My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 329: Kun is so big that it can't be stewed in one pot

It was the thawing season, and the elves in the Yishui Habitat also woke up one after another.

It's just that they never imagined that on this day, they would usher in a catastrophe.

"Nine Tails, use Purgatory!"

Following Lu Cheng's command, a dazzling fire lotus bloomed on the banks of the Yishui River.

Even Mari Luli, who has the characteristics of thick fat, stretched out her legs and floated on the water with her belly turned white.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Lu Cheng's forehead.

"I remember... I seem to have done this question."

Fortunately, Mari Luli just pretended to be dead. Seeing that Lu Cheng gave up the attack, she immediately slipped away.

It's been three days since the training in Yishui, but Lu Cheng still hasn't got the chance to get the chance to move in the domain.

In the end, the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon was wildly rejoicing in this vast watershed, and it has become the overlord of Yishui.


Kyuubi gave a low cry.

"It's alright." Lu Cheng touched Jiuwei and smiled,

"Let's do it again for the last time, it doesn't matter if we don't learn it!"

Nine tails nodded, and on its golden tail, white sparks ignited.

Lu Cheng's vision of the nine-tailed flame field is to combine the sacred fire with purgatory to achieve the effect of white purgatory.

But the power of the sacred fire is too powerful.

Even if the nine tails used supernatural powers to forcibly fuse the two together, the resulting flames would have little effect.

This is what happened, the scene of not being able to kill Mari Luli in seconds just now.


The tyrannical carp dragon happily rejoiced in the Yishui, its tail slapping the waves.

"Be quiet!" Lu Cheng yelled, "No more noise and let the Lizard King throw you out!"

The tyrannical carp dragon lowered his big head angrily, dived into the lake with his whole body, and stared at Lu Cheng resentfully.

However, the tyrannical carp dragon's mentality was quite good, and after a while, he went to play with the flying fish by himself.

Looking at the figure of the tyrannical carp dragon, Lu Cheng shook his head helplessly and said, "I don't know what its domain moves will be like."

"By the way... is it going to rain today?"

Lu Cheng looked up at the sky, and in the lowered sky, a thick layer of dark clouds gathered.

Several carp kings jumped out of the water uneasy, and even Wubo and Marsh King climbed ashore to breathe.

"Forget it, let's go here today."

Lu Cheng sighed and said, "On a rainy day, the fire energy is too thin."

Although the nine tails have mastered the sunny weather, such a wide range of weather changes is too difficult.

Lu Cheng still remembers that Du Zhe's fire-breathing dragon showed a first-hand field-level sunny day, which could make the area clear for hundreds of kilometers.

For the current nine tails, this cannot be done...


Lu Cheng's breathing suddenly became rapid.

Although it is impossible to change the weather with a sunny day, the Nine-Tails can create a field with flames!

Nine tails have the characteristics of igniting fire, and they will not be injured in the flames, but they will increase their strength.

And the sea of ​​fire created will continue to burn the opponent——

Isn't this the field move that Lu Cheng has been looking for!

"Nine tails, can you create a ring of fire with purgatory?"

Lu Cheng's voice was a little excited, "Isolate the outside world with flames and not be affected by the weather!"

Nine tails tilted her head, and those beautiful red pupils suddenly burst into light.

The flames spread out from the soles of its feet, forming a ring of fire.


A flame barrier formed around it, scorching the earth, revealing the cracked surface.

And the raindrops fell on the flaming snake, making a "呲呲" sound, and instantly evaporated into water vapor!

The nine tails were bathed in flames, and the whole body was covered with a layer of golden light, as if...

Lord of Fire!

Lu Cheng couldn't help swallowing.

This kind of training method can work!

"Nine tails, use the flame vortex again!"

In the sea of ​​fire in purgatory, a turbulent flame vortex suddenly rose.

Like a tornado, the flame vortex raged in purgatory, forming a roaring fire tornado!

"Nice job!" Lu Cheng couldn't help roaring.

The heavy rain poured down and wet Lu Cheng's black hair, but he was extremely excited.

With the characteristics of igniting fire, coupled with purgatory, this is exactly the domain move that belongs to the Nine Tails!

In this field, not only can it not be affected by the weather, but it can directly trigger the ignition characteristics of the nine tails.

If coupled with the raging flame vortex, once the opponent falls into the nine-tailed domain, it will be a veritable "purgatory"!


Nine-tails, located in the center of the fire ring, slowly smiled.

At this moment, a group of bullfrog kings roared loudly from the far end.

The heavy rain poured down, and in the diffused water vapor, the tyrannical carp dragon waded back in panic.

Behind it, an incomparably huge giant-finned flying fish leaped out of the water, setting off a monstrous wave!

The ten-thousand-zhang wave height hit Lu Cheng, and the flames of the nine tails formed a barrier, instantly evaporating the water vapor.

Lu Cheng's expression changed, and he shouted, "How did you provoke this monster?"

The tyrannical carp dragon roared angrily.

Who would have thought that the flying fish with such a small ball would have such a terrifying parent!

That giant-finned flying fish was covered in red light, and its size was even a little bigger than the Tyrannosaurus.

Lu Cheng swears that this is the first time in his life that he has seen such a shocking sight.

The giant-finned flying fish with a body length of 20 meters leaped out of the water, and even continued to hover in the air!


The incomparably huge giant-finned flying fish hovered in the torrential rain and made a vast cry.

The strength of this giant-finned flying fish has definitely reached the level of the field!

Looking at this scene, Lu Cheng's eyes suddenly froze.

"Kuwei, come on!"

For Kuo, who has mastered domain moves, this is the best opportunity to practice!

If in such a torrential rain, the purgatory of the nine tails can be successfully released,

Then its control over flames will go to a higher level!


A raging fire column tore apart the rain curtain and shot at the giant hovering in the air!

In the thick fog, the giant-finned flying fish like Kunpeng let out a long hoarse cry.

The next moment, the monstrous water cannons came with astonishing overwhelming!

"Nine tails, hold on!"


In the huge waves, an emerald green barrier was raised.

There was a flat boat in the storm, but a dazzling vortex of flame suddenly burst out from the mouth of Jiuwei!

The giant wave came in front of him, and Lu Cheng instantly summoned the Variety Monster Armor and shouted, "Lizard King, Tyrannosaurus, knock it down from the air first!"

The flames ripped apart the rain curtain, forming fiery snakes wrapped around the giant-finned flying fish.


An angry cry sounded, and at the next moment, a leaf blade cut through a thunderstorm and flew towards the astonishingly large beast.

And the tyrannical carp dragon also opened its **** mouth, and in the torrential rain, it successfully comprehended moves it had never mastered before.


The incomparably thick water column slammed into the body of the giant-finned flying fish. Exhausted, the giant-finned flying fish fell from the air with a scream.

As if the building was about to collapse, all the wild elves retreated into the water in fear, and even the bullfrogs stopped chattering.

"It's now!" Lu Cheng shouted, "Nine tails, use purgatory!"



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