My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 316: avalanche! Battle in the snowstorm!

Han Ying was stunned for a moment and subconsciously asked, "Why are you here?"

"It's a long story." Lu Cheng sighed and said, "Nine tails, that hot **** is for you!"


In the whistling cold wind, the fiery red figure drew an afterimage and rushed towards the fiery beast.

A look of disdain appeared in the eyes of the fiery beast, and a violent flame condensed in his mouth.

But the nine tails did not evade or flicker, her bright red pupils lit up, and a pitch-black shadow ball condensed on her chest.


The explosion sounded, and the fire beast was directly knocked several meters away, and fell heavily on the ice.

"It's over, boss, they're all here!"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

The scarred man gritted his teeth and retracted the hot beast, looked around, and sneered: "They are only four of them."

"Kill them directly!"

During the time that Lu Cheng restrained the scarred man, Lao Gou and An Dong had already fought with other elf hunters.

These two are worthy of being experienced trainers, even if they are one against two, they still do not lose.

With a bang, Rumble Rock collided with the Iron Armored Rhinoceros.

The fire-breathing dragon avoided the flying ice thorns with the skill of the dragon dance, and ripped open the shell of the iron-clad shell with the burning claws.

"Lu Cheng, hold on!" Lao Gou yelled, "I'll help you when it's settled here!"

"Old man, worry about yourself first!"

A scorpion who was hidden in the snow suddenly rushed out, and the sharp claws glowing with cold light smeared directly towards Lao Gou's neck!

However, Lao Gou just leaned sideways lightly, and at the same time grabbed the hand and grabbed Yun La, and said with a grin, "Little rascal, how dare you use a knife on your grandfather Gou!"

The figures of Lao Gou and Yan La scuffled together.

Although Yan La's claws are extremely sharp, Lao Gou's fighting skills are quite rich, and he is hard to beat.

This scene made the group of elf hunters dumbfounded.

"Boss, let's withdraw, this group of people are monsters!" a man trembled.

The scarred man gritted his teeth and shouted, "Stop arguing, I'll help you when I solve this child!"

In the heavy snow, the Lizard King and the old builder collided.

Although the strength of this old builder is quite astonishing, the Lizard King relied on his flexible body to fight with it.

Under Ye Ren's harassment, the old builder was bruised and bruised, but he couldn't help the Lizard King in the slightest.

Looking at this scene, a sneer appeared on the scarred man's face.

Brat, you can take advantage of it now.

Waiting for the meeting, you will know what it means to be overwhelmed!

"It's now!" The scarred man yelled, "Scorpio King, cut off this kid's head!"

The screaming Scorpion King swooped towards Lu Cheng at an astonishing speed.

The iron pliers glowing with cold light aimed at Lu Cheng's neck, it was a scissors guillotine!

Not to mention humans, even if the elves resisted this move, they could not escape death.

Han Ying's face turned pale, while Lao Gou and An Dong turned their heads at the same time and shouted, "Be careful!"

How could Lu Cheng be unprepared!

A sneer appeared on Lu Cheng's face.

With a snap, Lu Cheng clapped his hand on the belt.

"Variety monster, transform!"


The blue sparks splashed, and the Scorpion King's guillotine actually failed.

No, it didn't fail, but hit the sword of the Sword Monster with a strong shield!

The scarred man's expression changed, and he screamed: "Where did this strong shield sword monster come from!"

Under the influence of metal powder, Lu Cheng was covered with a layer of golden armor.

In front of his chest is the shield of the Sword Monster with a Strong Shield, on both shoulders are flying thorns, and in his hand, there is an incomparably sharp long sword!

Lu Cheng studied swordsmanship for a while at the Jitian Taoist Hall.

Even, it is quite proficient in learning!

"Variable monsters, sword mode, holy sword!"

The sharp sword in Lu Cheng's hand suddenly expanded several times, forming a broad two-handed sword.

Lu Cheng roared and swung out the blade, and a surging white light condensed on the sword!

With a bang, one of the tongs of the Scorpion King was directly cut off.

However, before it could scream, a fossilized pterosaur had already bit its body.

"Fossil pterosaur, use Crush!"

The situation suddenly reversed.

Han Ying stared blankly at the man standing in front of her.

Half a year ago, they also competed on the same stage for the championship of the college league.

Half a year later, has he reached such a height?

Or rather, this was originally his true strength!

Looking at the screaming Scorpion King, Lao Gou stomped Tjula to the ground and said with a big laugh, "Good job, Lu Cheng!"

"Fire-breathing dragon, you also give Lao Tzu a boost!"


The fire-breathing dragon roared, and the fire column shot up into the sky. The surging flames directly stopped a thin man who wanted to escape.

The thin man screamed: "Don't kill me, I know I was wrong!"

"It's all him, it's all the man who ordered me to do it!"

On the other hand, Anton also ended the battle.

Under the charge of three iron-clad rhinos, a poacher was directly knocked out, and his life and death are unknown.

The situation is already quite obvious.

If caught by this group of people, it would be a sentence of decades at least.

The scarred man took a deep breath, his eyes gradually turned cold.

"Longlongyan, use the big self-destruction!"

Lu Cheng's expression changed, and he shouted, "Lao Gou, come back quickly!"

Lao Gou still laughed with a bewildered look on his face, apparently not realizing what was going on.

And Anton was also pale, and his body stiffened involuntarily.

Lao Gou, right at the center of the big self-destruction!

The white light of the move lit up, Lao Gou didn't have time to dodge, and was instantly blown away by the air wave.

With a thud, Lao Gou bumped into a hard scale, bleeding profusely.

He looked up blankly, only to find that the tyrannical carp dragon was protecting him in front of him.

The roaring explosion stopped, and the tyrannical carp dragon turned around, half of its body was scorched black.

Facing Lao Gou, the tyrannical carp dragon slowly showed a hideous smile.

"Nice job!" Anton couldn't help roaring.

Lu Cheng let out a long sigh of relief, secretly thinking in his heart, after returning this time, he must not treat the Tyrannosaur badly!

The explosion of the rumbling rock mixed with the flying snow in the sky, making the cold wind even more bitter.

And in the blizzard, there was a faint roar of anger.

Lao Gou's expression changed.

"Hurry up, get out quickly!"

"what happened?"

At this moment, the iceberg on Lu Cheng's flank shook for a while.

Between the shaking of the earth and the mountains, the everlasting ice surface has created fissures.

From the iceberg, large pieces of ice and rocks rolled down, gradually forming an irreversible avalanche!

Just like the wrath of the gods, the Xue Beng rushed towards Lu Cheng and the others at a very fast speed, and they were about to be swallowed up in the blink of an eye!

"It's over." Lao Gou said with a gloomy face, "We can't escape."

Lu Cheng gritted his teeth and said, "What about the fire-breathing dragon, let your fire-breathing dragon bring one or the other!"

Lao Gou shook his head and said with a wry smile: "If it can't fly out, this avalanche, even a fire-breathing dragon will be instantly submerged."

The avalanche is close at hand.

Lu Cheng's sight was instantly covered by white, and the white covering the sky was still expanding.

Thousands of thoughts appeared in Lu Cheng's mind one by one.

It's over, I still have my first kiss!

I still have senior, and Maville, and there are so many lovely elves that I have never seen before!

Lu Cheng suddenly glanced at Han Ying beside him.

"What are you doing?" Han Ying asked with a pale face.

"You're about to die, don't you want to show your savior?" Lu Cheng said seriously.

Han Ying thought for a while, then suddenly bit her lower lip and shouted, "Bring your face here!"

At this moment, the ivory pig with its tusks sawed off suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes.


In front of the ivory pig, a huge ice wall rose from the ground.

But the avalanche was not delayed in the slightest, and instantly washed away the ice wall.

However, there was a light in Lao Gou's eyes.

"It works!" Lao Gou yelled, "This small avalanche won't last long."

"Keep going, we have a chance!"


The panting ivory pig screamed again.

Under the action of primordial force the rock formed a thick wall, and absolute zero instantly condensed the wall into ice.

Behind the ivory pig, a group of humming little boars approached.

Although the effect is weak, they all use their own fine snow to make the ice wall a little more solid.

The long-haired pig directly used his body to stand behind the ice wall, and used his body to become a barrier for Lu Cheng and others.

Lu Cheng's heart moved, and he shouted at Han Ying:

"Will your nine tails be at absolute zero?"

Han Ying nodded.

With a flash of red light, the fossilized pterosaur appeared, and Lu Cheng shouted, "You also use your original power to build a wall!"

"Jie O!"

The roaring fossilized pterosaur flapped its wings, and a large rock appeared out of nowhere.

And Snow White froze the rock with her absolute zero in time.

In this way, a fan-shaped ice wall appeared in front of everyone.

Even the unstoppable avalanche did not break the ice wall!

Lao Gou yelled, "Hold on, the avalanche will be over soon!"



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