 21.3 kilograms, which is heavier than Deng Jiawen's bay leaf.

Don't talk about moves, you can't just use your weight to fight with more than this power value!

Perhaps, only in actual combat can the potential of the Carp King burst out.

With a helpless sigh, Lu Cheng suddenly looked forward to the arrival of new recruits for the school team.

Only in actual combat can the strength of the elves be further improved!


Before I knew it, November came, and the recruiting of the school team officially kicked off.

Recruitment instructions on the official website of the campus are theoretically open to all majors, and everyone can sign up.

But other than the Elf department, ordinary majors are not very interested in participating.

Judging from the final result, a total of 300 new students signed up for this recruitment, and only 10 team members were recruited in the end, which can be said to be quite cruel.

But Lu Cheng didn't have too much pressure. Holding the battle uniform Mu Wen gave him, he vowed:

"Sister, don't worry, I promise to join the school team!"

Mu Wen smiled lightly and said, "Don't stand up. You can try again after you go back. If there is anything inappropriate, I will change it."

"Okay!" Lu Cheng put away his clothes happily and suddenly realized a problem.

He had already tried it on just now, and both the cuffs and the neckline fit perfectly with his figure.

The nine-tailed T-shirt in summer is understandable, but this is a shirt, how could it be so suitable...

"Is there any problem?" Mu Wen wondered.

"It's okay." Lu Cheng scratched his head and said bluntly, "But senior, how do you know about my measurements?"

Mu Wen was stunned for a moment, then smiled slyly: "Visually!"

Lu Cheng nodded:

"Oh, then I can also know your..."

The nine tails suddenly slapped Lu Cheng's face, causing Lu Cheng to fall to the ground by surprise.

Pulling the master away with her tail, Nine Tails sighed extremely humanely.

This master, shouldn't he be a fool?


Putting on Chi Ye's shirt, the spirited Lu Cheng rushed to the school team recruiting venue.

The recruiting lasted for three days and was held at the school's athletic center at noon every day.

Zhaoxin adopts the method of first elimination and then selection. No malicious acts of harming the opponent's elves are allowed. Once found, they will be disqualified from the competition immediately.

Although it is a two-to-two knockout match, if there is a strong duel, it is possible that the two of them will be shortlisted for the next round at the same time.

In the center of the competition center is a huge battle platform, with spectator stands on both sides, where you can watch the battle at close range.

During the recruiting process, the judges and teachers will score on the stand, and the students who are interviewed will come to the stage to compete in turn.

Recruitment is divided into three days, but there are more than 100 people waiting for the interview every day. While the time is tight, the atmosphere is quite depressing.

Of course, this is only for the players. For ordinary students, the free elf battle is not too exciting!

Lu Cheng was interviewing in the afternoon. When he arrived at the venue, the stands were already full of players and spectators.

There was a lot of noise, and there were endless discussions, and it was easy to distinguish the identities of the two.

"It's over, this person must have reserved a place for the school team!"

"There is still a chance. I don't think President Deng has any reaction."

"Damn it, this flaming horse is handsome!"

"Don't say it, now the purebred flame horse will cost more than three million to land."

"That big tongue lick seems to have been discovered recently, right? What is it, the evolution of UU's moves?"

Lu Cheng looked towards the center of the hall. The two sides facing each other were Zhuge Hui, the squad leader wearing glasses, and a boy with long hair.

"Have you evolved into a flame horse?"

Looking at the evolution of Little Fire Horse, Lu Cheng nodded unconsciously.

Shen Jun's tall horse, with strong limbs, a flaming flaming mane, extending from the top of the head to the back, and even a single horn grows on the head, full of strength, flame and wild beauty.

And the big tongue licking on the opposite side looked a little curious.

As an evolutionary type after the big tongue learns to roll, the big tongue licks the tongue more and more flexible.

The wet tongue, long and thick, kept spinning, covered with disgusting saliva and bluish-white tongue coating.

The body licked by the big tongue also became more and more bloated. The whole body was covered with a crimson and slippery epidermis, and the sarcoma-like curly hair was extremely coquettishly left on the head. To the almost invisible eyes, dribbling and turning.

In terms of appearance, the flaming horse has already won!

In the stands, a square-faced man wearing a whistle and cap nodded, blew the whistle, and said on the walkie-talkie:

"let's start!"


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