My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 213: tactics? I am tactical! (one three)

Li Guoan looked at Lu Cheng and couldn't help being a little stunned.

How can this freshman be so strong!

Li Guoan couldn't sit still after the Forest Lizard defeated the three players from Jiangnan Normal University in a row.

He stammered: "Coach Chen, is this what you said, the players who are scolded every day?"

"Yes indeed."

Chen Dayong laughed and said, "I'm counting on you to give me some pointers!"

Li Guoan's face suddenly darkened.

Have you ever seen anyone instructing others that you were beaten 0:3?

It's a shame you can say it!

But looking at Chen Dayong's expression, Li Guoan finally understood that this was a trick for him.

Unfortunately, the skills are not as good as people.

Li Guoan shook his head and sighed.

In the stands, the fourth match was also decided.

Against the owl nighthawk, a member of Jiangnan Normal University, the forest lizard used its shadow clone to make it dizzy.

Although Owl Nighthawk's air slash was successful, he was defeated by the tricky bone sword throwing.

Looking at Nighthawk, the owl nailed to the ceiling by a bone sword, the members of Jiangnan University shed a cold sweat.

Is it so easy to beat the flight system that restrains it?

"Leave it to me next." A tall boy gritted his teeth.

"No matter what, you can't have your head shaved!"

Everyone nodded in unison.

In the last match, the bare-handed forest lizard faced the duck-billed fire dragon.

This duck-billed fire dragon is obviously more powerful than the one in Lu Cheng's house, as can be seen from the color of the flame.

Facing the full duck-billed fire dragon, Lu Cheng resolutely chose to abstain and let the forest lizard recover its stamina.

The boy didn't have time to be complacent, and in the next match, he faced the flaming horse with the characteristics of igniting fire...

In the end, Jiang Da won the individual competition with a big score of 4:1.

Li Guoan was completely unable to laugh, and said with a bitter face:

"Old Chen, this won't play the role of a friendly match at all."

Being crushed from the beginning to the end, what kind of competition experience is there!

Chen Dayong said cheerfully: "It's alright, there is still a team competition!"

Li Guoan nodded grimly.

Indeed, team competition is the strength of Jiangnan Normal University.

Even if the individual game is lost, as long as the team game performs well, there is still a chance to come back!

"Han Le, Jiang Ye, come here for me!"

Everyone sat in a group with a frustrated look and whispered, "Coach..."

"It's alright!" Li Guoan patted the players on the shoulders and encouraged,

"Team competition is your strength. In the competition later, you guys will surround the forest lizard and solve that Lu Cheng first!"

Listening to Li Guoan's command, everyone gradually regained their morale.

"Leave it to me, coach!" Jiang Ye gritted his teeth, "You can lose a teamfight, but that forest lizard must die!"

Li Guoan can't wait for this stinky boy to have the back of his head.

You can't lose a team battle!

I feel sorry for my learning device!

On the other side, everyone looked at Chen Dayong and said, "Coach, what tactics will we be waiting for?"

"Tactics?" Chen Dayong pondered for a moment.

"It's our tactic to solve all the opponents."

Everyone was stunned.

"If one of you loses the chain..." Chen Dayong said with a grin.

"This Christmas, none of you can run away!"

In the crowd, a pair of bloodshot eyes lit up.

"Cheng, Brother Cheng." Deng Jiawen stammered, "Are you going to go up later?"

Lu Cheng didn't answer, he threw the nine-tailed Pokeball and said coldly:

"Fight around me later."

"Protect me is a tactic!"


Looking at Jiang Da's formation, the jaws of Jiang Normal University's members were stunned.

What kind of formation is this?

Li Guoan was also stunned.

This formation is unreasonable!

Flaming horses, big tongue licks, and geraniums surrounded the last nine tails like a barrier.

High in the sky, there was a silver-white armored bird staring at him.

Forest Lizard didn't play?

"No, Lu Cheng is clearly in command."

"Damn it, the trainer of that Nine-Tails is Lu Cheng!"

Jiang Ye's complexion changed.

Beneath this iron wall, the fangtooth land shark could not launch a charge at all!

"What should I do, deal with the nine tails first?"

"You're stupid, this is the first second and nine tails?"

Before the members of Jiang Normal University discussed the result, they saw a scene that will make them unforgettable for the rest of their lives.

A burst of flames passed through the flaming back of the flaming horse, making the flames even more splendid.

Immediately, the flame spread into the shape of the word "big".


With a gust of air, Jiang Normal University's formation was directly smashed through by the large-character flame explosion!

"This, is this a flame stump?"

"Fire your head, your cat boss is about to burn!"

Leng Shui Yuan was in a hurry to put out the fire for the cat boss. At this time, another jet of flame swept in.

Liebite Lu Shark struggled to support, looking at the armored bird falling from the sky, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

I am so difficult!

The smoke dissipated.

The elves circled all over the floor made this scene full of chills.

Nine tails licked her own tail lazily, and her beautiful red eyes swept across the "corpses".

There is no one who can fight!

"Jie, it's over?" A member of Jiang Normal University stammered.

Chen Dayong couldn't hold back his laughter and blew his whistle briefly.

"competition is over!"


Li Guoan's complexion turned from black to blue, and finally he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

It's not the problem of his players.

It's this year's Jiangnan University, it's really strong!

He smiled and shook hands with Chen Dayong: "Congratulations, Lao Chen, this year's Jiangda University is considered to be full of talents."

Chen Dayong couldn't help but sigh.

Last year, the friendly match between them and Jiang Normal University was only 50-50.

This year, it has been crushed all the way!

Maybe this is God, give Jiangnan University a chance to revive its strengths.

Chen Dayong looked in the direction of Lu Cheng and the others with emotion, and couldn't help but smile:

"Lao Li, tell me, is our time over?"

Li Guoan was stunned for a moment, then nodded involuntarily.

"I'll deliver the learning device tomorrow. Do you want to be the team's prize?"

Chen Dayong pondered: "That little guy Lu Cheng has also cultivated a carp king, let him use it first."

"Otherwise, the cost of cultivating carp kings is simply too great."

"Carp King?" Li Guoan said in a stunned voice, "He actually cultivated a third elf?"

"Yes." Chen Dayong said strangely,

"It's still a golden glittering carp king."


Lu Cheng curiously looked at the learning device in front of him.

This kind of props produced by the Dewen manufacturing industry can theoretically better learn command and combat skills.

However, the object is not a is a trainer.

This learning device contains a large number of battle videos, tactical analysis, elves breeding programs, etc., which will be a big improvement for trainers.

But to Lu Cheng, it's useless at all!

After all, the analytical ability of the system is much stronger than that of this learning device.

Chen Dayong was a little surprised by Lu Cheng's resignation.

"Are you sure you don't?" Chen Dayong said stunned, "This is very helpful for your improvement!"

"Let's give it to the other team members." Lu Cheng smiled, "Or, it can be used as a reward for training within the team."

Chen Dayong couldn't help but nodded.

Apart from his strength, Lu Cheng is also impeccable in terms of character.

Perhaps, he can really think about the captain candidate for next year in advance.

Lu Cheng didn't know what Chen Dayong was thinking.

He was in a hurry, so he hurriedly prepared for Christmas.

In recent years, people have paid more and more attention to these foreign festivals, and the strong festive atmosphere made Lu Cheng, a single dog, also a little moved.

I have to invite my senior to the festival!



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