My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 250: Draw lots, Magic City Jiaotong University!

Lu Cheng returned to the hotel, and all he heard along the way were discussions about Imperial University.

"Did you watch the game this morning? The Emperor is too strong, the one named Jiang Xun went straight to 1v5!"

"True or false, didn't I read on the Internet that the main force of the Emperor can't even beat a tyrannical carp dragon?"

"Fuck you, don't even think about it, if it's 20 meters long, it's no longer a tyrannosaur, it's a monster!"

Lu Cheng could not help coughing dryly.

The 20-meter Tyrannosaurus Carposaurus has already been rumored.

Lu Cheng has already checked visually, and this one of his own will definitely not exceed fifteen meters.

But this has already set a record in the current cognition. You must know that the height of an ordinary tyrannosaur is only ten meters!

As for Jiang Xun?

To be honest, that two-axe dragon is really strong.

But for Lu Cheng, it is not without the confidence of the first battle.

Back in the room, Lu Cheng swiped the comments on the Internet.

In the Elf Forum, a "National College League" section has been specially opened at this moment.

Different from the U20 competition at that time, this section is open to all trainers in the country, only after the registration time and speech have reached certain conditions, you can post.

Lu Cheng logged onto his account.

At this moment, the most popular post in the "National College League" section is the discussion about the strength of Imperial College.

Troll Warlord Ollie (the landlord): Combining a lot of analysis posts and comment posts, the landlord made a rough ranking (picture) of the strength of the colleges and universities that appeared on the stage. I have to say that Imperial College is a real beer! It's done!

Ruthless Water Sticker Rotom: I'm thinking that there are still many universities that haven't appeared yet? How did you start ranking?

Want to raise Lie to bite Lu Shark: Although the emperor is indeed very strong, it is still too early to rank.

I once fished in the lake of green grass: Emperor ranked first? I am the first to disapprove of Modu University!

Did the nine tails win the championship today: Emperor ranked first? I am the first to refuse to accept Jiangnan University!

Thousand-faced evasion: The place where big bosses gather, slipped away.

What color is Miss Goethe's fat C today: Holy crap, isn't this Lu Cheng's ID? Lu Cheng has participated in the National League?

Explosion is art: The people of Jiangnan sent a congratulatory message, and Xiao Lucheng rushed to Ye!


Lu Cheng was taken aback.

Holy crap, I was recognized so quickly!

Do you have to consider wearing a vest?

Slip away, change the post and follow the water.

What made Lu Cheng more interested was the title "On Popular Videos, the actual area of ​​the red carp dragon."

The ID named "Polygon Beast AE" used a difficult physical formula, combined with the longitude and latitude of the northern hemisphere at that time and the area of ​​the Tyrannosaurus carp dragon's moon shadow, to calculate shockingly accurate data.

Polygonal Beast AE: To sum up, the actual height of the red Tyrannosaurus of Jiangnan University player Lu Cheng should be 14.3 meters, which is 2.1 times that of the ordinary Tyrannosaurus, and the actual volume is 1.3 times that of the ordinary Tyrannosaurus. Data on strength, etc. could not be analyzed due to insufficient conditions. If there are any mistakes, I hope you will correct them.

The ruthless water sticker Rotom: Mr. is talented, the grandfather's clothes are spicy!

Ma Ma Eel King: The landlord is awesome! By the way, what do you think of Lu Cheng's strength?

Polygon AE: I don't have exact data, so I can't analyze it, but I am very optimistic about Jiangnan University.

Lu Cheng was stunned.

Even he himself didn't know how big the Tyrannosaurus was.

Unexpectedly, this person can actually calculate it with only one video, and it is almost the same as the actual data!

I have to say that the forum is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Lu Cheng didn't dare to be interested in other posts, as well as headlines such as "Amazing Insider of the Shy Bao Hotel".

Due to the tight schedule of the competition and the competition in different groups, after the lottery, Jiangnan University will start the first round of Group B the day after tomorrow.

In Group A, in addition to Imperial University, there are strong teams like Modu University, but the top 32 only competed in one round, and the two teams did not directly collide.

Apart from Jiangnan University, the strongest team in Group B is probably Jianghan University and Modu Jiaotong University.

Jianghan University's tactical style is extremely changeable. Perhaps it is related to the strange weather in Jianghan. Last year, Jianghan University put on different weather players such as Bandera, Blizzard King, and Big Mouth in just one team. Played other teams is complaining, and finally achieved the semi-finals.

Not to mention the Magic Capital University, the former defending champion, although he was swept by the Imperial University with a vengeance last year, but also has an incomparably powerful strength.

In Chen Dayong's words, it's best not to run into these two teams, but if they do, there's nothing to talk about.

It's just the competition for the top sixteen, and it's already so tense.

Lu Cheng couldn't help but feel that last year's top sixteen seemed less embarrassing.

In the event that Modu University and Imperial University collide in the first round, there will always be one of these two teams who is not even in the top sixteen!



At the much-anticipated lottery ceremony, Gao Chi went up holding Huoban with an expressionless face.

The cute Huoban cat immediately attracted a lot of attention.

I saw Gao Chi drag Huobanmiao's paw into the lottery bucket, which attracted a kind of laughter.

However, everyone at Jiangnan University was extremely nervous.


Huoban Miao impatiently pokes out a small red ball with one paw.

The camera was aimed at the red ball, and all of a sudden, there was an exclamation in the stadium.

Coach An Ran from Shanghai Jiaotong University also looked at Chen Dayong in surprise.

In her hand, a red ball stands out.

The top sixteen competition!

Magic Metropolis Jiaotong University VS Jiangnan University!

Chen Dayong's complexion suddenly turned ashen.

What fire spot cat can bring good luck, this is obviously killing people!

Do you want to be so exciting when you face the defending champion in the first round?

Last year, I was in the top sixteen, so I won't take the train home this year, right?

And Coach An Ran's expression is not very If there is a choice, she really doesn't want to run into Jiangnan University.

But anyway, the result has come out.

Judging from the enthusiasm at the scene, the heat of this battle was directly full.

The overwhelming applause and the earth-shattering cheers all showed the audience's expectations for this showdown.

No matter what the competition is, a strong duel is always more interesting!

"Coach." Gao Chi walked back to the team in a low voice and said, "I..."

"It's okay." Chen Dayong sighed, but a smile slowly appeared on his face.

I saw him patted Gao Chi on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Since we are here for the championship, we must meet."

"That's right." Zhuge Hui pushed up his glasses and echoed, "A strong opponent can better show how valuable success is."

Lu Cheng folded his arms and pondered: "The best way to overcome fear is to face fear."

Everyone was stunned.

"It's over." Lu Cheng grinned, "Come on, Ollie!"



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