My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 331: 9 Tail VS Geometric Snowflake

A fiery flame bloomed at the feet of the nine tails.

The swaying sea of ​​fire spread to the surroundings in an instant, burning up the turf and exposing the cracked earth.

Purgatory rises, instantly blocking the geometric snowflakes inside!

Although geometric snowflakes melted into water vapor first,

However, the scorching temperature in purgatory made it extremely painful, revealing his true body with a groaning cry.

There was a hint of surprise in Han Qing's beautiful eyes.

Unexpectedly, this kid has really mastered the purgatory at the domain level!

From the effect point of view, it should be a field that focuses on control and area killing, and it will also provide a powerful ignition state for the nine tails.

There was a smile on Han Qing's mouth.

This kid has quite an idea!

But, as the ice king, why doesn't Han Qing have a hole card?

"Geometric Snowflakes, Primitive Power!"

With Han Qing's light sigh, Geometric Snowflake's body was covered with a layer of rock-like armor.

The khaki geometric snowflakes, wrapped in primordial power, swiftly flew towards the flames.

Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed.

Using Primal Power for defense can perfectly avoid the damage of fire.

Once it escapes from purgatory, it will be difficult for the elusive geometric snowflake to be caught!

"Nine tails, wrap it with a vortex of flames!"

From the flame walls on all sides, a turbulent vortex of flames rose up.

Formed into roaring fire dragons, and the flame vortex whizzed towards the geometric snowflakes!

"Use high-speed rotation to avoid, use the light wall!"

The speed of the geometric snowflake suddenly increased, and it swirled along the flame.

The splashing ice ridges and rock blocks also shot at Jiuwei continuously, forcibly interrupting Jiuwei's moves.

With a hissing sound, the geometric snowflakes shone with the crystal light of the wall of light, and emerged from the purgatory!

Lu Cheng couldn't help frowning.

He even let it escape.

Perfect control of the situation and timing, is this the trainer of the strength of the king?

You must know that this geometric snowflake is just the elf that Han Qing has just conquered!

Han Qing smiled and said, "It's my turn to attack."

"Geometric snowflakes, melt!"

But just when the old trick of the geometric snowflake was repeated, the mutation protruded.

A purple wave appeared in the air, directly locking the geometric snowflake.

"This is……"

Han Qing couldn't help but be taken aback, and looked at Jiuwei subconsciously.

In those dazzling red pupils, a glamorous purple light rose up!

Supernatural power!

Even if the geometric snowflake escapes from purgatory, it still cannot escape the great net woven by supernatural power.

Nine-tailed body trembled, obviously maintaining two types of moves at the same time was also a big burden to him.

Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed, and he shouted, "Nine tails, shoot flames!"


Nine tails raised their heads to the sky and shouted, and a dazzling fire burst out from their mouths!

The scorching heat wave swallowed the stiff geometric snowflakes in an instant.

Han Qing took it back to the Poké Ball and smiled slowly.

"I admit, you have a pretty perfect grasp."

Lu Cheng grinned and said, "Thank you, Teacher Han!"

Han Qing shook his head and said solemnly, "All of this is due to your own efforts."

"But if you really want to participate in this year's national competition, your current strength is far from enough."

"There's still half a year left..."

Han Qing rolled up the black hair beside his ears, smiled and said, "Keep going!"


The one-week Yishui trip has come to an end.

In addition to the purgatory of the nine tails, the tyrannical carp dragon has also mastered the water cannon move, which is a pleasant surprise.

And as Lu Cheng returned to Jiangcheng, he also had a clue about Regais' awakening.

With curiosity, Lu Cheng rushed to the Jiangnan University Research Institute.

Regarding Regais' research, Liu Bosheng only chose Mushroom Head and Fang Weiyue as his research assistants.

After all, it is a legendary elf, and the registration of the elf is also involved, so be careful.

"We found a brand new substance in this icicle slate." Liu Bosheng said straight to the point.

"This substance has a very strong bearing capacity and can hold energy hundreds of times greater than itself."

Lu Cheng thought to himself,

After all, the energy in this slate can make Arceus change his form.

"I put all the non-melting ice you gave me into this slate."

Liu Bosheng smiled bitterly and said, "However, it only provides ten percent of the energy."

"In other words, I can wake up Regais with the icicle slate now?"

Liu Bosheng nodded and pondered: "How long it will last and what impact it will cause, these are still unknown."

"Otherwise, let's try it now?"


Liu Bosheng was a little surprised, but he glanced at Lu Cheng and nodded, "Let's go, let's change into protective clothing!"

In order to prevent Regais from affecting the surroundings, the two came to the cold storage of the institute specially.

Putting on the protective suit, Lu Cheng took a deep breath and dispatched Regais.

As before, Regais remained still.

"Just insert the icicle slate into the back of it."

Liu Bosheng said solemnly: "Once it behaves abnormally, quickly ask your elf to remove the slate!"

Lu Cheng nodded and dispatched the Lizard King, who was known for his speed.

With the insertion of the icicle slate, Regais's body made a rattling sound like the thawing of ice.

The two swallowed in unison.

And the yellow beads on Regais' body also slowly lit up.


From it, there was a dull sound.

It turned its body, and when it looked at Lu Chengzhi, it suddenly stopped.

When Lu Cheng and it looked at each other, an ancient and tragic picture suddenly appeared in his mind.

That is the story of the Ice Age.

The glaciers are like the sky and the earth cracking, slowly eroding towards the mainland.

In front of the ancient and vicissitudes of the world tree, three pillars suddenly appeared.

The ground collapsed, and the icebergs came from the mountains, but they stagnated in front of the tree of the world.

Legend has it that Regichkas, who can drag the continent, supported the glacier with both hands.

But even with the help of the Three Gods Pillars and Regichkas, they couldn't stop the glacier's movement at all.

In the end, the glacier devoured everything, and the eternal elves fell into a deep sleep.

"Lu Cheng, Lu Cheng!"

It was not until he heard someone calling him that Lu Cheng woke up from his trance.

"What's wrong with you?" Liu Bosheng asked worriedly, "I was afraid that my energy would be exhausted, so I removed the slate."

Just now that was...

Lu Cheng looked blankly at Regais, who was sleeping again.

Could it be that it wants to tell me something? "

Perhaps it was the effect of having a heart-to-heart, Lu Cheng felt the connection with Regais in the dark.

Facing the glacier, the feeling of powerlessness and sadness also conveyed to Lu Cheng's heart.

"It's fine." Lu Cheng shook his head and said, "Let's go out first."

Liu Bosheng nodded, as if he had noticed something, and left the cold storage one step ahead.

And Lu Cheng took Regais back into the Poké Ball.


Lu Cheng said softly to the Poké Ball:

"What you cherish, I won't let it disappear again."

As soon as the voice fell, a faint crystal light seemed to light up on the Poké Ball.

It's like Regais's response to Lu Cheng.



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