My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 301: Withered Grassitia (1/3)

There were fluctuations in the void, and Darkrai's figure slowly disappeared from the black hole.

In this fragrant garden, there is only one long-haired black...


The young man slowly raised his head, looked at the windmill at the far end and muttered, "First we have to figure out, what exactly is this place..."

At this moment, a dark figure emerged from the shadow at the bottom of Lu Cheng's feet.

Darkrai stuck his head out of the shadow and looked into the distance. "There seems to be a small village ahead!"

Lu Cheng's face twitched, and he said with a dark face: "Can you change your appearance next time? It's scary."

As soon as he looked down, he saw the white mist surging above Darkrai's head.

Lu Cheng thought his crotch was smoking!

Darkrai scratched his head embarrassedly, and immediately floated behind Lu Cheng. "So what?"

"That's fine." Lu Cheng touched his chin and said,

"Next time you will come out from behind."

Darkrai grinned and stretched out a pair of dark ghost claws. The black mist enveloped Lu Cheng and slowly floated following his footsteps.

far away.

A flower farmer raised his head, looked at the figure passing through the fields, and rubbed his eyes involuntarily.

"Look, is there something floating behind that little girl?"

"Old Li, you read it wrong."

"Didn't you see a black figure floating behind that little girl?"

"What, I think you are confused!"

Old Li scratched his head, looking a little puzzled.

Am I really wrong?


"Rowan Village."

Lu Cheng took his stand-in... ahhh!

Appeared in front of this small village with his Pokémon.

"It looks like it is characterized by planting flowers."

The fragrance of flowers floated in, with a refreshing breath.

A few walking grass swaggered across the gravel road, and squinted at Lu Cheng.

"Are you from out of town?"

At this time, a flower farmer wearing a bamboo hat greeted Lu Cheng, "I haven't seen you in the small village!"

"I came here to travel, and my mobile phone has no signal, so I wanted to come here to ask for directions."

Lu Cheng made an excuse.

Hearing Lu Cheng's voice, Hua Nong glanced at Lu Cheng with strange eyes and said:

"It's a long way from the train station."

"If you leave now, you will have to travel all night to get there, and you may not be able to catch a ride!"

"Is there a hotel in the village?" Lu Cheng asked, "I can stay here for one night."

The flower farmer smiled and said, "Small place, where is the hotel?"

Just when Lu Cheng hesitated, the flower farmer's eyes fell on the Poke Ball on Lu Cheng's waist.

"Little girl, are you a trainer?" Hua Nong's eyes lit up.

Lu Cheng nodded, but was suddenly stunned.

little girl?

"That's easy to handle." Hua Nong smiled, "I am the head of this village."

"If you don't dislike it, you can stay at my house."

"Wait until tomorrow morning, when I go to town to deliver goods, you can go with my car!"

The status of a trainer is highly respected no matter where you go.

However, the words of the village chief kept Lu Cheng brooding.

It was not until Lu Cheng came to the village chief's house and stood in front of the mirror that he swallowed involuntarily.

"Kyuubi, what's going on?"

With a flash of red light, the nine tails licked their tails lazily, and the next moment, they looked at their master in confusion.

Unexpectedly, the owner has long hair like this!

Can't stand it, can't stand it.

Kyuubi's face was flushed red, and he suddenly cried out, and got back into the Poké Ball by himself.

It must be the reason for the evolution of the bond!

Lu Cheng gritted his teeth and looked at the mirror.

In the spirit world, it was just a ponytail, but now it can be draped over the shoulders.

Lu Cheng was originally beautiful, and his tough facial lines were now covered by black hair, which could be called the appearance of red lips and white teeth.

Coupled with the shiny black hair, it is no wonder that the village chief mistook Lu Cheng for a little girl.

That's why the village chief was so surprised when he heard Lu Cheng's voice.

This little girl looks standard, but it's a pity that she opened her mouth!

During dinner, Lu Cheng explained his gender to the village chief, and the village chief shook his hand when he served the vegetables.

Do all boys now look like this?

And according to the village chief's explanation, Lu Cheng also had a general understanding of the customs here.

Rowan Village is mainly for planting flowers and transporting them to the city as raw materials for perfume.

Although most of the village is filled with elderly people, with the help of elves such as walking grass and flower and leaf pedicles, it is quite easy.

And the perfume made from the flowers of Rowan Village is famous in the whole province, and even people from abroad come to buy it from thousands of miles away.

"In addition to making the elves get closer to the trainer, this perfume can also purify the air and even have the effect of removing smog!"

The village chief is very proud to promote the perfume.

Although it sounded unreliable, Lu Cheng still responded with a polite smile.

Purify the air and remove haze?

Do you think this perfume is the beast Shemi?

Even in the elf world, that is the authority of the beast alone!

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng was suddenly shocked.

"Village Chief, what kind of flower is this perfume made of?"

"Every August, the little red flowers bloom here."

The village chief said, "According to the older generation, it was a seed floating from the sky."

"You missed a good time." The village chief smiled. "Every August, the beautiful red flower blooms in the flower field."

"Then the red color will spread to other flowers, and finally the whole flower field will be on fire."

Lu Cheng thought about it.

"Can you show me that flower?"

The village chief got up and took out a small withered flower from the flower basket behind him.

Six shrunken flowers, withered stamens, and browned green leaves.

But it can still be easily distinguished that this is the legendary Gracietia flower that can make Shemi evolve into a sky form!

"This is the first flower."

The village chief sighed, "It's a pity that it has withered."

"The village chief." Lu Cheng said sternly, "Can you sell this flower to me?"

"Is this thing helpful to you?"

The village chief was astonished, and immediately shook his head and smiled: "Forget about selling it, there are no trainers in the village anyway."

"Besides, it's all withered. If you want it, I'll give it to you."

The village chief smiled and said, "After all, you are here to travel, so you should bring souvenirs back, right?"

I saw the village chief put the withered Gracietia flower into a flower basket, and inserted many budding flowers, and handed it to Lu Cheng.

"This is a little gift from me," said the village chief with a smile.

Lu Cheng seemed a little stunned. He was about to speak, but was interrupted by the village chief.

"Okay, it's getting late."

"Rest early, we have to rush to the train station early tomorrow morning!"

Gracietia flower, known as the flower of gratitude, can make people's mind become peaceful and tranquil.

This also makes the people in this small village content and happy.

The next day, Lu Cheng caught a tractor to the train station. The Rowan Village behind him is getting farther and farther away.

Lu Cheng took a deep breath of the refreshing floral fragrance and gradually revealed a smile.

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