My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 339: Against Raikou! The Emperor Yan appeared!

The wipers of the car windows kept running, the rain curtains blocked the view, and the thunder exploded on the roof of the car shed.

Lu Cheng frowned and said, "Strange... The weather forecast says it's sunny today."

Liu Wanfu said weakly, "Could it be because of the influence of elves?"

"There should be no powerful wild elves near Xiaoshan." Lu Cheng shook his head.

"Because of the construction of the airport, the nearby elves have been carefully surveyed, and there is no group that can grasp the rain."

Even so, Lu Cheng still had some worries in his heart.

This it really caused by thunder beasts?

Or, is there a powerful spirit that is not in the information?

Lu Cheng's expression became serious, he stopped in front of the protected area with a sign, opened the doorway,

"You ask Raichu to survey the surrounding electric spirits to see if there are any strange phenomena!"

Liu Wanfu nodded and released a khaki electric mouse with ridged muscles.

"Raika!" Raichu raised his tail demonstratively, and crackling lightning flashed on his electric cheeks.

Raichu is quite sensitive to the energy of the electric system. Once the surrounding magnetic field is disturbed, it will feel it for the first time.

But this time, Raichu's cheeks were so red that he finally fell to the ground with a groan, his whole body smelling of burning.

"How is this going?"

Liu Wanfu was also extremely nervous, bit his lower lip and said, "The electric energy around here is no longer something Raichu can handle!"

"This is not a magnetic field that Thunderbolts can reach at all. There is definitely an incomparably powerful electric elf living nearby!"

The heavy rain poured down, and in the ink-like night, a blue lightning flashed.

Lu Cheng looked around, there was a rustling sound in the dark and dense grass, only to find out that it was just a few helpless little Ladas.

There is no trace of thunder and lightning beasts in the protected area here!

Then what caused this terrifying lightning, this violent thunderstorm!

Raindrops hit Lu Cheng's face, and a terrifying feeling exploded behind him.

"Go back to the car!" Lu Cheng yelled, "Don't come out without my order!"

On the far horizon, an earth-shattering thunder suddenly exploded.

In the pitch-black night, a helicopter that had already launched into the sky was crumbling, like a boat in the sea.

Lu Cheng's face immediately turned pale.

This thunderstorm came suddenly and was not in the weather warning at all.

The helicopter had no chance at all to break through the range of the thunderstorm!

At this moment, another blue electric light split the sky.

The helicopter was directly hit by lightning, fell from the sky, and exploded into a dazzling fireball.

Liu Wanfu's face was pale, he bit his lower lip tightly, trembling all over.

And Lu Cheng only felt a buzzing sound in his head.

He seemed to know what that bad premonition was.

This kind of divine punishment like nature, comparable to the lightning of thunder, is simply not something that ordinary elves can achieve.

And there are only a few legendary elves who master thunder and lightning——

The electric light exploded, and the electric current in the sky danced wildly like a silver snake in the night, illuminating the sky, and for a time it seemed like day.

In the thundercloud that destroyed the city, arc-shaped lightning roamed wildly, and a majestic figure stood proudly under the sky.


The thunder light exploded, the long hair like a thundercloud cloak on the back fluttered in the wind, and on the golden hair, the electric light flickered cracklingly.

Lei Gong narrowed his eyes, looked at everything in the thunderstorm, and let out a chilling low roar.

"This, this is..." Liu Wanfu stiffened in disbelief, lost his voice, "Lei Gong!"

"But, isn't Lord Lei protecting humans, how could he..."

Liu Wanfu looked pale at the majestic divine beast in the dark clouds.

And Lu Cheng's eyes fell on a few statues flying in the heavy rain, and he let out a sigh of relief.

Han Qing once told him that the helicopter is equipped with professional life-saving equipment and a Beagle that can fly manned in a short time.

This also greatly improves the survivability of aviation disasters.

Bidiao shouted, and took the man and his child, and flew away from the powerful field around Lei Di.

And Lei Gong didn't shoot, but looked up at the intensifying thundercloud, looking through the thunderstorms and showers.

It seems... waiting for something.

The terminal building is already a mess.

"B371, please answer if you hear it, please answer if you hear it!"

"Unknown spirits appeared over the D7 route, please bring in manpower to support them in time!"

"All flights are cancelled, immediately block Xiaoshan Airport and surrounding protected areas!"

The deafening thunder made the tourists in the waiting hall look panicked.

"When can we leave here?"

"My God, I saw a genie appear in the thunderstorm!"

And a nervous and lost woman answered the phone, tears welling up in her eyes.

"God bless you, you are not dead, you are safe and sound!"

Xiaoshan was shrouded in the electric light that filled the sky. Lu Cheng, who was in the center of the thunderstorm, had only a Wuling Hongguang beside him that could bring him some comfort.

But when he was about to get into the car to take refuge, a violent aura directly locked him.

In the dark cloud, Lei Gong looked at him, his eyes narrowed into long and narrow slits on his expressionless face.

Lu Cheng felt stiff all over, as if he had lost all the strength to resist.

But the next moment, a soft blue light bloomed in his hands.

Everything around seemed to be very clear, even the surprised look of the Rai Gong had a panoramic view.

Lu Cheng shoved Liu Wanfu into the car, stood in front of the car, took out the Poke Ball and sneered:

"It's not like I haven't fought against divine beasts before!"

This provocative scene instantly angered Lei Gong.

The majestic low roar echoed in the wilderness, and the surging electric light instantly illuminated the night.

In the rainstorm, the electric lights were like little snakes, dancing wildly with the heavy rain.

An amazing range of electrical discharge, accompanied by heavy rain, directly enveloped the entire wilderness of Xiaoshan!

Lu Cheng only felt that the sight was filled with dazzling white light, the smell of burning was in his nostrils, and his whole body was extremely stiff, as if he had experienced the breath of death in an instant.

But the emerald green barrier was already in front of him.

The electric light pierced through the guard like a broken bamboo, but it hit the Lizard King's pair of extremely hard blade Even if he made a cut, the Lizard King's forehead also seeped a lot of cold sweat. Shaky.

With a scream, the Lizard King was directly blown away by the electric light, but what appeared in front of Lu Cheng's eyes was an incomparably huge super violent carp dragon.

The scales all over his body opened and closed, and the incomparably ferocious super tyrannical carp dragon forcibly accepted the thunder light, and made a furious roar at Lei Gong in the air.


The roar echoed in this wilderness, Liu Wanfu was clinging to the car window, trembling all over, but quietly clenched the Pokeball in his hand.

There was a mocking look in Lei Gong's eyes.

At this moment, an electric column that was several times thicker circled around its body.

Like a catastrophe falling, the thunder in the rainstorm weather is like the wrath of the gods, the whole sky is shaking, and the thunder pillars that annihilate the breath drop straight down into the sky!

"Lightning zebra, lightning rod!!"

Liu Wanfu screamed and threw the Pokeball from the car window.

The thunder boomed, and the lightning zebra sheltered Lu Cheng's frail body in time, but the painful current did not reach it.

Lightning Zebra was stunned, and slowly opened his eyes.

Appearing in front of it was a lion-like elf with orange-red body and flowing hair.

Its breath is like a gushing volcano, sheltering in front of Lu Cheng, but it seems to be towering and indestructible.

At Lu Cheng, Emperor Yan let out a low roar.

never mind.

To ask why, because I am here!



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