My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 310: The long night is coming?


Han Qing stretched her waist, showing off her proud figure, letting out a lazy voice from her red lips.

Lu Cheng said with a strange expression, "Did you sleep so peacefully?"

"What, do you have any thoughts about me?"

Han Qing blinked, and the corners of his mouth suddenly rose.

"It's a pity, my sister only likes girls."

Okay, now it's the stone hammer.

The hatch opened, Han Qing walked to the empty hatch and snapped his fingers.

I saw Ice Ghost Protector's mouth suddenly exhaled a freezing wind with boulders, and the ice crystals condensed in mid-air, forming an ice sculpture-like ramp.

Han Qing walked down the ice ladder first, his leather boots landed, and there was a crackling sound of ice breaking.

"What are you doing?" Han Qing turned around and said, "Come down."

Lu Cheng looked at the ice ladder in surprise, and walked out of the hatch carefully.

To be able to create ice ladders several meters high out of thin air, the control and finesse of ice is really amazing.

The two came to the black land covered with ice and stood still.

The cold wind howled, Lu Cheng couldn't help shivering.

"It's not bad." Han Qing glanced at Lu Cheng and said,

"The temperature has risen in recent years, and even the area with the ice cave is much smaller."

Lu Cheng looked towards the vast horizon, and on the black earth covered with ice, a palace-like ice sculpture rose.

The palace can't see the end at a glance, it stretches far away like a long corridor, and even if you only look at it, you can feel the cold air emanating from the ice cubes.

"Is this formed naturally?"

Han Qing said: "The ice cave was originally just a corridor between the two countries, but with the cooperation of ice sculptors from all over the world, it has formed what you see now."

"If you encounter an ice sculptor inside, you must not use force against him."

Han Qing said solemnly, "They are the most respected professions here, and even their strength is comparable to that of elite trainers."

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "I'm only here for training, not for sabotage."

The two stepped on the ice ball and moved forward.

On the vast plain, several ice-blue sneeze bears can be seen.

They were nibbling on the ice moss, looking at the two of them curiously.

"Because of warming temperatures and poaching, many elves' habitats have been destroyed." Han Qing frowned, "The sneeze bear you see now is actually a critically ill species."


When the two of them exposed the Sneeze Bear's territory, several sturdy icefield bears let out a demonstrative roar, and a floating snow girl appeared beside Han Qing.

Under the dance of the snow demon girl spilling ice crystals, the icefield bears gradually quieted down and walked back with a low growl.

"In the ice cave, there are many powerful groups."

Han Qing said, "If you want to survive, you'd better avoid them."

Under Han Qing's popular science, Lu Cheng's nerves gradually tightened.

He has to stay here for at least a week, and Han Qing's words are not only based on experience, but can even save his life at the critical moment.

The outline of the ice cave gradually became clearer, and at the entrance of the ice cave, which looked like a giant beast's blood basin, a lifelike frozen bird was carved and painted.

And below the frozen bird, there are countless ice-type elves who worship, and each one's mouth seems to be exuding white air, alive.

"Okay, then you have to go by yourself."

At the entrance of the cave, a gust of cold wind came, like the wailing of a giant beast, making Han Qing's white coat screeching.

"If you want to leave early, you can call me." Han Qing smiled, "After all, there is a base station on the ice field."

"I hope when you come back, I can see a rising star who has mastered the evolution of two kinds of mega."

Lu Cheng nodded and said seriously, "If I meet Han Ying, I will help her."

Han Qing waved at Lu Cheng, and his slender figure gradually disappeared in the vast mist.

Lu Cheng took a deep breath and walked towards the inside of the ice cave.

Although the cold wind is howling, the inside of the ice cave is unique, like a real palace. Kerosene lamps are erected on both sides of the wall, illuminating the dome paintings made of ice.

When Lu Chengzheng was amazed, a shout came from the corner.

"Are you a new trainer?"

A man wearing a cotton hat and wrapped tightly, walked out of the corner rubbing his hands.

He had a moustache, and his cheeks were red with cold, but his eyes were as sharp as eagles.

"From China?"

Lu Cheng nodded.


Lu Cheng frowned and said, "Uncle, are you looking for a household registration?"

The man said with a smile, "I'm sorry, the investigation has been strict these two days, please be considerate."

Han Qing also didn't tell me that there are relevant inspectors here.

Lu Cheng frowned, quietly let Darkrai hide in the shadows, took out the association's certificate and said, "Can this prove it?"

The man took a closer look and let out a long sigh of relief.

"It turned out to be the little brother of the association. I was offended a lot just now."

The man smiled and said, "My name is Huo Xu, and I'm a member of the night watchman here."

Lu Cheng subconsciously said, "The long night is coming?"

"It's not that."

Huo Xu coughed dryly, "It's our resident trainer here, an environmental protection organization formed spontaneously to prevent poaching and malicious destruction of ice sculptures."

"It sounds very powerful." Lu Cheng's eyes lit up,

"Do you have a camp?"

Huo Xu smiled and said, "Of course, if you don't dislike it, you can come with me."

"There are many trainers there. In addition to the night watchman, there are also many trainers who came to the ice cave for training."

Lu Cheng just happened to be staying in the ice cave for a week, so having a camp would be great.

Under the leadership of Huo Xu, Lu Cheng came to a black field where many tents were stationed.

"The ice **** here has been melted by the flames." Huo Xu said, "In some places you can even grow vegetables."

Looking around, Lu Cheng saw that in addition to the tents, there was even a small wooden house with a sign of the elf center.

And a group of people are gathered around at the moment, shouting loudly.


In the center of the open space, the fire-breathing dragon and King Nido collided fiercely, fighting against each other.

"Zhou Laosan, your King Nido doesn't seem to be very good!"

"That's right, I don't think it's enough to tickle Lao Gou's fire-breathing dragon!"

Someone in the crowd roared, which immediately attracted a burst of laughter.

A rosy man yelled, "Who said my King Nido couldn't do it?"

"King Nido, hit him with a hammer!"

With the sound of footsteps that made the ground tremble, King Nido roared towards the fire-breathing dragon.

At this moment, an old man with gray hair but a strong physique laughed and said: "Zhou Laosan, you are careless!"

"Fire-breathing dragon, use a million-ton punch!"

When King Nido rushed over, the fire-breathing dragon suddenly grabbed King Nido's horn, clenched its claws into a fist, and hit King Nido's jaw directly with a heavy fist, causing it to fly out heavily. .


The whole cave roared, and the shards of ice fell to the ground, and even the immortal ice cracked with fine lines like spider webs.

And from the crowd of onlookers, applause suddenly rang out.

"Lao Gou is amazing! He actually knocked out King Nido directly!"

"Is there anyone else to challenge, Lao Gou has won five consecutive victories!"

Looking at this Huo Xu explained with a smile: "This is the head of our night watchman, everyone calls him Lao Gou."

"Every Friday, there will be a ring match here, just to catch up with you."

Lu Cheng asked curiously, "Is there any prize for winning the game?"

"There are no prizes, but it's cold and boring, let's have some fun."

Huo Xu shook his head and said with a smile, "If you have to have it, maybe it's the respect of everyone here."

"After all, everyone worships the strong." Huo Xu said with a smile.

Respect for the strong...

Lu Cheng looked at these experienced trainers and fell into deep thought.

Lao Gou cocked his hips triumphantly and said with a smile, "Is there anyone else coming to challenge?"

"Don't pretend to be old, you've picked out all the elves here!"

Lao Gou laughed, waved his hand and said, "Then let's go here today!"

He patted the frustrated young third Zhou, and Lao Gou walked down the ring cheerfully.

When his eyes fell on Huo Xu, he suddenly let out a light whimper.

"Little Huo, this is..."


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