My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 182: Ibrahimovic's move evolution

The long-awaited roster of the school team has finally been announced.

The finalists included: Lu Cheng, Gao Chi, Jiang Zhuo, Zhuge Hui, Deng Jiawen, Lv Changgui, Xiong Lingyao...

Shi Hong did not enter the school team, which made this short little brother very regretful, but Wei Ran specially prepared a cake for him to comfort him.

It is worth mentioning that Luo Yun was also included in the school team because the gem starfish can play the role of optical pollution.

"Why can Luo Yun enter, I didn't!"

Shi Hong angrily tapped the table.

"Okay okay, don't be angry, open your mouth, ah-"

"I'm not a child!" Shi Hong blushed, but subconsciously opened his mouth and swallowed the cake that Wei Ran handed over.

"How is it, is it delicious?" Wei Ran smiled.

Shi Hong folded his arms without saying a word, his entire face turning red.

"Do you want me to feed too?" Tang Xia looked at Lu Cheng with a smile.

Lu Cheng let out a haha, scratched his head and said, "President, didn't you also belong to the school team before? What happened to the college league?"

Tang Xia clicked her tongue indistinctly.

"Is the charm of the old lady getting worse?" Tang Xia murmured unconfidently.

Wei Ran said with a smile: "The college league is usually held in the first half of the year, that is, the next semester. In theory, it is only for freshmen and sophomores. At that time, colleges and universities across the country will participate in this league."

"This year's league seems to be held at the International Fairy Battle Hall in Jinling."

"President, will you participate this year?"

Wei Ran waved his hand and said with a smile, "I'm going to start a business. Someone asked me to order a batch of Pokémon before, but I'm too busy!"

After all, block making is a lucrative industry.

Lu Cheng nodded clearly, only to hear Wei Ran frown:

"Last year, our school's grades were not good, and Deng Ruyun was sad for a long time."

"Her character is very strong, and we lost so badly at that time, her flaming monkey was almost seriously injured."

The two people beside him also came over and listened to Wei Ran's story.

Shi Hong asked curiously, "Who did you lose to?"

Wei Ran gave a wry smile and said, "Imperial Capital University."

"Their strength, really..." Wei Ran hesitated for a moment, then sighed:

"The freshman year alone is stronger than our sophomores at the time."

"President Yuan lost to a freshman at Imperial University at that time."

"After that, I don't have much interest in elves fighting." Wei Ran shrugged and laughed at himself.

Imperial University?

Come to think of it, in this year's college league, I'll run into them too.

Lu Cheng suddenly felt a long-lost passion ignited in his body.

This is exactly the same as what he experienced in the U20 competition at the beginning!

Since the goal is to be the strongest trainer, then it is natural to go to the highest mountain.

Looking at the Poké Ball on his waist, Lu Cheng's eyes gradually became firmer.


"Imperial University is a piece of shit!"

Liu Bosheng, who had a gray hair and an explosive head, slapped the table angrily and roared:

"Just relying on this group of scumbags, I'm too embarrassed to grab scientific research results with us!"

As soon as Lu Cheng walked into the research room, he heard Liu Bosheng's roar.

Lu Cheng looked at Fang Weiyue with shame, and found that she was also smiling politely and embarrassedly.

"Professor Liu made a lot of noise today." Fang Weiyue whispered,

"I heard that it is another problem with others!"

"Oh, Lu Cheng, you came just in time!"

Seeing Lu Cheng, Liu Bosheng's eyes lit up, he shoved a paper into Lu Cheng's hands, and said sadly:

"Look, look at this paper, almost, our results are theirs!"

Lu Cheng looked at the paper curiously, and found that the content of the paper was exactly the paper about Dumb Wang that was published last time.

However, the content of the paper actually questioned Liu Bosheng's previous paper.

The signature of the paper is Imperial University. The dense data and symbols make Lu Cheng's scalp numb.

The article pointed out that a lot of data in Liu Bosheng's paper was ambiguous and did not have precise decimals, so that they had doubts about the evolutionary conditions of the dumb beast, and they did a lot of improvement work.

However, after citing a lot of the original sentences of Liu Bosheng's thesis, the article actually reached the same conclusion, but it improved Liu Bosheng's data and made the paper look more detailed.

"Is this not plagiarism?" Lu Cheng asked curiously, "It's already exactly the same!"

"This is a supplement to the paper." Fang Weiyue sighed, "Dr. Liu is a legendary intuitionist, and he really doesn't pay enough attention to data, but the tone of this group of people is too aggressive, right?"

Liu Bosheng slapped the table angrily and said, "Isn't it just data? Lu Li, next time, add three variables to each group and record them hour by hour from morning to night!"

Mushroom Head's face suddenly changed.

"I don't believe it anymore, this time, he can still conjure flowers for me!" Liu Bosheng yelled.

"What is the new topic this time?" Lu Cheng asked curiously.

He is now nominally a member of the Professor Liu Institute.

In the last paper of Dumb Wang Liu Bosheng specially applied for a junior researcher title for him. In addition to the monthly allowance of 5,000 yuan, he can also receive a random copy from ZTE Research Group every year. Skill CD.

"It's still a move evolution." Fang Weiyue smiled.

"But we applied for a new batch of elves."

"It's in the backyard now, do you want to go take a look?"


Liu Bosheng, who was still scratching his ears and cheeks, suddenly stopped at this moment, his eyes lit up and said:

"I'll go with you!"

Last time, it was Lu Cheng's arrival that brought new ideas to his research.

I don't know if Lu Cheng can bring him unexpected joy today.

The three of them added mushroom heads and walked all the way to the backyard. While walking, Liu Bosheng said popular science:

"Xiaolu, the 'movement evolution' you published in the first half of the year is really the biggest discovery this year."

"It can be said that throughout the year, scientific research groups across the country have been working hard to study this newly discovered evolutionary method!"

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Then your research on the Duo Duo Wang should be considered unique!"

Liu Bosheng took advantage of this flattery and said happily:

"To tell you the truth, any discovery of new elves will be featured in the history of scientific research."

"At that time, our entire team may be included in the textbook."

"It's all thanks to you, classmate Xiaolu!"

Fang Weiyue couldn't help but chuckle when she heard the business talk between the two, and said:

"Doctor, you will make Lu Cheng swell!"

"No swelling, no swelling." Liu Bosheng scratched his head and said with a smile:

"Well, those are the elves that were just approved!"

There was a rustling sound, and a pair of black shiny eyes poked out from the thick grass.


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