My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 321: Fetters 9 tails VS Mega Blizzard King

Seeing the elves sent by Lu Cheng, Liao Han's expression immediately became serious.

Blizzard King is a composite attribute of grass and ice, and fire can cause four times the damage to it.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the tyrannical carp dragon, this kid actually cultivated such a powerful fire spirit!

Lu Cheng did not dare to relax his vigilance at all.

The opponent was the first gym owner he faced, and he definitely had hidden cards.

We have to let the Nine Tails attack first!

Lu Cheng's eyes froze, and he shouted, "Nine tails, big characters burst into flames!"


Nine tails' red pupils lit up, and in this icy and snowy land, a fire suddenly burst into the sky.

This Blizzard King looks like a distorted snowman, with long strips of fur on his face and pinecone-shaped green growths on his back.

Although the appearance is very curious, the strength of this Blizzard King is unquestionable.

"Blizzard King, the power of the earth!"

There was a rumbling vibration on the ice layer, and huge rocks broke out of the ground and floated around Blizzard King.

The next moment, these rocks shot like missiles at the roaring big-character explosion.


There was a huge explosion, and the rubble splashed.

However, after the big character explosion was annihilated, the remaining rocks crashed into the nine tails.

In this round, Blizzard King is even better!

"Use a flash of lightning to avoid!"

The gravel crashed down, but it didn't touch the Nine Tails.

Using the Z-shaped jump, Nine Tails narrowed the distance between him and Blizzard King, and a fiery flame condensed in his mouth.

"Nine tails, shoot flames!"

"Block it with a rock block!"

A thick fire column shot out, but it hit the rock column that suddenly rose from the ground.

For the flame of quadruple restraint, Blizzard King has no chance of confrontation at all!

Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed, and he said provocatively, "Master Liao, you can't win the game by defending all the time."

Liao Han smiled and said, "I think so too... So, I'm giving Blizzard a chance!"

Lu Cheng was a little stunned. He turned his eyes to the field, but saw that Blizzard King was also covered with a layer of white light.

"Evolve Mega, Blizzard King!!"

On Liao Han's glove, a colorful rainbow glowed, reflecting the evolution stone in Blizzard King's fur.

With a huge roar, the Blizzard King's figure skyrocketed, and sharp ice edges suddenly protruded from his body!


The ice edge was still bulging, and the green growth behind it grew into four sturdy evergreen trees.

With a bang, Mega Blizzard King took root deep into the ice, and his face covered with white hair suddenly glowed red!

"Blizzard King, use Blizzard!"

In an instant, the blizzard roared!

The blizzard combined with the characteristics of snowfall is extremely ferocious.

Even, it is comparable to the cold wave on the ice field!

Just like its name, this elf is a veritable king of Blizzard!

Lu Cheng covered his body with a variety of monsters to resist the cold wind.

And the heavy snow blocked his sight. In this raging blizzard, it was extremely difficult to make the nine-tailed flame hit.

We have to find the location of the Nine Tails first!

Lu Cheng shouted: "Nine tails, use the flame vortex on yourself!"

The flames soared into the sky, and in the white sky, the nine tails seemed to be covered with a flame-like cloak, which looked so dazzling.

The corners of Liao Han's mouth rose slightly.

In this blizzard, even fire elves will be weakened exponentially.

This is the Blizzard King, who controls his own Blizzard domain!

Every Gym owner's ace elf will have one or two tricks that can push the bottom of the box.

As for the Nine-Tails who have not yet grasped the domain moves, how will they get through this terrifying blizzard?

In Liao Han's eyes, there was a look of anticipation, but he didn't dare to relax at all.

"Blizzard King, Frozen Beam!"

Avoiding the knife-like boulders was exhausting for Kuo.

And this sudden burst of ice light directly knocked out the nine tails.

Fortunately, the injury wasn't too serious.

Using his supernatural powers, Nine Tails stabilized his body again, flexed and stretched his limbs, and grinned.

My own flame was actually suppressed by the blizzard,

This is something that cannot be forgiven by any means for the arrogant Nine Tails!

Even Lu Cheng hadn't noticed that the mane on Jiuwei's neck was quietly dyed as black as ink.

Looking at this cage-like snowstorm, Lu Cheng fell into deep thought.

Since we can't get out of this blizzard, then just let the nine tails create a field!

The realm of the Nine Tails, the realm of flames!

Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed and he shouted:

"Nine Tails, use Purgatory!!"


With the high-pitched cry of the nine tails, a crimson fire lotus bloomed along its body.

Even though the blizzard was whistling, the flames became more and more intense, and they burned more and more vigorously, and even had the momentum of burning everything!

Liao Han was astonished, goosebumps rose.

This kid, in such a short period of time, was able to realize the importance of the realm to the elves!

The Blizzard King tried to drag the Nine-Tails into his own realm, so why not the Nine-Tails!

The collision of purgatory and blizzard, fire and ice, is the fight between two gym-level elves!

The cold wind howls and the flames roar!

Not enough, not enough!

With the flames under the Nine Tails' eyes, the blizzard could not be completely swallowed up.

Then, there is only one way left!

Looking at the black nine tails quietly rising from the tail, Lu Cheng suddenly smiled.

"Come on, Nine Tails!"

Jiuwei turned around, but saw Lu Cheng smiled and nodded to it.

An indescribable energy spread to the limbs of its body.

The golden hair gradually turned into a pure and flawless white.

But the neck and tail were dyed black like ink.

The bond form of the nine tails appeared in front of Lu Cheng's eyes again!

"This is, Shining Nine Tails?" Liao Han muttered to himself, suddenly froze in place.

"Or the legendary... bond evolution?"

"Nine Tails, use Purgatory!!"


There was a loud explosion, the flames soared like a fire dragon, and a column of fire several meters wide shot up into the sky, directly swallowing the dark cloud!

Under the clear sky, a drop of cold sweat fell on the foreheads of Liao Han and Blizzard King at the same time.

Lost the shelter of Blizzard Domain, and then ate a fire with four times the damage...

Lu Cheng smiled and waved his arms: "Nine tails, use big characters to explode flames!"

The exploding fireball exploded directly on Blizzard King's chest, and the shards of ice flew across, instantly releasing it from the Mega form.

And Liao Han's remaining blood-damaged Dharma baboon was also taken away by the nine-tailed jet of flames.

Liao Han took a deep breath and smiled, "Congratulations."

Although this gym battle came suddenly, for Lu Cheng, this was the first time he faced a gym master-level trainer and won.

At a young age, he has mastered both bond evolution and mega evolution.

The future of this kid is limitless!

"This is the Frost Breath badge."

Liao Han took out a snowflake-shaped badge from his arms and handed it to Lu Cheng.

"As for its purpose, I don't think I need to say more?"

Lu Cheng accepted the badge and said with a smile, "Thank you, Master Liao!"

"You deserve it." Liao Han laughed, "At your age, it is quite rare to be able to master domain moves!"

"Domain moves?" Lu Cheng was a little surprised.

"That's right." Liao Han said sternly, "Among the gym-level elves, they will delve into a certain move or characteristic to a very deep level. If the move is used, we call it a domain."

"Just like the purgatory you used just now, there is already a prototype of the flame domain."

Liao Han smiled and said, "Of course, this kind of thing is very complicated, and everyone has their own opinions."

"By the way, when will you leave the ice cave, do you need me to take you for a ride?"

A week of training is coming to an end.

Lu Cheng intends to say goodbye to the night watchmen.

Rejecting Liao Han's kindness, Lu Cheng walked to the camp while playing with the Ice Breath badge.

Since Tyrannosaurus has mastered the Mega evolution, he plans to go to the ice waterfall to take a look at last.

By the way... take care of that wild carp dragon!



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