My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 298: Against Darkrai! Bonds evolve!

"I've only seen a handful of people in tens of thousands of years to get out of a nightmare by willpower alone."

Darkrai echoed with resonance in Lu Cheng's mind.

"They all have their own beliefs, so they can get out of the nightmare."

"So, what is your belief?" Lu Cheng was taken aback: "Faith?"

Daclas rubbed the head of little Daclay behind him, and a smile appeared on his face: "Come with me."

Lu Cheng looked up and found that the red moon in the sky had returned to normal. The moon exudes a bright brilliance, reflecting the sleepy trainers in the street.

Darkrai held his child's hand, his dark body floating on the silent street.

"We are born of people's nightmares."

"There are many sources of nightmares. Desires, obsessions, and fears will all be the source of nightmares."

"Even this child was born from these emotions." Little Darkrai hid behind his parents and secretly made a face at Lu Cheng.

"And the stronger the trainer, the deeper their obsession, and the more difficult it is to wake up from the nightmare."

Darkrai stopped in front of the hotel, flicked his finger, and a crystal-like picture appeared in front of him.

Lu Cheng's eyes widened.

In the picture, it is Jiang Xun who came with him!

"His strength is among the top among your trainers." Dakles rubbed the crystal.

"But even he didn't wake up from the nightmare."

Lu Cheng looked at the crystal.

In the picture, a child appeared, 90% similar to Jiang Xun.

"He only got to this level with his father."

"Haha, if it wasn't for Jiang Ziqian, he would be nothing more than a waste!"

"Jiang Xun, how many times have I told you, use the elves I gave you, don't use those rubbish!"

Jiang Xun fell to the ground with a slap, staring blankly at the stolen Poké Ball.

And as his tears fell, the huge beast fighting cage rose up, and the two-axe fighting dragon broke out of the cage, with scarlet blood gleaming in his eyes.

"And her." Darkrai faltered.

Ning Qian'er was standing at the luxurious banquet, with a standard smile, with silk threads connecting her limbs.

The next moment, the environment she was in changed, and an eerie and terrifying grimace appeared.

"Qian'er is good, grandma will decide for you!"

At the end of the screen, Darkrai hugged his arms and said, "It can be said that dreams reflect the human subconscious."

"Only a trainer with a strong belief can escape the nightmare."

Darkrai looked at Lu Cheng deeply and repeated, "What is your belief?"

Lu Cheng recalled the dream just now.

Perhaps for others, the Pokémon that Darkrai has transformed into are extremely ferocious.

But Lu Cheng has gradually become familiar with these appearances and regards them as a part of his life.

Lu Cheng has always held a passion for Pokémon, even if the appearance of these elves seems a bit strange.

"Perhaps, it's out of love for elves." Lu Cheng smiled.

"Even the elves transformed by Darkrai are acceptable to me."

In fact, I am used to it.

Lu Cheng sighed deeply in his heart.

"Love of elves?"

Darkrai's eyes moved slightly, but he sneered: "This is the first time I have heard such a reason."

"With a powerful elves, you have the money, wealth and power of your human beings." Darkrai sneered,

"Aren't you trying to capture the legendary elves for this purpose!"

"Indeed, I crave these things as well."

Lu Cheng met Darkrai's eyes, neither avoiding nor dodging.

"I admit, I also tried to capture your child."

Darkrai's eyes showed a mocking look, and surging shadow **** gathered around him.

"But standing on the peak of strength, this is the mission of the trainer."

Lu Cheng said with a stern look in his eyes: "Whether it's Darkrai, Hupa, or Machado who appears here, I'll try to catch it."

"This is my mission as a trainer!"


Darkrai's anger exploded in Lu Cheng's mind.

"Capturing the elf into the icy elf ball, is this what you mean by the love for the elf?"

"They should have lived in a wider grassland, sea and sky!"

"Why don't you ask them what they think?"

Lu Cheng looked at Darkrai coldly.

The violent shadow ball roared, instantly tearing the protection of the supernatural power and flying towards Lu Cheng who had no protection.

But Jiuwei flew out, resisting the shadow ball for Lu Cheng, and slid heavily on the ground for several meters.

Little Darkrai let out an exclamation and subconsciously appeared behind Jiuwei and supported it.

Darkrai looked at Lu Cheng coldly.

"Prove it to me, what you say, the love for elves."

"Otherwise, just because you try to capture my child, I will kill you now!"

How to prove love for elves?

If it was Zhiye, he should choose to fight against Clay's shadow ball now.

But such a powerful beast, let alone humans, can easily destroy an entire town.

Lu Cheng had no confidence in throwing the master ball at all, and at the moment, only the last choice was left.

Fairy battle!

Lu Cheng took a deep breath and his eyes gradually became cold.

In his hand, there are four shrunken Poké Balls.

The Lizard King, Tyrannosaurus, and Variety all appeared in front of Darkrai, roaring at it.

And nine tails also dragged the black body that was hit by the shadow ball and limped to the front of the team.

Little Darkrai looked at this scene and was stunned involuntarily.

Why are they working so hard?

Really die, don't they know?

Is this trainer really worth their effort!

Darkrai's eyes moved, and after a while, the corners of his mouth evoked a slight arc.

"Okay, let's play with you."

"Lizard King, mega evolution!!"

Lu Cheng buckled on his belt with a snap, and with the roar of the Lizard King, a dazzling white light enveloped its body.

The tyrannical carp dragon made a huge roar, and under the full moon, its body suddenly jumped up and flew towards Darkrai!

And the body of the ever-changing monster became several floors swallowed the poisonous mist, and the ever-changing monster turned into a huge rogue crocodile, biting towards Darkrai. .

Just as the three elves leaped, a large number of shadow **** suddenly appeared beside Darkrai.

These shadow **** are surging with surging energy, wrapped in layers of purple electricity, and shot out in a salvo!


In an instant, the giant carp dragon's huge body was covered in bruises, but it still resolutely guarded the front of its teammates.

The Lizard King's eyes narrowed, he cut the shadow ball with a knife blade, drew his knife, Iai, and slashed towards Darkrai!

Darkrai flexed his fingers, and the Lizard King flew out and fell heavily.

However, at this moment, Darkrai's eyes moved.

On its arm, there is a row of **** tooth marks!

The fossilized pterosaur flapped its wings and roared mockingly at it.


Darkrai grinned suddenly.

In front of it, a dark singularity suddenly condensed.

The singularity continued to expand, and finally formed a black hole that devoured everything, as if to devour all Lu Cheng's elves.

At this time, boiling white flames rose from the body of Nine Tails.

The white flame seemed to have life, resisting the black color that was stained by the shadow ball on its body.

The purple supernatural power, the red ignition, the white sacred flame and the inky black death energy on its body are intertwined.

In the end, Jiuwei's eyes suddenly lit up, turning into two colors, one red and one purple!

At the purple pupil, the incomparably holy white flame dyed the hair pure and flawless white. At the red pupil, the black flame intertwined with the shadow ball plated the other side with inky black.

The brand-new nine-tailed roar appeared in front of Lu Cheng and Darkrai!

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