My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 297: Nightmare God Darkrai

The blood mist filled the town from the wilderness, wrapped in shrill cries and mourning.

Several wandering night spirits, like revived zombies, walked into the town shaking their bodies covered in bandages.

Under Lu Cheng's feet, tombstones suddenly rose up, one after another of death coffins bursting out of the ground with red blood stains.

Lu Cheng's expression changed, he turned his head and saw that Severed Hand and Camus had closed the door with a thud. "Fuck!"

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Lu Cheng's forehead.

The blood mist moved slowly, gradually eroding towards the town. "What the **** is this!"

"Come on, help!"

The trainer who was stained with the blood mist was swallowed up in an instant before he had time to take out the Poké Ball.

As the sound of chewing bones sounded, the blood mist became thicker and thicker.

"What the hell!" Lu Cheng was horrified, and subconsciously took out the Poke Ball.

At this moment, under the scarlet full moon, a black shadow flew by.

Lu Cheng looked up and saw Darkrai, whose body was made up of shadows and the white mist kept rolling, was staring at him silently, revealing a faint blue eye like blue crystal.

He seems to be composed of many sharp fragments, his body is full of raised black edges, a thick shadow covers his body like a cloak, and the shadow on the soles of his feet continues to stretch, and finally wraps the entire red moon.

The red moon seemed to be torn apart by gravity, began to tremble, and finally broke into two halves.

Lu Cheng's pupils shrank suddenly, and with the annihilation of the moon, a dark singularity bloomed from the center, and finally spread into a black hole of nothingness.

The house, floor tiles, including the trainer who didn't have time to escape, were swallowed up by this black hole, and finally disappeared into a dead silence.

In the small town, there was no more movement, only the wandering Eidolon, with scarlet blood gleaming in his eyes.


"Unfamiliar ceiling... that's weird."

Lu Cheng woke up from the bed, held his head with a splitting headache, and looked around blankly.

The room is filled with familiar furnishings, including his own Pokémon pillow and figure.

It's just that when Lu Cheng's eyes fell on the cabinet, he involuntarily narrowed his eyes.

"How do you feel...what's missing?"

Just then, Lu Cheng's cell phone vibrated.

"Sister: (picture

"Sister: Come to my house in the afternoon to make up lessons, don't be late!"

In the picture, the girl in uniform sits gracefully, the sun falling on the ends of her hair, gilding her with an elegant linen color.

In the corner of the room, a pitiful baby with a big mouth was staring with teary eyes, looking extremely cute.

Lu Cheng smirked unconsciously.

Sure enough, Pokemon is really cute!

Just why this big mouth baby doesn't look right?

However, at this moment, the big mouth baby in the picture suddenly became distorted.

First, the whole face was covered with yellow crusty skin, and then the big mouth on the head suddenly grew several meters like a ripe fruit.

Those round eyes suddenly rolled to the ground, revealing **** round holes.


With both hands on the screen of the mobile phone, the big mouth baby raised his head and showed a strange smile to Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng:  …

Big Mouth Baby:  …

"I said why it doesn't feel right."

Lu Cheng sighed, and suddenly pulled the big mouth baby out of the phone, held it in his arms, and said contentedly:

"This kind of Maville is cute!"

The big mouth baby in Lu Cheng's arms felt that the concept of elves had been subverted at this moment.


You call this big mouth baby with **** eyes cute! ?

What the **** is going on with your aesthetics!

Dazuiwa's face flushed, and suddenly he pushed Lu Cheng away, jumped onto the cupboard, and shouted at Lu Cheng:

"Human, is there something wrong with your brain?"

Dazuiwa pointed to his hideous face and asked, "You call this cute!?"

Lu Cheng nodded, showing a gentle smile.

Dazuiwa's face was ashen, and the big mouth on his head was wide open, revealing his sharp teeth.

"Why, aren't you scared?"

"What's so scary about that?" Lu Cheng smiled, "It's so cute!"

The big mouth baby grinned: "Then what about this!"

Immediately, the big mouth baby transformed into a Gengar.

The environment around Lu Cheng also changed, and he once again came to a small town full of ruins.

Under the gloomy night, Gengar's smile grinned to the corners of his mouth, revealing fine fangs.

Lu Cheng folded his arms and whistled.

Geng Gui's expression changed.

This isn't the original Gengar, it's a reworked Gengar based on Darkrai's Nightmare!

Ordinary people will definitely scream in shock when they see this kind of strange-looking elves, even if they don't faint at first!

It looked at Lu Cheng blankly, but saw Lu Cheng sneer: "That's it?"

"I've seen it through, Darkrai!"

With Lu Cheng's snoring, the hallucinations around him shattered like glass, Geng Gui screamed and flew upside down into the air, changing back to Darkrai's appearance.

It is also a dark body, and white mist, and there are blood-red jagged growths on the neck.

It's just a little smaller than the Darkrai under the red moon.

As early as when Dazuiwa's appearance was in the Q version, Lu Cheng found out that something was wrong.

And Darkrai transformed into a curious version of the elf, which had a great impact on Lu Cheng.

"It seems that these are all your tricks."

Lu Cheng looked around and found that the town was silent, and several trainers even fell to the ground in the street, slumbering.

But all the blood fog and ghosts all turned into nothingness.

Darkrai flew in the sky, trembling all over.

Its screams exploded directly in Lu Cheng's brain like telepathy.

"Human, I will make you pay!"

However, what responded to it was a ball of opportunity.

A red light rose from the yellow-blue lead ball, and Darkrai was sucked into the ball before he could react.

Of course, the preemptive ball broke without even shaking.

The furious Darkrai broke the ball out, stretched out his ghost hand, and a scarlet light shone in his eyes.

"Can't you catch someone who was just born?" Lu Cheng frowned and sighed.

"Nine Tails, seal!"

Just when Darkrai released the hypnotism, he was suddenly suppressed to the ground by a golden light like Sanskrit.

Nine tails swayed their tails proudly, and a layer of dazzling gold was plated in the red pupils.

"Who doesn't know how to hypnotize." Lu Cheng sneered, "Nine tails, hypnotize it first!"

Darkrai trembled.

If it is hypnotized, maybe it will really be captured by this human being!

"Stop, human."

However, at this moment, a low voice echoed in Lu Cheng's mind.

Darkrai, who was under the full moon, fell from the sky, stretched out his hand a little, and the seal on the little Darkrai was released.

A gust of wind, wrapped in a powerful coercion, caused Lu Cheng to take a half step back involuntarily.

However, the supernatural powers on Jiuwei's body formed a purple barrier to protect Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed, he turned his hand, and a purple and red master ball appeared. However, Darkrai just floated in the air and looked at Lu Cheng deeply.

"Human, can you tell me how you did it?"

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