My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 300: The ultimate creature, the spiritual world chapter is over!

Lu Cheng didn't tell anyone else about the capture of Darkrai.

Those who only witnessed Darkrai always showed a strange look when they looked at Lu Cheng.

Especially broken hands.

On the last day of the town, Broken Hand looked around and whispered, "Lu Cheng, you'd better leave first." "Why?" Lu Cheng asked in surprise.

As if ruthless, he broke his hand and gritted his teeth: "You kid, have you subdued the descendants of Darkrai!"

"I think so." Lu Cheng laughed, "Then you have to give me a chance!" "Don't be stupid!" Grabbing Lu Cheng with a broken hand, he said solemnly, "You kid is very good to me. "

"If you believe me, don't stop at the last minute!"

Lu Cheng's expression gradually became solemn.


"There were still many people who were awake at the time. After so many days, the mayor has determined that it was you who captured Darkrai!" At this moment, the mayor Camus, who was full of spring breeze, came towards the two of them.

"Mr. Lu Cheng, I didn't expect to meet you in such a place."

"Are you here to say goodbye to Mr. Broken Hand?"

Camus narrowed his eyes slightly, as if to see Lu Cheng through, and glanced at Lu Cheng up and down.

Darkrai hid in Lu Cheng's shadow and said in an uneasy tone:

"Lu Cheng, be careful of this guy!"

"It's the last day, I want to exchange the remaining points." Lu Cheng replied with a smile.

"That's natural." Camus smiled. "After all, Mr. Lu Cheng has a lot of money in this small town, and he can ask for anything."

"Perhaps, Mr. Lu Cheng doesn't want to leave here, maybe?" Camus said with a stern look.

"I still have very important people outside."

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Please allow me to excuse me."

Looking at Lu Cheng's hurrying back, the smile on Camus' face gradually turned into a sinister sneer.

"Broken hand, how many points did this kid get in total this month?"

"A total of 2120 points." Broken hand bowed his head and said, "All the Poke Balls and medicines in our exchange station have been exchanged by him."

Camus slammed the table heavily and said angrily, "Why didn't you tell me in advance!"

"Do you know these things, how long do I have to re-sell ghost-type elves to earn them back?"

Broken hand said solemnly: "Lord Mayor, according to the rules of points you set, we will not lose no matter what."

"It's just that Lu Cheng's personal ability is too excellent..."

Thinking of the dark stone ore veins that were almost cleaned out outside the town, and Lu Cheng, who used the ghost eye as a miner, a strange expression appeared on the face of his severed hand.

Camus' face was ashen, and he sneered after a long while: "I hope this kid really caught Darkrai."

"Otherwise, his worth will not be enough to compensate for my losses here!"


"Are you sure you know other exits in the spiritual world?"

Looking at Darkrai next to him, Lu Cheng frowned, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Darkrai looked hesitant.

Seeing you enjoying so much in the mansion, I'm too embarrassed to speak!

"The exit to the spiritual world is not fixed."

Darkrai's telepathy sounded directly in Lu Cheng's mind.

"And most of them are at the beginning of October. There may be several exits in the wilderness at the same time!"

"That's good." Lu Cheng said with a long sigh of relief, "Where is the nearest exit?"

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

At this moment, a shadow covering the sky and sun fell.

Camus, who was smiling all over his face, descended on a steel armored crow, his eyes gradually turning cold.

"Mr. Lu Cheng, why don't we settle our accounts first?"

"Hudi from the hotel still owes me 50 points, and told him he didn't need to pay it back."

While smiling, Lu Cheng quietly stretched out his hand to the Poké Ball.

"I mean, Darkrai!" Camus' pupils suddenly widened as he roared and threw the Pokeball.

"Giant Vine, catch this kid for me!"

The giant vine covered with wet tentacles suddenly shot out two slender tentacles full of venom.

"Lizard King, see you!"

The Lizard King's bone sword cut open the tentacles, but four or five vines suddenly emerged from the gap, directly binding the Lizard King's body.

Camus grinned, and beside him, an electric shock beast's arm aimed at Lu Cheng, bursting out a terrifying thick electric current.

Jiuwei's defense was instantly shattered by 100,000 volts and fell on Jiuwei's body, causing it to let out a groan.

Looking at this scene, Lu Cheng unconsciously frowned.

In a head-to-head battle, he is no match for this Camus!

"Stinky boy, stop struggling!" Camus laughed.

At this moment, a black and white figure emerged from Camus' shadow.

Facing Camus' eyes, Darkrai's eyes suddenly burst into scarlet light.


However, a pair of fans blocked Darkrai's red light.

Roseredo put down the fan gracefully, and a strange smile appeared on the blue mask.

Camus grinned and said, "Roseredo, use Luoying Colorful!"

Lu Cheng's expression changed, and he subconsciously aimed the dark ball at Darkrai, wanting to take it back.

At this moment, a pitch-black energy wave came from the void.

This terrifying wave of evil directly shattered Roseredo's mask into two halves.

And Camus also flew out heavily, spit out a mouthful of blood, and looked in horror at the surging black hole.

"You, why are you still here!"

Darkrai, who reappeared from the dark black hole, looked at Camus coldly.

With a single finger, the Electric Shock Demon and the Steel Armored Crow let out a painful roar, and fell to the ground with hideous faces.

Camus was so frightened that he crawled several meters on the ground and said in horror, "No, listen to my explanation!"

"It was that kid who captured your child, not me!!"

Camus pointed his trembling finger to Lu Cheng, but saw that little Darkrai had already flown out of the shadow and said something to Darkrai.

Darkrai's face became colder and colder, and those ghost hands were aimed at Camus again.

This time, what condensed in its hands turned out to be a dark black hole that was enough to annihilate everything!

"No, save me Lu Cheng, save me!"

Camus fled frantically, but was still swallowed by the spreading dark black hole.

Above the wilderness, once again returned to peace.

Lu Cheng swallowed his saliva.

He finally knew how much water it put into the battle with Darkrai that day.

An old monster that has lived for tens of thousands of years, Lu Cheng can't give it enough to tuck its teeth!

"Humans, meet again."

Darkrai turned to Lu Cheng, and the low voice sounded again.

"It seems that you successfully captured my child."

Lu Cheng's face became serious.

But the next moment, Darkrai's words gave him a sigh of relief.

"However, it appears to be living well."

Darkrai smiled slowly.

"Human, in you, I did see the love for elves."

"The bond between you and that elf is the best proof."

"I am willing to entrust my child to you, and I hope you can treat it with the same emotion, and..."

Darkrai's eyes moved slightly: "What you said, stand on the highest mountain."

"Of course." Lu Cheng smiled slowly, "Don't worry!"

"Follow me, keep it delicious and spicy!"

Little Darkrai let out a low cry, flew beside Lu Cheng, and got into his shadow again.

Darkrai nodded at Lu Cheng and said, "The exit of the spiritual Come with me."

The next moment, Darkrai directly lifted Lu Cheng up and flew towards the black hole of nothingness.

All the sounds in my ears disappeared.

Lu Cheng felt as if he was in a weightless environment. The moment he tried his best to open his eyes, it seemed that a huge black shadow passed in front of him.

It is an eye that goes deep into the soul.

Like black bone wings from hell, the body made of gold and blood wandered through nothingness.

The wings that covered the sky floated around it like ribbons, and the mysterious creatures with extremely sharp bodies made a long and ancient cry in the void.

Lu Cheng only felt trembling all over.

When he came back to his senses again, he had already appeared in a field of flowers.

The breeze is coming, the fragrance is fragrant, the bright sunshine falls in the flower field, and a few sunflower seeds are quietly absorbing nutrients.

Darkrai stood behind Lu Cheng and said with emotion, "Although this is a good place, it's not the place I should be."

Lu Cheng fell silent.

That creature just now... is Giratina!

The legendary elf, in charge of the power to reverse the world!

Could it be that this is the most advanced creature in the spiritual world?

Little Darkrai floated in the flower field curiously and said to his father, "Can I live with Lu Cheng?"

"Of course."

Darkrai nodded and said, "Perhaps, he can train you to a height high enough for me to look up."

Little Darkrai scratched his head embarrassedly.

And Lu Cheng stood in the sun, his smooth black hair fluttering, even more moving than the girl in the flower field.

Lu Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, but quietly clenched his fists. Even for Giratina,

One day, I will come back again!

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