My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 183: The advent of the fairy Ibrahimovic

A few fox-like little guys stuck their heads out of the grass curiously and looked at Lu Cheng and his party.

so cute!

Lu Cheng's heart was suddenly melted, and a desire to go forward and hug them suddenly filled his heart.

You know, even if they were changed by magic, these Ibrahimovic groups are quite cute!

However, at this moment, a dangerous signal sounded in Lu Cheng's heart.


Jiuwei's warning made Lu Cheng angrily withdrew his claws.

Looking at Ibrahimovic, even the harsh Liu Bosheng could not help softening the corners of his mouth, saying:

"These are the research elves that have just been approved."

"They have just been born, and I have always let Xiaoyue take care of them."

Fang Weiyue smiled and said: "The doctor believes that since Ibrahimovic has the ability to evolve according to different energies, then Ibrahimovic can also evolve by learning moves."

"However, this is just conjecture, and we don't have any clues yet." Liu Bosheng sighed.


Move evolution?

Lu Cheng combined the two and immediately had the answer.

Lu Cheng asked curiously, "How many forms of Ibrahimovic have been discovered now?"

Fang Weiyue looked up at the sky and said with her fingers, "Water, electricity, sun and moon..."

"There are also two energy stones with unique magnetic fields found in the Antarctic and South American rainforests." Liu Bosheng said,

"Bing Yibu and Ye Yibu, this is a new discovery a few years ago, and it has caused quite a stir."


Lu Cheng confirmed his conjecture and nodded involuntarily.

Since the move evolution is the latest proposal, Fairy Ibrahimovic should not have been discovered.

Even if there is, no one should know how it evolved.

It seems that this is a good entry point.

Lu Cheng couldn't help teasing Ibrahimovic, took out the Elf Cube and shook it up and down.

Ibrahimovic's black eyes turned up and down with the cube, and a water stain even dripped from the corner of his mouth.

"How is it, do you have any good ideas?" Liu Bosheng looked at Lu Cheng expectantly.

Fang Weiyue was also watching Lu Cheng quietly at the moment.

For some reason, she always had this hunch that the young man in front of her always seemed to bring surprises to people.

Lu Cheng handed the elf cube to Ibrahimovic, brushed off his clothes, and smiled slightly:

"Professor, since Ibrahimovic's genes are affected by the surrounding energy, we should start with different attributes."

Liu Bosheng frowned and said, "At present, there are a total of 18 known attributes, but only seven types of Eevee have been discovered."

"It is estimated that there has been a lot of research on attributes such as rocks and fighting, but there have been no results..."

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "I suggest starting with the attributes that have been discovered recently!"

Fang Weiyue's eyes lit up and said, "What do you mean—"

Liu Bosheng slapped his palm hard and shouted:

"The Fairy Attribute proposed by Magic City University last year!"

Lu Cheng nodded and said:

"We can use the method of inverse deduction to find the evolution of Ibrahimovic from the results, which may be more efficient."

"Yes, the reverse method!"

Liu Bosheng suddenly burst out laughing, patted his forehead and said, "I'm all confused, thinking about a special way of evolution, it's better to start with hypotheses."

Fang Weiyue nodded slowly and pondered:

"However, what if Ibrahimovic, a goblin type, also needs a special evolution stone?"

"Let's start with the evolution of moves first." Lu Cheng smiled, "Even if you fail, you can rule out a wrong option!"

"That's right." Liu Bosheng said excitedly: "Failure is the mother of success!"

Impossible to fail.

This feeling of knowing the correct answer but needing to deliberately correct two questions on the test paper made Lu Chengqing sigh.

This may be the trouble of the scientific researcher.

Lu Cheng's suggestion gave Liu Bosheng endless inspiration, and he rushed to the laboratory with great strides, saying:

"Lu Li, come and write the experiment report with me!"

"The title is written, "On the possibility of Ibrahimovic's move evolution"!"

Looking at Liu Bosheng who was leaving, Fang Weiyue smiled and said:

"Looking at the professor like this, I thought Ibrahimovic from the fairy department had been discovered."

Lu Cheng secretly thought in his heart, you will see the fairy Ibrahimovic soon.

At that time, I don't know what kind of upsurge this kind of high-value elves will set off in the world.

Looking at the lively Ibrahimovic, Lu Cheng said:

"The goblin-type move that Ibrahimovic can learn is only 'round pupil'. If my guess is correct, it should be inseparable from this move."

Fang Weiyue gave a surprised "Huh".

"But, that little guy will do this trick."

Fang Weiyue beckoned, and a shiny Ibrahimovic came running over like a smile and rubbed the palm of her hand affectionately.

"Come on, let brother see your moves." Fang Weiyue said softly.


Ibrahimovic let out a coquettish sound, the dark eyes suddenly lit up, and the center pupil turned pink, making it even more endearing.

The pink light dissipated, and Ibrahimovic widened his innocent eyes and let out a soft cry.

"Is it the only one of the group of Ibri who has learned this trick?" Lu Cheng asked curiously.

Fang Weiyue rubbed Ibrahimovic's head, nodded and said, "Maybe, this has something to do with their different Pulling her hair, Fang Weiyue smiled and said, "Ibrahimovic's male-to-female ratio It's 1:7, this is the only female Eevee here! "

Lu Cheng remembered that Fairy Ibrahimovic's evolutionary conditions, in addition to learning fairy-type moves, must meet the friendliness or intimacy standards.

I don't know if this magically changed world will add any other restrictions, such as gender.

Lu Cheng scratched his head and said, "This Ibrahimovic seems to have a good relationship with you."

Fang Weiyue smiled and said: "Yes, I have been taking care of Ibrahimovic for more than a month, and it is the most sticky one!"

Touching his chin, Lu Cheng stuffed a small jar of sweetness into Fang Weiyue's hand.

"Sweet?" Fang Weiyue said stunned, "What is this for?"

Lu Cheng said with a smile: "Since the fairy type like the Blue Bird on the Qixi Festival is related to intimacy, then the fairy type Ibrahimovic may also have restrictions on intimacy."

Fang Weiyue, who came back to her senses, looked at Ibrahimovic and the sweetness in her hands, and suddenly became nervous.

If Lu Cheng's conjecture is true—

Unscrewing the bottle cap, a refreshing aroma floated out, Ibrahimovic looked at the crystal clear honey curiously, and saliva suddenly flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Don't eat too much."

Fang Weiyue dipped a finger of honey, put it to Ibrahimovic's mouth, smiled and said, "You can only eat these!"

Ibrahimovic swallowed his saliva and carefully stuck out his tongue.

The next moment, it opened its mouth and sucked Fang Weiyue's finger, and its eyes suddenly lit up.

"It's so itchy, hahaha!"

Lu Cheng unconsciously turned his eyes away.

Whoops, the picture is too beautiful.

After a while, Ibrahimovic showed a satisfied look and called Fang Weiyue softly.


The next moment, a dazzling white light burst out from its body!

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