My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 319: Tyrannosaurus VS Ditooth Sea Lion

The crystal clear ice debris floated around the rock, and the ice system energy was quite full.

As the training goal, Lu Cheng asked the tyrannical carp dragon to use ice fangs against a huge piece of ice.

"Control your power." Lu Cheng said sternly, "Add ice energy to the bite!"

With that said, Lu Cheng threw a piece of unmelting ice to the tyrannical carp dragon.

With the help of non-melting ice, Tyrannosaurus can better absorb ice energy.

The tyrannical carp dragon nodded, and the row of sharp fangs was suddenly covered with a layer of ice.

It's just that when the tyrannical carp dragon rushed to the target, it subconsciously used the smashing move.

With a click, a crack opened in the ice.

The tyrannical carp dragon let out a low growl in embarrassment.

"Lady, are you training the Ice Fang of the Tyrannosaurus?"

Looking at this scene, Liao Han said.

Lu Cheng nodded, frowned and said, "It's a little more proficient at crunching, so it's always missing the point."

Liao Han said with a smile: "Actually, all bite-type moves have something in common."

"Using the powerful jaw to condense the surrounding ice energy is the trick of the Ice Fang."

In the Ice Breath Gym, Liao Han has instructed many apprentices to comprehend ice-type moves.

As for the highly versatile move of Ice Fang, it is also Liao Han's specialty.

"It's useless to talk too much, I'll show it to you!"

Liao Han smiled and took out an advanced ball.

With a flash of red light, a plump Difang sea lion appeared in front of Lu Cheng's eyes.

This Diya sea lion is fat and strong, with fluffy fur on its head, a pair of yellow eyes bulging out, and two tusks that look particularly ferocious.

Liao Han commanded: "Difang Sea Lion, use the teeth of ice!"

The Difang Sea Lion let out a low roar, and its plump body jumped sharply, and its fangs snapped into the ice.

Ice Fang, which provides considerable protection to the Difang Sea Lion, will also cause the opponent to fall into a state of frostbite.

In the stunned eyes of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, the ice cube that was nearly two meters shattered!

Lu Cheng frowned.

Is a trainer with such strength really just an apprentice at the Frozen Breath Gym?

Liao Han smiled, turned his neck and said, "Youngsheng, why don't we have a test, you can let your tyrannosaur master the teeth of ice in actual combat, how about it?"

Lu Cheng naturally wouldn't refuse this kind of sparring that came to his door, he smiled and said, "Are you sending Diya Sea Lion?"

Liao Han shook his head, with an excited look on his face.

"No, it's me who will be your sparring partner for Tyrannosaurus!"

Lu Cheng suddenly choked.

But it's possible that this man can fight against Tundra Bear Hard Steel and Tyrannosaurus.

Lu Cheng pondered: "Senior, are you sure you want to fight the tyrannical carp dragon?"

Liao Han nodded and laughed: "Let's start!"

The two borrowed the territory of Tundra Bear, while the lord Tundra Bear hurriedly hid aside.

A sullen look appeared on the face of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, and with a loud roar, he took the lead in using the impact move.

After all, he was fighting against humans, so Lu Cheng couldn't really make a killing move.

Liao Han's eyes lit up. Facing the 15-meter-long Tyrannosaurus, he jumped lightly and immediately grabbed the Tyrannosaurus's tail.

With a thud, Liao Han was thrown out by the violent carp dragon fan, smashing the ice, leaving a figure on the wall.

"It's okay, Master Liao!" Lu Cheng shouted nervously.

Aren't you going to duel with Tyrannosaurus?

How could he be fanned away in just one round!

Liao Han crawled out of the broken ice, groaned while supporting his old waist, "It's not in the way, it's not in the way!"

He struggled to walk back to Lu Cheng, sucked in the cold air, and showed an ugly smile.

"Little brother, let's have an elves battle, shall we?"

Lu Cheng swallowed and nodded.

Liao Han never imagined that this Tyrannosaurus Carposaurus was not only large, but also several times stronger than an ordinary Tyrannosaurus Tyrannosaurus!

You must know that Liao Han can be said to be a no-brainer when it comes to single-handedly taking on an ordinary Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon!

Although he claimed to be an apprentice of the Ice Breath Gym, he was actually the master of the Gym, Liao Han, who sent his own elf, the Difang Sea Lion.

Lu Cheng thought with a grim expression,

The strength of this Difang Sea Lion is definitely not under the Tyrannosaurus Dragon, and this is just the elf of the apprentice of the Ice Breath Gym.

Lu Cheng thought with a stern look on his face, he really can't despise any gym!

But fortunately, when it comes time to challenge the gym, Lu Cheng can also send nine tails with restrained attributes to crush them all the way.

Since it's an apprentice in the battle gym, it's better to let the tyrannical carp dragon experience it.

Lu Cheng's eyes froze, and he shouted, "Tyrannosaurus, use Crush!"

The giant carp dragon digs several feet of ice, and roars at the Difang Sea Lion.

But Liao Han just wrapped his arms around him and shouted, "Hold it down!"

When Tyrannosaurus's fangs landed on the Difang Sea Lion, it felt like it had bitten on a slippery piece of fat.

Taking advantage of the thick fat feature, the Dialga Sea Lion unloaded its force perfectly, and turned around and an ice fang fell on the Tyrannosaurus.

With a burst of pain, the wound of the tyrannical carp dragon showed a blue color visible to the naked eye, and a layer of frost extended around the wound.

"Looks like I'm lucky." Liao Han grinned and said, "Blizzard!"

The Difang Sea Lion roared up to the sky, and in an instant, the boulders from the sky hit the tyrannical carp dragon, and the cold wind whistled like a sharp knife, leaving the tyrannical carp dragon with scars in an instant!

Liao Han stood on the edge of the blizzard, his eyes extremely focused.

How would you deal with this situation?

You must know that such a huge carp dragon will be hit exponentially in a blizzard!

However, at this moment, Lu Cheng's command sounded.

"The tyrannical carp dragon, rush over with the dragon dance!"

In the blizzard, the earth-shattering roar of the tyrannical carp dragon sounded.

That red figure, standing on its upper body, tore at the wind and snow in the sky, rushed out of the snow storm with the attitude of destroying everything!

"This, this is the Dragon Dance?" Liao Han showed an unbelievable look.

This lethal dance is actually the Dragon Dance, which is famous for its elegance and nobility?

This is clearly the dance of destruction by Shiva in Indian mythology!

With a click, the frost on the tyrannical carp dragon broke, and its fangs flashed a dazzling white light.

"The tyrannical carp dragon, the teeth of ice!!"

The speed of the Difang Sea Lion was slow, and when he was caught off guard, he was bitten by the tyrannical carp dragon and let out a painful cry.

Liao Han's expression changed, and he shouted, "Freeze the ground with absolute zero!"

The two elves were at a stalemate, and the fangs of the tyrannical carp dragon became tighter and tighter.

The Difang Sea Lion's expression also turned A beam of cold light shot to the ground, freezing the body of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon at a very fast speed.

Seeing that the tyrannical carp dragon was about to be frozen at absolute zero, Lu Cheng shouted: "The tyrannical carp dragon, jump up and down!"

In Liao Han's unbelievable eyes, the tyrannical carp dragon leaped out of thin air, and the ice on his body kept shaking off.

With a thud, the tyrannical carp dragon fell back to the ground, and the entire ice layer cracked with dense fine lines!

"Ice Fang!" "Water Tail!"

The command voice sounded at the same time, and the two elves collided.

However, the tyrannical carp dragon has endured the Ice Fang.

With a roar, the Tyrannosaurus's tail swept the Difang Sea Lion into the air.

Looking at the Sea Lion with the same posture as Liao Han just now, Liao Han took a deep breath.

When the red light appeared, Liao Han withdrew the Diya Sea Lion and said with a stern look, "How about we continue the 3V3 battle?"

During the battle just now, Liao Han felt that all his blood was boiling.

If this kid can really beat himself in a 3v3 battle,

Then it's okay to give the Ice Breath badge directly to this kid!



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