My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 227: Fire King, Flame Bird!

The camera flew close and projected the round stone on the big screen.

The colorful colors reflect a thrilling and beautiful luster in the sun.

However, the students present were a little strange.

What is this small stone used for?

It was supposed to be the best individual award with extremely high gold content, and the prize was just a small stone?

However, there are still many students from wealthy families who recognize the true body of this colorful stone at a glance.

In the discussions of the elders, they have more or less heard of this magical iridescent stone.


According to legend, the stone that can resonate with the super stone of the elves, using the key stone, may even stimulate the potential of the elves, so that the elves that could not evolve can break through their own limits and achieve a new evolutionary form!

For a time, many people's breathing became rapid.

Now the association is really big!

Of course Lu Cheng recognized that this was the keystone.

But judging from the performance of the people present, many people still recognized this stone.

Just a keystone,

However, it requires more than 80 colleges and universities across the country and thousands of students to fight for it!

How difficult is this!

Lu Cheng took a deep breath.

After that, his mood gradually calmed down.

It is foreseeable that in the near future, the news of the keystone will spread throughout the training circle.

This reward represents the association's attitude towards mega evolution.

And keystones will gradually circulate on the market through various means.

Even if he didn't get the keystone this time, Lu Cheng still had a chance to get in touch with mega evolution.


What should be fought for is still to be fought for!

Only freshmen and sophomores participated in the competition this time, and Lu Cheng still had the opportunity to compete for the Best Individual Award.

For a moment, Lu Cheng's eyes became eager.

As for the key stone, Qian Zhen did not explain too much.

Those who understand will naturally understand, but those who do not understand will never be exposed to this field in their lifetime.

Although the audience was still confused, they all pretended to be ignorant and stern when they saw the performance of the people around them, and they applauded warmly.

"Finally, the league's college gold, silver and bronze awards."

Contrary to everyone's expectations, the championship reward of the National High School Elf League turned out to be a purple master ball!

The newly developed Poke Ball has indeed gained a lot of attention, but more people are still skeptical about its function.

So in a sense, the master ball is more like a symbol of a championship.

The championship reward of the league is master ball and 30 million yuan in cash.

The runner-up is a precious red ball with 20 million yuan in cash.

The third runner-up was a yellow-black premium ball and 10 million yuan in cash.

The top sixteen can still get 5 million yuan in rewards, but even if it is evenly distributed, there is not much for each person.

In the final analysis, Lu Cheng's main goal is the pyroxene!

After all, the Lizard King can undergo mega evolution.

As long as you get the pyroxene, and then find a mega stone of the Lizard King or the Tyrannosaurus, with the intimacy between Lu Cheng and the elves, super evolution is just a matter of grasping at your fingertips.

At that time, Lu Cheng's strength will make a qualitative leap again!

Before you know it, the opening ceremony of the league has come to an end.

The final link will be the highly anticipated lighting of the holy flame!

The audience's spirits were lifted one after another.

It's finally here.

I spent a lot of money just to see the legendary beast!

Qian Zhen and the man who came to the stage nodded in greeting, and the man walked to the huge brazier and looked around the crowd.

His body is extremely strong, estimated to be over 1.9 meters tall, his hair is dyed bright red, and even his beard is red.

Just standing there, this man gave people a feeling of not being angry and arrogant.

This powerful aura made the audience a little silent.

Gao Chi couldn't help frowning and said, "Who is he?"

"Tu Ming." Chen Dayong said sternly, "The Fire King of the Alliance!"

"This person is quite difficult to provoke. In the national competition, he burned one of his opponent's elf into a disability!" Zhuge Hui said with a frown.

The crowd fell silent for a while.

"Can such a person become the king of the alliance?" Deng Jiawen couldn't help but say.

"But his strength is really strong." Zhuge Hui said with a wry smile, "In that year's national competition, Tu Ming almost won the championship with a crushing attitude."

Chen Dayong said in surprise: "Isn't the video of that competition no longer available online?"

Zhuge Hui coughed lightly and said, "In my home, there are videos of every important competition held over the years..."

The real person does not show his appearance, and Zhuge Hui's family is actually quite wealthy.

And because he also cultivated fire elves, Zhuge Hui naturally paid more attention to Tu Ming.

"That's not bad." Chen Dayong said with a smile, "Next time, everyone will come to your home to study together!"

Chen Dayong's words eased the atmosphere, but Lu Cheng fell into contemplation.

The fire king?

Lu Cheng looked at the man with red hair.

Trainers who specialize in a certain department are often targeted by other trainers.

But with only the fire-type elves, Tu Ming could still win the national championship.

This is already a trainer who has brought a certain attribute to the extreme.

It is worthy of the name of the fire king!

Could it be that he was the one who held the ceremony of lighting the holy flame?

But what about the flaming bird?

The silver brazier was more than two meters high. Tu Ming stood beside the brazier and slowly took out a high-grade yellow-black ball.

Aiming at the sky, Tu Ming pressed the button of the Poke Ball.

A chirping sound resounded through the sky!

Birds with orange flames burning all over their bodies, flapping their scorching wings, soared a crimson trajectory in the air!

The legendary divine bird, the flame bird!

The flame bird was constantly circling in the air, leaving this dazzling figure on everyone's pupil membrane.

The audience's bodies trembled, and the three-in-one Magneto fell straight from the air because they couldn't stand the terrifying high temperature.

Fortunately, the trainer retrieved the three-in-one magnet in time.

But even that powerful trainer was sweating like rain at the moment.

There was an unparalleled shock in everyone's heart.

Tu Ming, actually subdued the Flaming Bird!

I saw Tu Ming lightly nodded at the Flaming Bird.

The flame bird chirped, and the flame on its crown rose suddenly, and it gently flapped the pair of wings made of flames.

The flames roar!

A cluster of incomparably hot flames fell from the sky, and the entire clubhouse seemed to be reddened at this moment.

If the brazier hadn't been made of the strongest material, it would have been melted by this terrifying high temperature within a few seconds.

Only the most basic flame can reach this temperature.

What a power this is!

Lu Cheng's breathing became rapid.

As early as in Qianjiang, he had already seen the power of divine beasts.

And this Tu Ming in front of him can actually make the divine beast work for him!

Is this the strength of the Alliance King?

Tu Ming's figure still did not move, he stood beside the brazier, quietly watching the rising flame.

The holy fire soars!

With a red light, he took back the flaming bird.

But the people present didn't make a sound for a long time.

Although the flame bird has ignited the holy flame over the years, no one would have imagined that this flame bird actually has an owner!

Able to conquer divine beasts,

What a powerful trainer this is!

The holy fire in the brazier burns quietly.

It is said that the flame will last until the end of the league before it goes out.

Tu Ming took the torch handed by the emcee beside and lit it by himself.

As the first torchbearer, Tu Ming will personally participate in the torch relay ceremony and pass it on to the torchbearers outside the hall.

At that time, the torchbearers will surround the entire Demon City, passing the holy flame, all the way to the Eastern Battle Tower in the Demon City.

With the end of the opening ceremony, the students exited like a flood.

Everyone was talking and laughing, still reminiscing about the grand occasion of lighting the holy flame just now.

"It's actually a real flame bird!"

"Yes, and such a powerful divine beast can actually be subdued by a trainer!"

Lu Cheng didn't consciously turn his head back, looking at the burning orange flame.

Can the flames of the Nine Tails reach this level?

Suddenly, he felt that the air around him was a little hot.

Looking up, in the extremely high sky, there is a small red dot that is constantly moving.

Lu Cheng was slightly startled, and subconsciously used his dynamic vision to point the magnifying glass at the little red dot.

Thousands of meters in the sky, a soaring flame.

This is……

Another flaming bird!


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