My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 317: Survive! Ice ghost guard mega stone

The boulder swept across Lu Cheng's cheek, the ice wall was so precarious in the avalanche.

However, he was standing in the avalanche that filled the sky.

It wasn't until the roaring in his ears stopped, and after a long while, the humming in Lu Cheng's ears stopped.

"It's over, it's over?" Han Ying said with a pale face.

Lao Gou's lips were quivering, as if he still couldn't believe they survived the avalanche.

And An Dong nodded stiffly and said solemnly, "It's over."

Around the ice wall, three meters of snow was piled up, almost swallowing Lu Cheng and the others.

Fortunately, perhaps because of the blessing of the **** of luck, they waited to survive.

"We... survived." Lao Gou said hoarsely.

Lu Cheng also let out a long sigh of relief.

He never imagined that he would encounter such a thrilling scene when he came to the ice cave.

But no matter what, he still fulfilled his previous agreement with Han Qing.

For the sake of her sister, Lu Cheng has done his best.


At this moment, the ivory pig let out a low growl.

Blood was still oozing from the severed fangs. It turned around to look at Lu Cheng and the others, and suddenly lowered its hideous head.

"It's thanking us."

Rao is an unsmiling Anton, and there is a trace of tenderness on his face.

And Lao Gou gently stroked the ivory pig and said with a smile, "It's a small thing, it's all a small thing!"

Several long-haired pigs suddenly came over and lifted Lu Cheng up high.

From the thick hair, there was a burst of warmth.

The long-haired pigs supported Lu Cheng and others and walked out of the snowdrift.

And beyond the avalanche, is a group of people who are looking forward to the night vigil.

When he saw the herd of long-haired pigs, Huo Xu's eyes suddenly warmed, and he shouted, "They are still alive!"

A group of people surrounded Lu Cheng and the others and lifted them up like heroes.

As for Han Ying, she was stroking the ice-blue Nine-Tails, and recalling the scene just now, her cheeks became a little hot.

You, why did you almost agree to him!

In the cheers one after another, Lao Gou said: "Come here, a few people, search the neighborhood, those poachers want to see people in life, and corpses in death!"

"Other people, clear a way and help these long-haired pigs return to their original territory!"

Under Lao Gou's arrangement, the entire team acted in an orderly manner.

And the ivory pig walked slowly to Lu Cheng and let out a low growl at him.

From its mouth, a crystal clear gem fell out, radiating icy blue light and exuding traces of cold air.

"This is..." Lu Cheng pondered, "Evolution Stone?"

The ivory pig let out a low growl, and after leaving the gem, he slowly left with his group.

In the snow and fog, the dull footsteps gradually faded away, leaving behind an exceptionally thick back.

At this moment, Lao Gou walked up to Lu Cheng and said with a grin,

"Repaying gratitude, this is exactly what I like about elves. They are much better than humans."

Judging from this ice blue evolution stone, it should be the evolution stone of ice elves.

Lu Cheng can't use it himself, so he might as well give it to the night watchman, or to help fund the environmental protection cause.

Lu Cheng wanted to give the evolution stone to Lao Gou, but Lao Gou smiled and shook his head:

"This is a gift from Ivory Pig, how can I accept it?"

"After the cold wave is over, there will be many precious treasures in the wilderness. After collecting them, I will also keep a copy for you."

When Lu Cheng was about to refuse, Lao Gou said solemnly, "You deserve it."

"After all... you are still a member of the night watchman." Lao Gou smiled.

Lu Cheng was taken aback for a moment, then he smiled and said, "Thank you, head!"

The blizzard destroyed many tents in the camp, but luckily no one was injured.

After the cold wave ended, the night watchmen picked up items including ice stones, unmelting ice and ice gems from the wilderness.

And Lao Gou also followed the agreement and packed a lot of these things and gave them to Lu Cheng.

"When you're leaving, come and get it from me." Lao Gou said with a smile.

Although there was storage space, Lu Cheng was also happy to accept Lao Gou's kindness and nodded.

And the group of poachers were also found after the avalanche ended.

The scarred man at the head died under the avalanche, and there are only two poachers left, who will be escorted to the outside world.

According to Lao Gou, this group of people are habitual offenders, and this time, it can be regarded as a killing for the people.

Han Ying also took advantage of the situation and stayed in the camp.

To celebrate the survival of Lao Gou and others, a lively bonfire dinner was held in the camp.

The faces of the men were flushed red, and there were endless laughter and scolding.

Lu Chengcheng couldn't stand the people's persuasion, so he hid in the pine forest behind the camp.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, the cold wind blew the rustling pine nuts, Lu Cheng let out a white breath and rubbed his hands together.

The branches were smashed, and there was a crackling sound.

Han Ying pushed aside the pine branches, looking a little surprised.

"Why are you here?"

"I should ask you this." Lu Cheng spread his hands, "What are you doing here?"

Han Ying muttered, sighed, and threw the Poke Ball.

With a flash of red light, it was a little boar with narrowed eyes.

Lu Cheng's eyes widened, and he shouted, "Wow, so there's an inner ghost!"

"What!" Han Yingtong blushed and shouted, "It's obviously been following me, so I had to take it first and send it back when I find a chance!"

Lu Cheng glanced at Han Ying.

Conquer it first?

Only if I believe this is a ghost!

"It's true!" Han Yingmei glared and sighed, "I was afraid that the captain would misunderstand, so I had to bring it here first."

Lu Cheng looked at the little boar and fell into deep thought.

Judging from Xiao Shanzhu's intimacy, Han Ying's words were obviously not false.

And the ivory pig was at the scene at the time, and its child's actions were most likely the result of its default.

"After the matter is over, you'd better ask your parents for permission." Lu Cheng sighed.

"Although it is an endangered elf, as long as it is legally captured, I believe Lao Gou will approve it."

Han Ying nodded, and after a while, she muttered, "Thank you."

"Thank you for what?" Lu Cheng glanced at Han Ying and asked.

"Thank you for saving your life!" Han Ying stared.

Lu Cheng patted his head and shouted, "I remember, what did you want me to do with my face?"

Han Ying didn't reply, and after a long while she asked quietly, "Is it still a count?"

"What, what?"

This time, it was Lu Cheng's turn to be nervous.

A drop of cold sweat fell from Lu Cheng's forehead, and Lu Cheng smiled dryly, "Does it count?"

"Let you bring your face together."

Lu Cheng swallowed, looked around, and immediately fled.

"We'll be in touch frequently!"

What a sinner, why can't I control my rude mouth!

In case of being hit by a hatchet, this is not the result of my own fault!

Looking at Lu Cheng's fleeing back, Han Ying suddenly laughed, and a flush of red slowly rose on her fair face.



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