My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 311: Camp in the ice cave

"This is a trainer from China." Huo Xu explained, "He also came here to train."

Lao Gou nodded, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Little brother, you look very familiar."

The originally lively crowd suddenly quieted down.

People looked at Lu Cheng, the newcomer, with vigilance, curiosity and surprise in their eyes.

"Isn't this the champion of this year's college league, what's it called?"

"Lu Cheng! Yes, that's him, the college student who mastered the evolution of mega!"

Lao Gou said with admiration, "I can't believe that I can still see college students in the ice cave."

"How about you, boy, are you interested in having a contest with me?"

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "No, let me first familiarize myself with the environment here."

Hearing Lu Cheng's words, there was a burst of boos from the crowd, and someone shouted:

"Champion, teach this old dog a good lesson!"

"That's right, don't let this fire-breathing dragon continue to be arrogant!"

Lao Gou looked at Lu Cheng cheerfully and spread his hands.

There are very few outsiders in this camp. This time, it is rare that a newcomer comes, and he is still the champion of the college league.

Everyone can't wait to see Lu Cheng's shriveled appearance.

The roaring intensified, gradually becoming a uniform roar.

"Champion, champion!"

Huo Xu said embarrassedly: "Everyone, give me a face, this little brother is here to experience, not to fight in the ring."

"Actual combat is also part of the experience!"

Lao Gou waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and asked expectantly, "Little brother, what do you think?"

It seems that the people living in the camp have a very high enthusiasm for elves fighting.

Lu Cheng moved his wrists and said with a smile, "I just want to warm up too."

After Lu Cheng agreed to fight, cheers erupted from the crowd.

"There's another game to watch!"

"Bet and bet, I beat Lao Gou to win, this is going to be a six-game winning streak!"

The atmosphere became lively again, and several trainers sat around the ring with great interest, making a lot of money.

And a strong man with tangled hair and a voice like a bell threw an ice cube that exuded cold air.

"I beat this little brother to win, a piece of ice won't melt."

"Damn it, Anton is too generous! I bet you!"

Huo Xu pulled the strong man and whispered, "Anton, this thing is not cheap."

An Dong said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, I've seen that kid's game, and Lao Gou is going to die this time!"

Huo Xu looked at Lu Cheng on the side of the ring with surprise.

Even Anton is so optimistic about this kid...

Could it be that Lao Gou really has gone wrong this time?

"Buy and leave, buy and leave."

"Stop betting, the game has begun!"

Lao Gou smiled and said, "Boy, I won't bully you either, go on to the fire-breathing dragon!"


The fire-breathing dragon with scars all over his body and sharp eyes walked onto the ring with a low roar, exuding a strong sense of oppression.

Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed.

This fire-breathing dragon should focus on melee combat.

And the wheel battle consumes a lot of physical strength, it is really the most suitable candidate for battle!

Flexing and extending his fingers, a diving ball appeared in Lu Cheng's hand.

"Come on, Tyrannosaurus!"


The ice cave suddenly began to vibrate violently, and dense fine lines appeared directly on the eternal ice.

Large pieces of boulders fell on the hard red scales of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, and were directly smashed into pieces.

Everyone involuntarily raised their heads, showing an incredible look.

"Flashing carp dragon?"

"My God, how can there be such a big Tyrannosaurus!"

"Te mother, how to fight fire-breathing dragons!"

The fifteen-meter-high red carp dragon suddenly made the cave crowded.

Full of intimidation, the tyrannical carp dragon shook its hideous head and lowered his head provocatively to sniff the tyrannical carp dragon.

A fire-breathing dragon that is less than two meters away is really not enough to see!

Lao Gou twitched his lips and scolded, "I'm Gan!"

"Boy, did you send such a big elf to a ring match?"

Lu Cheng scratched his head and said embarrassedly, "This time, the main reason for coming here is to train this elf."

The originally lively crowd suddenly quieted down.

Is it possible that your kid has other stronger elves?

Lao Gou gritted his teeth and said, "The big guy is not worth it! Fire-breathing dragon, use flying and lightning punches!"

The fire-breathing dragon vibrated its wings, bursting out with astonishing speed, and its fists condensed electric light and swung it towards the head of the tyrannical carp dragon.

Four times the damage, if it hits directly this time, no matter how big the tyrannical carp dragon is, it won't help!

Looking at the flying fire-breathing dragon, Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed.

"Tyrannosaurus, pull it away with the water tail!"

What Thunder Fist met was not the head of the tyrannical carp dragon, but the tail as hard as iron!

In the shocked eyes of everyone, the Tyrannosaurus carp dragon's tail was like a fly swatter, and one tail fanned the fire-breathing dragon out.

While the fire-breathing dragon was still in a daze and his eyes were shining with stars, Lu Cheng's command had already sounded.

"Tyrannosaurus, use Crush!"

Aiming at the fire-breathing dragon that fell from the sky, the tyrannical carp dragon smiled, revealing rows of fangs.

Lao Gou exclaimed, "Fire-breathing dragon, use the dragon dance to avoid it!"

At the critical moment, the fire-breathing dragon's body suddenly spiraled upward, and the tail cut through the airflow, avoiding the bite with extremely superb skills.

The trainers who were watching were already extremely shocked.

This young man actually forced Lao Gou's dragon dance out of the box!

It's hard to believe that this Lao Gou is really going to lose!

Under the dragon dance, the speed of the fire-breathing dragon increased again, Lao Gou waved his arms and shouted:

"Fire-breathing dragon, go around its back and use Thunder Fist!"

Avoidance is unavoidable!

Right now, the only way to let the tyrannical carp dragon reduce the damage.

Lu Cheng's eyes froze, "The tyrannical carp dragon, the water splashes!"

Everyone was stunned.

What the heck, water splash?

The crackling thunderbolt fist hit the back of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, leaving a piece of charred black.

Just as the fire-breathing dragon was about to throw its second punch, the tyrannical carp dragon let out a roar, and its body actually bowed, and it bounced to the same height as the fire-breathing dragon!

Lao Gou was stunned.

Tyrannosaurus, does it actually fly?

"Tyrannosaurus, use Crush!"

Two elves flying in the air at the same time, big eye to small eye

And the tyrannical carp dragon suddenly smiled and opened its **** mouth.


The fire-breathing dragon let out a low roar and fell heavily from the air.

And with the momentum of the water splashing, the tyrannical carp dragon lingered in the air for a second, landing one step behind the fire-breathing dragon.


Looking at the tyrannical carp dragon pressing on the fire-breathing dragon, everyone's expressions became strange.

Lao Gou screamed: "Old guy, are you alright!"

Until the fire-breathing dragon let out a scream, everyone let out a long sigh of relief.

Afterwards, everyone involuntarily looked at Lu Cheng.

Unexpectedly, this young man actually surpassed Lao Gou!

In the eyes of everyone, there is awe and admiration.

In any case, the strong are worthy of respect!

An Dong laughed and said, "I won, the two pieces won't melt!"

The stall owner muttered and reluctantly stuffed the crystal ice cubes into Anton.

Huo Xu swallowed involuntarily.

You, what kind of monster did you bring back!



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