My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 226: Best Individual Award, Keystone!

Unconsciously, dozens of college teams have assembled in the waiting area.

Lu Cheng looked around and saw the school flags of famous universities such as Jinling University and Sichuan University.

The coaches have been old rivals for many years, and they could not help but greet each other while waiting.

The red flag was raised, and with a salute, the opening ceremony of the National College League was officially held.

More than 80 college teams entered the arena from four sides, forming a circle around the main stage in the center, and the top 16 teams over the years were at the front of the square.

The person in charge of presiding over the opening ceremony was a well-known host from country C TV station. The men and women wore exquisite dresses with smiles on their faces.

Around the stage, there is a design similar to the Roman Colosseum, and the seats are almost full.

"The opening ceremony of the National Elf College League has officially begun!"

With the harmony of the hosts, there was earth-shattering applause and deafening cheers from the audience, which made Lu Cheng feel a little dazed.

Luo Yun looked around curiously, the feeling of being in the spotlight was especially useful to him.

On the other hand, Zhuge Hui helped his glasses and let out a light breath.

At this moment, several three-in-one magnet monsters flew out from the back field, each with a high-definition camera hanging on it.

At the center of the phalanx, these three-in-one magnet monsters began to disintegrate, and the little magnet monsters circled back and forth above the phalanx.

The camera randomly captured the shots of the contestants and projected them on the huge display above the hall by the director.

The first thing that appeared was the footage of Imperial College.

As the most famous university in country C, Imperial College received a flood of applause upon its debut.

Coach Zhai Wenyao politely put his hand on his chest and bowed.

And a small magnetic monster flew directly beside the dignified and elegant long-haired woman, and aimed the camera at her face.

The younger sister of the current ice king Han Qing,

Imperial University, Han Ying!

Rao was pushing the camera so close, and there was hardly a trace of flaws on Han Ying's face.

With a neck like a swan and ruddy cheeks in the snow-white, Han Ying smiled at the camera and nodded lightly, causing the audience to breathe.

Afterwards, there was thunderous applause!

The director in the backcourt also lost his mind for a moment, and then cut the camera to other high school phalanxes.

Jinling Normal University.

A chubby little fat man glanced at the big screen in surprise, then showed a big smile and waved desperately towards the camera.

Lu Cheng's eyes widened.


Ale also participated in this college league!

Ale didn't go back to Jiangcheng during the winter vacation, and he was hesitant to ask him why. It turned out that this kid was secretly preparing for the league!

A smile appeared on Lu Cheng's face.

Being selected for the school team, this kid has made a lot of progress!

The camera gradually switched, and sixteen brightly colored eagles suddenly flew out from the four sides of the stage.

Their long beaks held red cloth and colored strips uniformly, and their wings vibrated, drawing sixteen beautiful arcs over the hall.

This symbolizes the top sixteen teams of colleges and universities over the years and represents the supreme glory.

Although Jiangnan University stopped in the top sixteen last year, it is already a rare honor for other universities!

For a while, Lu Cheng and others couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in their hearts.

This is a kind of identification with their own school, a kind of confidence given to them by Jiangnan University!

In the sky, the statues were arranged in the shape of a pyramid.

And the one headed by the statue is covered in gold, and its feathers are shining in the sun, it is a golden glittering statue!

The sixteen statues swooped down, came to the sky above the colleges they represented, threw fireworks, and flew towards the back field.

Du Du, the golden statuette, has been hovering over the Imperial Capital University, making a cry resounding through the sky—

This is an honor that only belongs to the champion!

Chen Dayong looked at the golden statue with envy, and suddenly felt that someone had stabbed him.

"Are you envious?"

Chen Dayong nodded subconsciously.

"Next year is ours." Lu Cheng grinned.

Chen Dayong was stunned for a moment, then he laughed and said, "You stinky boy!"

Afterwards, a serious-faced old man in a dark suit emerged from the stage.

"He is the head of the competition department of the association, and his name is Qian Zhen." Chen Dayong explained, "He has been the one to unveil the show over the years."

Qian Zhen's words were concise and to the point, skipping the boring mandarin words and going straight to the reward issue that each participating student was most concerned about.

"In view of the excellent performance of college students over the years, with the purpose of cultivating a new generation of trainers..."

Qian Zhen said slowly: "Compared with previous years, the rewards for this year's Elf League will be relatively higher."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Qian Zhen eagerly.

In previous years, the college leagues were generally divided into the best individual award, the best newcomer award, the best team award, and the league college gold, silver and bronze awards, etc.

Even for the best individual award, the prize money is only five million yuan, which is really pitiful compared to that honor.

After all, the people who have won these awards over the years are all the proud, either from a training family, from a wealthy elf, or from a business tycoon.

For them, the five million award is really not enough.

But since Qian Zhen proposed to increase the reward this year, it shouldn't be so shabby again, right?

"The first is the Best Newcomer Award."

Qian Zhen groaned, and behind him, an emcee dressed in a cheongsam pushed a car slowly out from behind the stage curtain.

"Best Newcomer Award, will receive 2 million yuan in cash, move machine "Jet Flame", "100,000 Volts" and "Frozen Beam"!"

As soon as Qian Zhen's voice came out, the audience suddenly became quiet.

Immediately, the crowd became restless.

"I heard right, there are three move machines, not one of the three?"

"What the hell, when did the association become so generous!"

Everyone looked in shock at the red, yellow, and blue CD that appeared on the big screen.

Each of these three discs is worth at least one million.

Moreover, for trainers, the move machine can significantly improve the power of the elves, which is a rare reward!

Just the Best Newcomer has already exceeded 5 million yuan!

So, what about other awards?

Everyone's eyes became hot.

"And then, the Best Team Award!"

For the best team award, everyone can get a commemorative ball and a cash prize of one million yuan.

At the same time, each member can choose another evolution stone.

Although the reward for each person is only two million yuan evenly, but if added up, the value of the team award has exceeded ten million!

What's more, the team award is not judged on the basis of victory or defeat, but a combination of all the competitions this year and awarded to the team that played the best in a certain team competition.

In other words, any university has the possibility to compete for the best team award!

For a time, the eyes of the team members of the weaker universities also lit up.

"Then..." Qian Zhen smiled slightly. "It's the Best Individual Award!"

The car was slowly pushed out. Under the sunlight, the rainbow-colored stones placed in the small box showed a dazzling luster.

Lu Cheng's eyes widened.

This is--



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