My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 184: you will go down in history

The mushroom head, who was coming back to take samples, also saw this scene.

He rubbed his eyes, suddenly spread his legs and ran, shouting:

"Dr. Liu, come here quickly!"

"No matter how noisy you are, you can't do anything big!"

Liu Bosheng pushed out the door and knocked on the head of Mushroom Head angrily.

However, when he saw the white light, he couldn't help but take off the frame and rubbed his eyes.

"I'm dazzled?" Liu Bosheng asked suspiciously.

"Okay, it seems that Ibrahimovic is evolving." Mushroom Head swallowed hard.

"Why are you still stunned, don't hurry up!"

Liu Bosheng slapped the back of the mushroom head with a slap, and at the same time burst out with amazing speed.

No one could have imagined that Professor Liu, who is almost old, could run so fast!

Even Mushroom Head couldn't catch up with Professor Liu.

When he came to the backyard panting, Liu Bosheng's lips were trembling, and his eyes were full of tears.

"You, you really are my lucky star, Lu Cheng!"

Lu Cheng smirked and scratched his head, "It's mainly due to Sister Fang."

Fang Weiyue smiled lightly and said, "It can be proved now that Lu Cheng's conjecture is not bad at all."

"Or, it's a little scary accurate."


The whole institute was a sensation!

All the researchers in white coats rushed to the backyard and watched the brand-new elf curiously.

The little fox, with pink ribbons flowing all over his body and his blue pupils wide open, showed a gentle smile while licking his flawless white hair.

Where is the elf, this is a miracle of creation!

Why is there such a cute elves?

"This, this is too cute!" A female researcher couldn't help sobbing.

"Is this the new form of Ibrahimovic?" said the white coat wearing glasses in shock.

"It really evolved successfully!"

"Give me peace!"

Liu Bosheng roared loudly, however, the bright smile on the corner of his mouth still deeply exposed him.

He pretended to cough and said:

"The photos will be sent to each of your computers later, so get back to work now!"

"Eh? What, let me watch it for a while!"

"Don't stop me, I want to touch this little guy!"

Fairy Ibrahimovic is not afraid of life. In the more than a month of life, it has become one with the researchers.

Especially Fang Weiyue.

It rubbed against Fang Weiyue's trousers intimately and let out a soft cry.


"Is this the new evolutionary form of Ibrahimovic?"

Liu Bosheng shivered and adjusted his glasses, carefully observed the fairy Ibrahimovic, and said:

"How did you do it?"

Fang Weiyue turned her head away and looked at Lu Cheng with a smile, Lu Cheng coughed and said:

"Let Ibrahimovic learn fairy skills, and evolve after reaching a certain level of intimacy or friendship."

As of now, there is no need to hide it.

Looking back and forth at Lu Cheng and Fairy Ibrahimovic, Liu Bosheng took a deep breath and said in a trembling voice:

"I just walked away for such a short time, and you solved this problem?"

Fang Weiyue smiled and said nothing, while Lu Cheng touched his nose.

There are more things you can't think of!

Liu Bosheng finally accepted this fact, grabbed Lu Cheng's shoulder, and said solemnly:

"This paper, you write it!"

"Ah?" Lu Cheng looked confused.

"About the new form of Ibrahimovic this time, you are the main writer!" Liu Bosheng said,

"This time, it is entirely your credit. I will prepare the thesis data for you. You can go back and write a good paper!"

"But..." Lu Cheng hesitated.

"Nothing but!"

Liu Bosheng waved his hand and said, "Last time, the discovery of the Duo Duo Wang has already touched you a lot."

"This time, the institute will do its best to help you complete this new elf thesis."

Saying that, Liu Bosheng smiled coldly:

"I don't believe it anymore, this time, Imperial University can still pick out a thorn for me!"

Fang Weiyue smiled and said, "Doctor, should you name this child first?"


Fairy Ibrahimovic, who was covered in snow, tilted her head and looked at Liu Bosheng adorably.

"Look at me, I forgot about this!" Liu Bosheng patted his head and muttered,

"What's it called, Fairy Eevee? Ribbon Eevee?"

"Call Fairy Ibrahimovic." Lu Cheng said with shame.

Liu Bosheng's naming skills, he really can't compliment him.

"It's a good name!" Liu Bosheng said brightly.

"Lu Cheng, how come you can think of such an apt name every time?"

The human fairy Ibrahimovic also jumped up, obviously very satisfied with the name.

It's not the translation team's credit!

Lu Cheng coughed dryly, but saw Liu Bosheng patted him on the shoulder and said earnestly:

"Come on, Lu Cheng."

Liu Bosheng looked at him with hope, as if he saw a rising star.

"This time, maybe you will really be recorded in the annals of history, leaving a deep impression!"


Three days later, Lu Cheng finished his thesis on the fairy Ibrahimovic.

After going through painful revisions, Liu Bosheng's requirements were finally met.

Lu Cheng finally realized the harshness of Liu Bosheng. Every word and sentence of the thesis was meticulously crafted and meticulous.

Of course, this is also the lucky part of Lu Cheng.

In the author column of this paper, there is only Lu Cheng's name.

"Okay, no need to change it." Liu Bosheng nodded with satisfaction.

Lu Cheng let out a long sigh of relief.

"I'll ask Xiaoyue to help you send it to the journal mailbox." Liu Bosheng patted Lu Cheng's shoulder and said:

"Wait until December, it will be the national scientific research summit, then you can go with me."

"National Scientific Research Summit?" Lu Cheng asked in surprise, "Am I qualified enough?"

Liu Bosheng looked at his proud disciple and couldn't help laughing:

"Based on your two moves evolution papers, plus the fairy Ibrahimovic this time, if you are not I will be even more embarrassed!"


Imperial University Research Institute.

The sound of leather shoes echoed in the quiet hallway.

The scholar in the white coat walked in a hurry, and when he saw the man in the suit and leather shoes, he nodded and said:

"Mr. Su."

Su Tianshang smiled and nodded, "Where's Xiang Rou?"

The scholar pointed to the direction of the laboratory.

Su Xiangrou was wearing a white coat and a mask, revealing a pair of tired eyes.

Hearing the footsteps, Su Xiangrou turned back and continued to focus on the data.

"How's the research going?" Su Tianshang asked.

"It has been confirmed that Ibrahimovic's most likely evolutionary attributes are between dragon, steel and fairy."

Su Xiangrou's pen kept nibbling, and her voice was a little hoarse:

"We plan to use the reverse deduction method to check one by one."

Su Tianshang nodded and said, "The idea of ​​reverse deduction is very good!"

"But time is running out. Are you sure you will get results before the scientific research summit?"

Su Tianshang was still smiling, but his eyes were sharp:

"The competition this year is quite fierce, and even Liu Bosheng has discovered a new elves."

"Are you really sure that Ibrahimovic has the possibility of move evolution?"

Su Xiangrou frowned and said, "Give me a little more time."

At this time, the scholar just now ran in in a panic, holding a journal in his hand, and said in a trembling voice:

"Mr. Su, look at this paper!"

After taking over the journal, Su Tianshang glanced at it quickly, and his face suddenly turned ashen.

"What's wrong?"

Su Tianshang didn't say a word, handed the paper to Su Xiangrou, snorted coldly, and strode out of the research room.

"Fairy Ibrahimovic?"

Su Xiangrou frowned, and when she looked at the author's column, her pupils involuntarily dilated.

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