My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 330: Let the flames purify everything!

In the pouring rain, Purgatory formed a roaring fire dragon and swallowed the giant-finned flying fish.

When it barely flew, it found itself in a sea of ​​fire.

It was surrounded by blazing flames, and the scorching heat wave eroded its body. In just a few seconds, it had already left streaks of charred black.

There was even a tornado formed by flames, suddenly jumping out from all sides.

The giant winged flying fish hurriedly avoided the fire tornado, but found that praying for rain, which he was proud of, could not extinguish the flame cage at all.

The heavy rain fell on the flames, was swallowed up in an instant, and evaporated into hissing water vapor.

The giant-finned flying fish flapped its wings desperately, but when it lowered its head, it found that there was still a nine-tailed bird watching it silently.

Nine tails tilted her head and slowly revealed a bright smile.

Welcome to the world of flames!

Outside purgatory, Lu Cheng couldn't help but smile.

It worked!

Purgatory achieves the effects of confinement and burning at the same time, and the flame vortex can kill.

If the opponent falls into the Nine Tails' realm, then there is only one result left——

Let the flames purify everything!

Lu Cheng couldn't help but smile.

It was thanks to this giant-finned flying fish that Nine-Tails could master domain moves so quickly!

With a snap of his fingers, Lu Cheng let the nine tails free from purgatory.

Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to persecute this giant-finned flying fish.

"Thanks a lot."

Lu Cheng nodded, showing a gentle smile to the giant-finned flying fish.

However, this smile made the giant-finned flying fish shiver.

This is definitely the devil's smile!


Flapping its wings, the giant-finned flying fish seemed to be fleeing, and a fierce man plunged into the water.

The waves splashed, and a few Wubo timidly stuck their heads out of the water, while the Marsh King had already landed on the shore in a daze.

On the banks of the Yishui River, the tidy cry of Lord Bullfrog rang out again.

After the rain, the sky was clear, and a rainbow hung on the washed sky, which made Lu Cheng smile involuntarily.

"Thank you for your hard work." Lu Cheng rubbed Jiuwei's head and smiled.


Jiuwei shrank his head, and wrapped his tail affectionately around Lu Cheng's neck.

The tyrannical carp dragon let out a low roar and looked back at his tail covered with barbs...

Forget it, the owner of the stream tail can't stand it.

At this moment, Darkrai stuck his head out of the shadow and said weakly, "Can I also master this move?"

Although Darkrai Yiming didn't say it, as a phantom spirit, it has an innate pride.

Seeing that the strength of the eldest sister and the head is getting worse and worse, Darkrai also has a sense of tension in his heart.

Although it has successfully learned to stand in and make a surprise attack, it still has a strangeness and awe for this powerful field move.

"Of course."

Lu Cheng handed Darkrai an energy cube and smiled, "I already have a very good idea about your domain."

"When your strength reaches a new level, you can start training in the field!"

Darkrai happily flew back to Lu Cheng's shadow, and Lu Cheng couldn't help thinking secretly:

Darkrai's field is actually the best place to start.

As the **** of nightmares, Darkrai can use the combination of "hypnosis + dream eating", combined with its nightmare characteristics, to easily realize its nightmare realm.

Digging into the depths, the previously conceived "transformation of dreams" is not impossible.

As for the other elves—

The Iai Slash of the Lizard King, the Water Leap of the Storm Dragon, the Variety of Armor and the Primal Power of the Fossil Pterosaur...

All of this has the potential to become a field move.

This is exactly what Han Qing said before about the charm of elves.

After all, elves have infinite possibilities.

If Lu Cheng's strength is strong enough, he can even train all the elf moves to the domain level!

When I think of this...

Lu Cheng shook his head and smiled helplessly:

"Come slowly first!"

"At least, the purpose of coming to Yishui has been achieved, and I can report to King Han!"


"What, you have mastered domain moves?"

In Han Qing's beautiful eyes, there was an unbelievable look.

Even she, with the inheritance background of an aristocratic family, took a full three months to get started.

This kid, it took only three days to master it?

"Isn't it what you said, master it within a week?" Lu Cheng asked in confusion.

"I thought my speed was slow enough."

Han Qing coughed awkwardly.

Tianwang's time is very precious. The reason why he gave Lu Cheng a week was purely because Han Qing wanted to be a hand-picker.

If Lu Cheng can't grasp it and ask Han Qing for advice, he can make Lu Cheng owe him more favors.

It's just that Han Qing never imagined that this kid's comprehension was so amazing!

In other words, the bond between him and the nine tails has reached the point of mutual understanding...

After pondering, Han Qing narrowed his eyes and said, "Are you sure, you really have mastered the domain?"

"My guidance is only this time. If you miss it, you can't ask any more questions."

"Don't worry." Lu Cheng grinned and said, "It's definitely a field that can be replaced by fakes!"

The corners of Han Qing's mouth rose slightly, and he nodded, "Alright then, I'll check it out!"

In Han Qing's hand, a Poké Ball appeared.

With a flash of red light, an elf composed of ice crystals and geometric ice edges appeared in front of Lu Cheng.

Geometric snowflakes, this elf looks like snowflakes without a doubt, but it can operate air-conditioning at minus 100 degrees Celsius, which is not much worse than Ice Ghost Guardian.

"This child is the elf I conquered not long ago."

Han Qing smiled and said, "If you can defeat it, you will pass the test this time!"

Lu Cheng asked curiously, "Is it possible that there are additional rewards for being excellent?"

Han Qing gave Lu Cheng a blank look. "Give me to you, do you want it?"

I can't afford it, I can't afford it.

Lu Cheng had cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

Why do you faintly feel that you are one step closer to the end of the hatchet?

"Don't be in a daze." Han Qing said softly, "Geometric snowflakes, melt!"

Entering the battle, Han Qing's aura suddenly changed.

There seemed to be a chilling aura coming from her body, causing the surrounding temperature to drop a lot.

This is Lu Cheng, his first time against a real king-level trainer.

Although it was a newly conquered elf, Lu Cheng didn't dare to be careless and sent out nine tails, waiting in a serious line:

"Nine tails, watch out for its attack!"

Following Han Qing's command, Geometric Snowflake's body seeped water droplets, and in an instant, it turned into water vapor and disappeared in front of Lu Cheng's eyes.


Lu Cheng's eyes widened.

It's not a ghost type, how could you still use such a method to hide your figure?

"Nine Wrap yourself in a vortex of flames!"

In order to prevent the sneak attack of the geometric snowflake, Lu Cheng decisively asked the nine tails to use the flame vortex to defend.

However, a smile appeared on the corner of Han Qing's lips, "It's too late!"

"Essentially, attack the key!"

Before the flames covered Nine-Tails' body, white water vapor quietly drifted behind Nine-Tails.

The sound of clicking sounded, and as the edges became angular, a sharp cold light flashed on the ice edges of the geometric snowflakes.

The ice crystals fell, and the geometric snowflakes burst out with a chilling aura, cutting away at Jiuwei's neck!

At this moment, Han Qing suddenly frowned.

Years and months of battle experience made her intuitively feel a hint of crisis.

When she saw Lu Cheng's raised smile, her unease became more and more solemn.

Lu Cheng is also waiting for the chance to get close to the geometric snowflakes!

"It's now!"

Lu Cheng waved his arms and shouted, "Nine tails, purgatory!"

Han Qing's eyes narrowed, and he said sternly, "Melting!"



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