My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 176: Big Tongue Licking VS Flame Horse (3/4)

The long-haired man fluttered his bangs, and before he finished speaking, he said:

"Big tongue licking, become round!"

The big tongue licked the round body, curled up into a ball of red meat, and it seemed that the appetite was greatly reduced.

At the same time, the rounding made its body smoother, as if there were no flaws that could be attacked at all.

Zhuge Hui frowned.

In the field of survival, he was deeply aware of his own inadequacies.

In order to enter the school team, he entrusted his parents to buy a flame stone and completed the evolution of the little fire horse.

As a child of a military family, he has his own sense of mission, as well as the awareness and responsibility to lead.

Zhuge Hui waved his arm and said:

"Flame car!"

Since we are defending, let me attack first!

The flaming horse neighed, wrapped in flames, and rushed forward to lick the big tongue.

However, the long-haired man smiled and revealed his killer move:

"Big tongue lick, roll!"

The big tongue licked the small black eyes, and suddenly a cunning light flashed.

Curled his body into a ball, licked his tongue and rolled on the spot.

However, in the face of the menacing flame car, it didn't choose to hit it hard, but turned around abruptly under the impetus of its short tail!

The long-haired man shouted excitedly when he saw it passed by the flaming horse.

"That's it, big tongue licking, keep using scrolling!"

In the stands, the coach of the school team, Chen Dayong, nodded secretly when he saw this scene.

It is very rare for freshmen to use the cooperation between moves to achieve their own tactical goals.

"Deng Ruyun, what do you think?" Chen Dayong said sideways.

The black-haired Deng Ruyun said expressionlessly:

"The game isn't over yet."

Chen Dayong couldn't help grinning.

Deng Ruyun's eyes are still quite old-fashioned. Although Big Tongue used two rolls, as long as the flaming horse can suppress it before it starts, there is hope of winning.

But, where exactly is the reversal point?

Chen Dayong looked at the serious Zhuge Hui with great interest.

The rolling of big tongue licking continues!

Under the rounding, the power of the rolling increases exponentially, and if it is allowed to complete the third rolling, the flaming horse can't even block a blow!

Big tongue licking kept rolling around the sidelines, dust flying.

In the face of the rolling tongue, the flaming horse seemed to have no choice but to trample back and forth in place, looking extremely anxious.

With a long neigh, the flaming horse's patience seemed to be exhausted.

There is a flaw!

The familiar command resumed, and the long-haired man smiled coldly: "Lick with big tongue, roll!"

The rolling under the three bonuses, like a pink meat bomb chariot, rushes unstoppably towards the flame horse.

With the huge roar, Zhuge Hui seemed helpless in the face of the menacing tongue licking!

Zhuge Hui pushed up his glasses.

"it's over."

Mutation protrudes!

"What's happening!"

In the audience, someone shouted.

"Why did the scroll suddenly stop?"

"Yes, I didn't see him giving orders!"

At the critical moment, the rolling of the big tongue suddenly stopped!

The dust and smoke dissipated, and the head licked by the big tongue was painfully stuck in the crack, making a helpless cry.

"What's the situation?" Someone asked blankly,

"Who will explain it to me!"

Lu Cheng laughed in his heart.

First, a crack was created on the spot, and at the moment when the big tongue licked and rolled, the crack was expanded by trampling.

This Zhuge Hui is quite capable.

"Flame Horse, use Kick Down!"

The big tongue, whose head was stuck in the crack, was kicked out of the arena by the flaming horse.

The long-haired man's face suddenly turned pale.

On the sidelines, Chen Dayong nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile, "Very good!"

"Zhuge Hui won, and Lu Changgui, you also advanced!"

The long-haired man thanked him repeatedly, and Zhuge Hui let out a long breath.

Looking at the two who were leaving, Chen Dayong smiled.

"This year's selection of freshmen seems to be worth seeing."

Deng Ruyun remained silent.

Chen Dayong smiled and said with a loudspeaker:

"Next, Lu Cheng!"

At this moment, Deng Ruyun's eyes suddenly lit up.


It's coming to me so soon?

Lu Cheng got up in surprise and walked towards the ring with a confused look.

Opposite him, there was a cramped boy, sweating profusely, very nervous.

"Is this person familiar?"

"Nonsense, this year's Zhejiang U20 champion has blinded you!"

"Damn it, are you his black fan, talking so aggressively?"

Dongzi wore the same sunglasses as the blind A Bing, and said:

"Pure passerby, Lu Cheng definitely has the strength to start the school team!"

At this moment, the boy next to Dongzi interjected:

"I was in the weather room that day, and I seemed to see him and President Deng fighting each other."

"What, it's obviously two people fighting together!" A girl with braids came over and said.

Passerby A: "Nonsense, I saw that they were flirting and training together!"

Passerby B: "One thing to say, I seem to have seen him slap President Deng on the wall!"

Passerby A: "Damn it, so scary?"

Passerby C: "Old thief, I am at odds with you!"

Where is this going?

Dongzi looked at the arena ashamed, the red light flashed, and the two elves were ready to take their places.

"No, this Lu Cheng is so top-notch?"

In the stands, the boy who had just interjected, swallowed at this moment.

"Bring the carp king to participate in the school team assessment?"

The eyes of the girl with the braids turned into the shape of "??" and she shouted:

"Golden Carp King, this must be worth millions!"

Passerby A wiped his sweat and said, "This Lu Cheng seems to be very rich..."

Passerby C: "So what if you have money? President Deng and I are really in love!"

Seeing Lu Cheng's elf, the little boy's face flushed and he shouted:

"Why do you use the Carp King, look down on me!"


Lu Cheng looked at the boy's elf with a strange face and thought.

I think the carp king is bullying it.

The dense pattern of yellow-brown that makes the scalp numb, a pair of big watery eyes, and the yellow leaves on the head are shivering at the Seeds!

(used to be) the elf with the lowest racial value!

Even the carp king can climb on the head of the sunflower seed and proudly say to it:

"Little brother, I have 200 race value, how about you?"

There are only 180 sunflower seeds!

At this moment, the expressions of the audience on the sidelines also became strange.

"This seems to be incomparable with the configuration of the previous game?"

"There may be unexpected highlights, hahaha."

There was a hint of embarrassment in the laughter.

There was a hint of silence in the air in the hall.

Chen Dayong glanced at Deng Ruyun blankly.

"Are you sure, this is the promising newcomer you said?"

Deng Ruyun was also stunned, and said, "This is not his original elf."

"Maybe, he is training the carp king?"

"My family is not bad." Chen Dayong looked at the ring, touched his chin and said:

"It's just this kind of flashing elves, it's even more difficult to evolve."



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