My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 315: Cold Wave and Poachers

The Dragon Dance technique, in addition to increasing speed, can also be used to evade attacks.

This is the reason why Lao Gou's fire-breathing dragon has always been at the top of the camp.

However, the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon has taken a different approach, and the Dragon Dance is full of destruction and lethality.

Rao, a veteran trainer, couldn't help but praise the Tyrannosaurus.

It was still early, and the night watchmen in the camp started their dinner.

After dinner, they need to rush to their respective territories and set up camp.

In order to save this group of endangered elves, they have been doing it for several years out of a lofty personal sense of mission.

In recent years, under the attention of countries all over the world, they have also gradually arranged the establishment of "ice guards".

The red sun sheds the afterglow on the crystal clear ice sculpture corridor.

The ice cave is actually formed by two caves, and this ice sculpture corridor connects them.

From the ice sculpture promenade, you can rush to the territories of various elves, but the roads are complicated, and there is a risk of getting lost if you are not careful.

The bonfire reflected Lao Gou's flushed cheeks. He drank the strong wine and laughed loudly: "Lu Cheng, he didn't expect to learn my housekeeping skills so quickly. He really has the demeanor of Lao Tzu!"

An Dong smiled and said, "He is the champion of the college league, and he might even win the national championship in the future!"

A few men encouraged Lu Cheng and coaxed: "Champion, champion!"

Lu Cheng scratched his head and said with a smile, "I haven't even got a badge yet."

Although he has the badge of Xin Gym, he still decided to challenge Gao Minglang once according to the procedure.

Lao Gou laughed and said, "It's okay, there is an Ice Breath Gym near Heijiang, you can try it when you get out of the ice cave!"

Lu Cheng nodded.

Since I came to Heijiang, it would be good to take this opportunity to get the badge, so as not to have to come again in the future.

Unable to resist everyone's instigation, Lu Cheng took a few sips of white wine, and his ears were hot, but his body felt warm.

At this moment, the sky suddenly turned gloomy.

On the iceberg at the far end, the black clouds were pressed down, the cold wind whistled, and boulders like flying sand were accumulated, and the blizzard that was visible to the naked eye came from the horizon.

The camp suddenly became quiet, and An Dong said solemnly, "The cold wave is coming."

"Cold wave?"

"It's the blizzard that often forms in the wilderness outside the ice cave."

Huo Xu explained: "This blizzard is very destructive, but after the cold wave ends, it will also bring a lot of good things."

"If we can pick up rare evolution stones, we'll be rich." Lao Gou said with a smile.

"We... isn't this a non-profit organization?"

Lao Gou glared at him and said, "Don't charitable organizations need to spend money?"

"After the cold wave is over, let's try our luck on the ice sheet..."

At this moment, a strong man came anxiously and said, "Captain, we saw a group of sneaky people next to the ivory pig's territory."

Lao Gou stood up suddenly, and said hoarsely, "Elf hunter?"

"I don't know, but they all have serrations and pokeballs, and they came in from other secret passages."

Lao Gou yelled and scolded, "T-Niang's, it happened at this time!"

Looking at the blizzard whistling from the distant mountains, Lao Gou gritted his teeth and said, "I'll just harass me in the past to save everyone's life in vain."

An Dong said, "Who are you looking down on, old dog, I will go with you!"

Lu Cheng also stood up. "I'll go too."

Lao Gou was stunned for a moment, but saw Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Don't forget, I am also a member of the Night Watch in name."

"Little brother, great job!"

An Dong laughed and patted Lu Cheng's shoulder, "I really didn't see the wrong person!"

"Isn't the ivory pig's territory very far, let's run over there?"

"That's too slow."

Anton took out three hunting balls, and with a flash of red light, three armored rhinos appeared in front of Lu Cheng.

"You should have studied horsemanship in college, right?"

Before Lu Cheng could respond, Anton jumped up, grabbed the protrusion on the back of the armored rhinoceros, and walked away.

Lao Gou also jumped and shouted, "Lu Cheng, keep up!"

The roar of hoofs gradually faded away, leaving Lu Cheng alone, who was a little embarrassed.

Which university have you seen that teaches riding iron armored rhinos?

Fortunately, the rhinoceros that Anton left to Lu Cheng was a more docile iron-clad rhinoceros.

Lu Cheng patted its back, took out a precious golden energy cube, and stuffed it into its mouth.

"Dude, don't call me ashamed..."

The armored rhino glanced at Lu Cheng.

The old lady is obviously the mother's, okay?

This kid has a heart, the smell of this energy cube...

The armored rhino suddenly raised its head and roared loudly, digging into the ground with blood-red eyes.

Come on, let's go!

As soon as Lu Cheng sat on the iron armored rhinoceros, he felt a strong wind blow.

With the booming hoofs, in just one minute, Lu Cheng caught up with the two who set off first!

Lao Gou and An Dong looked at each other with a surprised look at the same time.

Is this kid Lu Cheng so skilled at riding?

"Lu Cheng, don't run too far!"

"Damn it, come back quickly, there's a blizzard ahead!"

Sitting on the galloping female rhinoceros, Lu Cheng burst into tears.

Can't stop at all!

The turbulent blizzard, like a black giant, came slowly from the far side.

With an extremely heavy sense of oppression, the howling cold wind affected everyone's nerves.

When he arrived at the ivory pig's territory, Lu Cheng found that the battle had already started.


The cold wind of hunting was blowing Han Ying's coat, her tall figure was so insignificant under the low black cloud.

The Snow Demon Girl sheltered beside it, opening the aurora curtain where the brilliance circulated.

And the snow-white nine tails shuttled back and forth in the snow, avoiding the surging flames of big characters.

"Bai Xue, use the freezing beam!"

A cluster of dazzling blue light shot at the old construction worker who was waving the concrete pillar.

But the old builder just smashed the icicle with a punch!

In the whistling wind and snow, five figures could be vaguely distinguished.

They besieged Han Ying in the center of the territory, as well as a huge ivory pig.


The ivory pig screamed sharply, and its sharp and deadly fangs slammed towards the group of hunters.

dong dong dong!

The hoofs thumped like thunder, crushing the hard ice.

But before the ivory pig approached, he fell in front of the hidden rope with a bang.

The sly tengu stared coldly at the ivory pig that fell to the ground.

With a "click", the Scorpio King who descended from the sky cut off one of the tusks of the ivory pig, revealing a triumphant smirk.

"Boss, the things are in hand, you can withdraw them!"

"No, I must make this woman suffer a little!"

The heavy snow intensified, and a man with a scar grinned and threw a Pokeball.

"Hot Beast, just burn this woman to death for me!"

The cold temperature made Han Ying's already fair cheeks even paler.

She bit her lower lip and said coldly, "Bai Xue, we must live!"

The fiery beast used a large-character explosive flame, which instantly evaporated the ice fog and roared towards Han Ying.

The aurora curtain was broken instantly, and the fire was soaring into the sky!

However, at this moment, there was a humming sound behind her.

A long-haired pig slammed into Han and was directly hit by a large-character explosion, making a shrill scream.

And a group of small mountain pigs protected Han Ying spontaneously, although trembling all over, they did not take a half step back.

Han Ying took a deep breath and felt her voice tremble.

"Bai Xue, I suddenly miss my sister."

"Boss, hurry up, the night watchman will be here soon!"

"It's coming soon, we're just one move away!"

The scarred man shouted: "Fire Beast, use Purgatory!"


The fury of the roaring flaming beast stood tall, and the sky-high flames formed an unavoidable cage.

The screams of the long-haired pigs came from her ears, causing Han Ying to close her eyes involuntarily.

However, what she felt was not the scorching heat wave.

It is a kind of extra tenderness, like the warmth from the depths of the soul.

A golden nine-tailed body was watching her quietly. Purgatory was completely blocked by the nine-tailed tails, reflecting the man's figure.

"Are you alright?" Lu Cheng frowned.



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