My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 320: Fly! Mega Tyrannosaurus!

Hearing Liao Han's suggestion, Lu Cheng looked at the tyrannical carp dragon standing.

Despite the scars, Tyrannosaurus's eyes are still full of desire for battle and victory.

This is the hidden special effect belonging to the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, overconfidence!

Excessive self-confidence can increase the attack power of the elf after defeating an elf. When applied to the battle, it is the almost substantive powerful aura of the tyrannical carp dragon.

The tyrannical carp dragon in this state looked down like a **** and let out a low roar.

Lu Cheng smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Excuse me, Master Liao."

Liao Han's eyes focused.

Since it's a 3V3 battle, he will have to use all his strengths as a gym owner!

With a flash of red light, the elf sent by Liao Han was a baboon wearing a huge snowball.

The ice-type Dharma baboons in the Alola region have such terrifying characteristics as one-on-one orangutans, and they even have quite a wealth of fighting skills.

One Goat One Mind: Pokémon with this ability will increase their attack by 50%, but they can only use the same moves.

This also means that once this Dharma baboon is allowed to take off, the consequences will be irreversible!

Lu Cheng frowned, looked at the Dharma baboon exuding a powerful aura, and commanded, "Tyrannosaurus, use the Dragon Dance!"

The tyrannical carp dragon's momentum suddenly rose, like an unstoppable chariot rushing towards the Dharma baboon.

This kind of aggressive dragon dance, with the overconfidence characteristics of the tyrannical carp dragon, is particularly compelling!

The fifteen-meter-long giant carp dragon plowed across the ice, causing the ice to rise immediately, and a thunderous roar sounded.

"Icicle Crash!!"

With a bang, a sharp icicle fell from the sky, and with a click, it inserted into the ice surface in front of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon.

The falling icicles formed a once-high wall, instantly blocking the movement of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon.

"Slap the icicles away with the water jet!"

The tyrannical carp dragon roared and threw out its tail, but a huge icicle poked into the tyrannical carp dragon's body with a clatter, causing it to let out a whimper.

This icicle directly nailed the tyrannical carp dragon in place, presenting a situation of being slaughtered by others!

The icicles were still sloping down like rain, stirring up the ice fog in the sky, which directly blocked the red light emitted by Lu Cheng's Poké Ball.

Liao Han smiled and said: "In the battle, preventing the opponent from changing the elves is also an important course for trainers!"

"Continue to use the icicle crash!"

The icicles formed a prison and sealed the Tyrannosaurus Dragon inside.

And the wall is still rising, and with an icicle crashing down, the prison has reached a terrifying twenty meters.

Even if the tyrannical carp dragon stood upright and bounced, it was unable to break free from this icicle cage.

"Use the waterfall to blast away the icicles!"

A stream of water formed a vortex to wrap the body of the tyrannical carp dragon. Just when it was about to hit the icicle, Liao Han shouted loudly:

"It's useless! Use icicle crash on its head!"

"Tyrannosaurus, stop!"

Almost, that sharp icicle landed on the head of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon!

With an angry roar, the tyrannical carp dragon was already covered in bruises.

Even Lu Cheng couldn't help but get nervous.

If it goes on like this, the tyrannical carp dragon won't last long!

The icicles are still falling.

In just a few seconds, Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon's head was already dazed.

But this cage is so strong that even if the tyrannical carp dragon tries his best, he can't break free from this ice prison.

Could it be that there is really no way out?

The confidence that Tyrannosaurus had raised began to gradually dim.

I felt a chilling chill all over my body, and even my vision was a little blurry.

There is no way, I have to fight for victory for the master...

Just when the tyrannical carp dragon wanted to fall, Lu Cheng's voice suddenly sounded.

"Fly up, Tyrannosaurus!"

Liao Han was taken aback.

Although the tyrannosaur's water splash is indeed very high, this icicle cage does not give it a chance to bounce at all.

As for Tyrannosaurus, can it really fly?

Lu Cheng's eyes were extremely firm.

Although the Tyrannosaurus cannot fly, when the Tyrannosaurus mega evolves, it has the ability to fly out of the water at the speed of sound!

Even in a desperate situation, he firmly believed that he and the elves could find the only chance.

And among the icicles that crashed down, breaking through from the air is the only chance!

In a daze, Tyrannosaurus looked a little dazed.

I can too, can I fly?

Yes, that is the ability that belongs to your origin.

Yearning for the sky, so I gave birth to wings.

Yearning for victory, so invincible!

A burst of white light quietly enveloped the body of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon.

Looking at the blue orb on Tyrannosaurus's forehead, Liao Han suddenly smiled.

The weakest elves can also evolve into the overlords of the sea and the sky.

This is the charm of elves! !

The skeleton of the Tyrannosaurus carp dragon suddenly began to grow cracklingly.

On both sides of the ferocious head, the white fins suddenly spread out into sharp wing-like eardrums.

The fish scales all over its body are opening, forming sharp thorns, and on its back, rows of squamous bones grow.

A pair of red fin-like wings ripped apart the flesh and sprouted out!

"Tyrannosaurus, fly up!!"


The Super Tyrannosaurus roared, and from the side of its body, a jet of water several meters wide suddenly shot out.

The water lifted its body, its fins stretched, and it hit the indestructible icicle.

With a click, the inescapable icicle cage was declared shattered.

This is exactly the characteristic of the Super Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, exceptional!

Liao Han laughed and said, "Nice job! But I can't admit defeat!"

"Dharma Baboon, hit him with an icicle crash!"

On the arm of Dharma Baboon, a sharp ice spear suddenly condensed.

Its limbs flexed and stretched, rushing towards the roaring Tyrannosaurus at an astonishing speed!

"Bite it!"

The Mega-evolved Tyrannosaurus has further increased its destructive power and speed.

He crushed the snowball that hit the top of Dharma Baboon's head, and with a click, he bit the snowball directly into powder.

The Dharma Baboon let out a painful cry, threw out the ice spear in his hand, and charged towards the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon with his fist.

"The water's tail!"

"Frozen Fist!"

The command voices of the two sounded at the same time, and the two elves with hideous faces collided.


There was the sound of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking, and the next moment, the two flew backwards at the same time.

The sharp protrusion on the back of Mega Tyrannosaurus slashed several icicles and directly knocked a small iceberg into a cave.

The Dharma Baboon also rolled back dozens of meters, struggled to get up, and let out an extremely painful groan.

In the tundra bear's territory, the pits and pits are actually the traces of fighting. It is a mess The Tyrannosaurus who hit the iceberg is obviously unable to continue the fight.

Lu Cheng took back the tyrannical carp dragon and whispered to the diving ball:

"You've done a great job."

Although the Dharma Baboon won, in this game, Lu Cheng's mega carp dragon left an extremely shocking impression on Liao Han.

Liao Han turned his neck and said sincerely, "I'm starting to get a little excited."

Lu Cheng also nodded and said with a smile, "Me too, Master Liao."

Liao Han was taken aback for a moment, but he also realized that it was Lu Cheng who judged his identity from his elf.

Liao Han grinned and said, "Since you have guessed my identity, then I will not release the water."

"In the last game, if you defeat me, I will give you the Frozen Breath badge!"

Lu Cheng nodded and his eyes became eager.

Even if it's for the tyrannical carp dragon, I'm bound to win this match!

Taking out the Poké Ball, Liao Han shouted, "Come on, Blizzard King!"

Lu Cheng also threw the Poké Ball.

"It's up to you, Nine Tails!"



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