My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 251: the night before the game

"Have you heard that the opening match of Group B is Jiangnan University vs. Magic Capital University!"

"Damn it, this is only the first round, and the two teams collided?"

"A strong duel, this game is worth watching!"

After the lottery ended, the match between Jiangnan University and Shanghai Jiaotong University has skyrocketed in popularity and has become the most watched event recently.

And discussion posts and analysis posts about the strength of the players also appeared on the Elf forum overwhelmingly.

Ruthless water sticker Rotom: The list of matches for Group B is out. The following is my personal prediction (picture) for this game. Personally, I am more optimistic about MODU, after all, it is the defending champion, and Jiangda It was only the top sixteen last year.

Ma Ma Eel King: I can't say that, the strength of these two teams is actually equal.

Want to raise Lie to bite Lu Shark: Someone in the forum has already analyzed the respective elves of the two teams, and they don't know who is stronger between Lu Cheng's red tyrannical carp dragon and Zhou Gu's Hakelong, who has a great relationship with the devil.

Left-leaning the wind speed dog and right-handing the eagle: Is he the champion of the U20 competition in Sichuan Province? I have always been following Zhou Gu's games. He seems to be from a coordinator, and his style of play is quite entertaining.

Super Armored Rhinoceros_Gongsun Rong: I support Jiangnan University.

This sudden reply made this post suddenly silent for a moment.

Then, the number of replies increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Damn it, it's me! The big guy in the top four of the national competition!"

"There's actually an officially certified badge, woohoo, I'm sour."

"Can you explain the reason, why are you optimistic about Jiangnan University?"

After taking over as the head of the gym in Xiashan Province, Gongsun Rong started a daily leisure life.

This seemingly serious middle-aged uncle is in fact watching the forum silently every day.

Seeing the heated discussion among the crowd, he couldn't help but post a comment.

Why are you optimistic about Jiangnan University?

Gongsun Rong pondered.

Perhaps, it was because he saw his own figure in that boy.

Unlike analysis posts, there are many that are purely support posts.

The audience is completely out of personal preference, cheering for the teams and players they support.

Due to the exposure, the most concerned player at the moment is undoubtedly Lu Cheng, who caused the "Burious Carp Dragon Storm".

No one knows what kind of strength this newcomer has.

Is it grandstanding or real?

All this will be known at first sight on the day of the match!


The night before the game!

The sky outside had already dimmed.

A night owl fell on the branch, turned its head one hundred and eighty degrees, and stared into the brightly lit window.

Indoors, the densely written tactical boards are all about the key points of this game.

"Generally speaking, the first player of the Magic City Jiaotong University should be Xue Feichen, who appeared last year." Chen Dayong frowned, "I showed you last year's game, and the roundabout sand throwing of the King of Mountains was quite difficult. "

"For this kind of tactic, the best way is to launch an attack from the air." Zhuge Hui pondered, "The cultivation of flying elves from Jiaotong University is one of the best in the country."

"That's right." Chen Dayong nodded, "If we focus on breaking the game, we may fall into the trap."


Chen Dayong looked around the crowd and said, "We have to take the initiative to attack!"

Lu Cheng and Deng Ruyun's eyes suddenly lit up.

Chen Dayong glanced at the two of them, coughed dryly and said, "Gao Chi, you go first in the next game!"

"Give me a good setback and the spirit of Demon Capital University!"

Everyone's eyes fell on Gao Chi.

I saw Gao Chi turning his wrist, still with a cold expression, but the corners of his mouth rose slightly.



Demon City Jiaotong University.

Coach An Ran is only in his early thirties this year, the age of a woman in her prime.

With a graceful figure, black and shiny hair is coiled on her head, An Ran taps on the tactical board, her red lips slightly parted.

"Next time, Xue Feichen will go first."

After all, he is an old player who has participated in one league, so his strength and psychological quality can be guaranteed.

It is undoubtedly the best choice for the coach to let the old seniors show the new people.


A young girl wearing thick bottle-cap glasses and not wearing Fendai frowned and said, "If you let Senior Xue go, will it be calculated by the opponent?"

Xue Feichen opened his mouth, his face a bit ugly.

As the only senior in the team, this is a bit despising him.

Even if you are counted, what can you do, as long as you win!

At this moment, a gentle laughter sounded, and Zhou Gu said with a smile, "Qin Yu, it's alright, trust the senior!"

An Ran nodded slightly and said in a condensed voice, "I believe in your strength, and you should also have enough confidence in yourself."

Speaking, Coach An Ran showed a bright smile.

"When I win this game, I'll treat you to a big meal."


Magic University.

Yu Fengshi put his hand on the leather sofa, shook the amber glass, and watched the interview program on the LCD screen.

In the screen, random interviews are being conducted with several players and audience.

The host's voice sounded: "Who can win the two teams has become the hottest topic recently..."

"Who do you think will win?" Yu Fengshi laughed.

In the silent lounge, no one responded to him.

With a lingering sound, a girl in white swayed the bell gently, and curls of smoke rose from the incense burner.

Lu Ning put her slender hand on her chin and stared intently at the girl's movements.

It wasn't until the incense ash that the girl laid down the ashes, Lu Ning smiled and said, "Every time I see Qian'er burning incense, my mood will always calm down unbelievably."

Ning Qian'er smiled shyly, and a wind chime bell hovered above her, making a crisp bell.

"I said, are you listening?" Yu Fengshi sighed.

"Listen." Ning Qian'er said softly, "Meng Meng Chu has already told me the result."

Yu Fengshi was stunned for a moment.

This girl in the team has been chattering all the time.

It is said that she has also mastered some unnatural ability, which can even directly affect the elves.

Yu Fengshi smacking his lips.

He never believed in this stuff.

"What's the result?" Lu Ning said with bright Can you tell my sister? "

I saw Ning Qian'er glanced at Yu Fengshi and quietly approached Lu Ning's ear, hating Yu Fengshi's teeth.

At this moment, He Dun, the coach of Modu University, walked in.

As the founder of "Thunder Tactics", the team coached by He Dun has always been famous for its lightning-like surprise attack style.

But this year's players made him feel like he couldn't start.

Even though he won the game that ended in the morning, it always left He Dun with nothing to eat.

Yu Fengshi's slow ecstasy eyes didn't matter, this little girl from the Ning family kept repeating the instructions of "predicting the future" and "teleportation", and finally it took 20 minutes to solve the battle.

Although Lu Ning also has a long-eared rabbit who plays extremely violently, the lethality of her skirt lady is too low.

"Yu Fengshi." He Dun frowned and said, "Next time I see you drinking in the tactics room, you don't have to play."

Yu Fengshi's expression changed, and he quietly put down the glass.

"Also, everyone of you must go to watch tomorrow's game." He Dun pondered,

"This will be of great help to your improvement!"



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