My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 212: How did Feilong ride the face lose?

"Brother Cheng, you..."

Deng Jiawen turned to Lu Cheng, and the smile on his face suddenly froze.

He was taken aback by the strong murderous aura.

The murderous Lu Cheng gritted his teeth and said, "Where is the opponent in the training match?"

Lu Cheng, who was full of anger, couldn't help but want to solve it by fighting with elves.

Lu Cheng scanned the clubhouse back and forth, causing the Jiangnan Normal University team members on the opposite side to shudder.

This person's eyes are so terrifying!

Jiangnan Normal University's leading teacher couldn't help but be a little stunned.

Who is this freshman, is he so imposing?

Chen Dayong smiled and patted the teacher on the shoulder, saying:

"Old Li, although we are in a friendly match, it's interesting to add some heads, don't you think?"

The coach of Jiangnan Normal University, one of the top 32 players one session later than Chen Dayong, Li Guoan touched his chin and said:

"What bet do you want?"

Chen Dayong's eyes suddenly lit up, he hooked Li Guoan's shoulder and said with a smile:

"Mr. Li, I have long heard that the learning device your association has granted you is very good..."

"Don't even think about it!" Li Guoan said with wide eyes, "There are only ten sets of that thing in the whole school!"

"It's all said to be a bonus." Chen Dayong said cheerfully, "I'll bet with you here with my treasured whistle."

Li Guoan subconsciously glanced at the whistle on Chen Dayong's chest.

This whistle made of blue glass can release the elf's sleep state, and even wake the students up when they are dozing off. It is really a rare weapon for teachers!

Li Guoan coughed and said, "I don't want the one on your chest. If you haven't used it, you can consider it."

"Of course." Chen Dayong said with a smile, "You can have any color you want!"

"I said Lao Chen, are you so confident?" Li Guoan squinted at Chen Dayong and asked,

"To be honest with you, my students are not weak at all."

Who is not?

A light flashed in Chen Dayong's eyes.

"That's over, this is the worst class I have ever brought!" Chen Dayong deplored,

"Every time I train, I have to scold them, even if I don't scold them, especially the one named Lu Cheng."

"Lu Cheng, come here!" Chen Dayong shouted loudly.

Lu Cheng walked over with a bewildered expression.

The members of Jiangnan Normal University breathed a sigh of relief.

The fierce **** is finally gone!

"You'll be the first to join later, and learn from the team led by Teacher Li!"

Chen Dayong feigned anger: "If you don't study well day by day, you will know what to do with scientific research. Can you find that new elves can be eaten?"

Found a new sprite?

Li Guoan looked at Lu Cheng in surprise.

The young scholar who has been making a lot of noise at Jiangnan University recently, could it be this kid?

Lu Cheng immediately understood what Chen Dayong meant, bowed his head and said, "Yes!"

Immediately, Lu Cheng grinned at Li Guoan and said, "Coach, please give me more advice later."

Li Guoan was taken aback.

Is this kid provoking him?

But looking at his expression, he is quite an honest young man, but he doesn't look like him!

Forget it, let's get our team members ready.

After making up his mind, Li Guoan coughed and said:

"Old Chen, let's just say it, the glass whistle and the learning device are the bets, don't be fooled!"

"Of course." Chen Dayong nodded and smiled, "Aren't you also very confident?"

Li Guoan smiled and said, "It's not my fault, this year is the strongest freshman in our school!"

"Just keep your eyes open and watch carefully!"


"Jiangnan University, Lu Cheng."

"Jiangnan Normal University, Jiang Ye."

The boy with thick bangs glanced at Lu Cheng and couldn't help shivering.

It was the man who looked fierce just now!

Chen Dayong glanced at Li Guoan, who was holding the victory, and blew his whistle:

"Game start!"

"Although that person looks fierce, the Jiang team shouldn't lose, right?"

"After all, it's a dragon-type elf, how could it possibly lose!"

"Yes, almost no one in this age group can defeat the fangtooth land shark!"

A fangtooth shark?

Looking at the shark with exposed fangs in front of him, Lu Cheng nodded slowly.

It looks like a miniature version of the Vicious Bite Lu Shark, except that the complexion has changed from deep purple to cyan, with rough scales, white bone spurs protruding on its body, and a pair of sharp fangs that make people shudder.

If you attack rashly, the dense barbs will cause a lot of damage to the elves.

Lu Cheng pondered and threw the Poké Ball.

"Come on, forest lizard!"

Looking at Lu Cheng's elf, the members of Jiangnan Normal University looked overjoyed.

"The forest lizard? It's stable, now the Jiang team is stable."

"How can the Yusan Clan, who have not evolved yet, defeat the fangtooth land shark of the dragon type?"

"I feel that in this year's league, our school's ranking may be going up!"

So this is your starter?

Li Guoan couldn't help but feel relieved, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Forest Lizard, nothing to worry about!

Looking at the complacent Li Guoan, Chen Dayong couldn't help laughing:

"As expected of you, Coach Li, you have secretly trained a sharp-toothed land shark trainer."

Li Guoan waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Don't tell me, this kid is quite naughty, if I didn't teach it well..."

Suddenly, Li Guoan's eyes widened.

Immediately, he coughed violently, looking unbelievable.

"Go ahead." Chen Dayong smiled and patted Li Guoan's back.

"Well taught, then what?"

Li Guoan waved his hand weakly and said with a wry smile, "It's alright."

On the ring, the forest lizard slowly retracted its sword and sheathed it, showing a confused expression to Lu Cheng.

The fangtooth shark.

That's it?

Lu Cheng didn't expect that when the fangtooth land shark roared and pounced, the forest lizard killed it with one knife.

It is estimated that forest lizards are also a little confused.

He bumped into Juhe Zhan, what is this sharp-toothed land shark not stunned?

Looking at the sharp-toothed land shark with round eyes, the forest lizard couldn't help but stab it with a sword, still looking blank.

The members of Jiangnan Normal University looked at each other in dismay.

"What happened just now?"

"I don't know, it seems that the fangtooth land shark was stunned by the forest lizard."

"Then, is that Iai Slash?"

"Nima, which forest lizard have you seen that can play swordsmanship!"

Everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Jiangye withdrew the fangtooth shark in frustration, gritted his teeth and said:

"Come on, that forest lizard's physical strength is like a candle in the wind!"

Are you cheating?

I clearly saw that there was nothing wrong with it, and it looked alive!

Okay, how did the fangtooth land shark lose while riding the face?

"Han Le, come on!" Li Guoan ordered.

The boy named Han Le turned pale.

Team Jiang's fangtooth land sharks can't even beat them. Did I send them up?

Gritting his Han Le stepped forward and threw the Pokeball.

"Come on, Boss Cat!"


The domineering cat boss, who was full of force as soon as he came up, stepped on the catwalk, licked his paws gracefully, and the gems on his head shone.

Han Le's eyes were burning with a burning desire to win.

I will defeat this forest lizard!

A minute later.

"Damn it, call the infirmary teacher quickly!"

"Who's going up next, Leng Shui Monkey? Didn't you send it?"

"Damn it, this forest lizard will still absorb it super, and the cold water ape gave it to me!"

Looking at the forest lizard showing great power in the ring, Zhuge Hui and Gao Chi looked at each other.

"Brother Gao Chi, do you think that this forest lizard is somewhat..."

Zhuge Hui wiped the sweat from his forehead and said tentatively,

"A little happy?"

"Not some."

Gao Chi shook his head and corrected,

"It's quite happy."



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