My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 340: Battle of the Gods (1/5)

The Emperor Yan who sheltered in front of Lu Cheng was like a gushing volcano.

Around it, orange-yellow flames suddenly rose, instantly evaporating the rainstorm into water vapor.

The white mane fluttered, and Emperor Yan looked at Lei Gong in the thunder cloud and let out a dull low roar.

The thunder roared like the sky was falling apart, and there seemed to be a cold voice in Lu Cheng's ears.

"You shouldn't be here."

"I'm just here to do what I need to do." Emperor Yan roared.

A trace of mockery flashed in Lei Gong's long and narrow eyes, and he sneered: "For protecting mankind, what is the return from mankind?"

"Have you forgotten how people treated us in the year of the Great Flood!"

A dangerous signal suddenly appeared in Lu Cheng's heart.

The Great Flood is this node again!

He involuntarily looked at Emperor Yan beside him, only to see Emperor Yan's body trembling, but muttered:

"Blood for blood, it's time to end."


Lei Gong's angry voice sounded, and all of a sudden the thunder roared.

"If the damage to the gods can be repaid with blood, Ho-oh will not be disappointed with humans!"

The white thunder that annihilated the breath danced wildly under the sky like a silver snake, and the sky was filled with scattered electric lights.

A violent thunderbolt crashed down from the sky, turning into a sturdy pillar of thunder and slashing towards the Yan Emperor in the flames.

The six-pointed star on Emperor Yan's face lit up, and from its mouth burst out a group of incomparably hot big characters.

The large-character explosion collided with one hundred thousand volts, and a white air wave exploded. With a loud bang, the entire plain seemed to be shaking.

Lu Cheng only felt a buzzing sound in his ears, a large amount of water vapor evaporated, and a thick fog filled the surroundings.

In the air, the thunder of silver snakes dancing wildly.

The wilderness is a raging flame.

At the end of the horizon, a slender figure slowly emerged.

The heavy rain poured down like a thousand horses, and there was the whistling of the north wind.

The expressions of Emperor Yan and Duke Lei changed in unison.

Above the horizon, a huge pair of wings that covered the sky and the sun fell from the sky like a shadow.

The man wearing a mask stands on the back of Storm Flying Dragon, suspended in the sky above Suicune.

There was uncontrollable excitement in his eyes.

"Yeah... I finally waited for this time."

Li Zhen murmured, with a cruel smile on his lips,

"Come on Suizun, go and kill each other with them!!"

The roaring Suicune struggled in pain, but the shackles behind it lit up like a torture instrument with a blue electric light.

Suijun let out a painful wailing, his eyes suddenly turned blood red, and an extremely cold beam of extremely freezing roared out.

Emperor Yan spit out a vortex of flames, wrapping the extremely frozen beam, and the sky filled with water mist.

And Lei Gong's face was full of disbelief, and the electric light turned into a dazzling barrier, instantly shattering the icicle.

"This... what's going on here?"

Emperor Yan looked at Suijun with blood-red eyes, and there was a hint of disappointment in his tone.

"Back then we let humans kill each other, is it our turn now..."

"That was their fault!"

Lei Gong roared, and the mad thunder slammed into the Yan Emperor again, roaring:

"It was they who first attacked King Ho and sacrificed us cruelly!"

Emperor Yan just shook his head.

"Eternal life, who can refuse..."

At this moment, there was a sudden roar.

"Don't be so stupid!" Lu Cheng shouted, "Everyone has arrested your brothers, why are you still fighting?"

Lei Guang suddenly exploded in front of Lu Cheng, and the ground instantly turned into coke.

Cold sweat dripped from Lu Cheng's forehead, and Lei Gong said coldly, "Human, shut up."

"Lei Gong, this is my friend!" Emperor Yan roared.

"Can humans be your friends too?" Lei Gong sneered, "I think you really forgot!"

Just when Lei Gong was arrogant, a cluster of icicles exploded on him, causing him to be in a state of embarrassment.

Li Zhen, who was standing on the back of the Flying Dragon, looked at Lu Cheng behind Emperor Yan, with a playful look in his eyes.

"Here... there are other trainers?"

Lei Gong roared angrily, and the violent electric light roared towards Li Zhen.

But Sui Jun involuntarily jumped out of thin air and used his body to resist Li Zhen's move, which was extremely painful.

"Don't waste your energy." Li Zhen sneered,

"The trainer belongs to the trainer, and the gods belong to the gods!"

Having said that, Li Zhen drove the Flying Dragon to fly towards Lu Cheng!

This is a battle between the three gods.

Thunder, Fire, Extreme Ice.

Three dazzling colors bloom above this wilderness, and the earth seems to be shaking.

Emperor Yan, who sheltered Lu Cheng, could only support the flame domain with difficulty, resisting the attack from the two divine beasts.

Just when Emperor Yan was on the verge of falling, Lu Cheng quietly caught his mane.

"It's alright." Lu Cheng looked at the flying dragon, his eyes filled with determination, "Go and fight."

Emperor Yan opened his mouth, but turned around abruptly, blocking Suijun's incomparably majestic foam light, and a look of pain appeared on his face.

"Go and fight!"

Lu Cheng repeated, took out the Poké Ball, and a soft blue light merged into Yan Emperor's body.

"The trainer belongs to the trainer, and the gods belong to the gods!"

Emperor Yan was stunned for a second, and the next moment, a raging flame suddenly rose from his feet.

The momentum of the whole body suddenly rose, and the sacred fire bloomed from its fur, like a flame, the Emperor Yan roared and jumped up, biting towards Lei Gong in the air.

"You're crazy!!"

Lei Gonggong and Sui Jun were banging at each other with a big move, but they were suddenly bitten by Yan Emperor's flaming teeth, and suddenly let out a scream, and the crackling electric light knocked Yan Emperor flying.

Emperor Yan sneered: "Isn't this scene exactly what you expected?"

The water cannons came surging. This time, Duke Lei and Emperor Yan were fighting together and were knocked several meters away at the same time.

But the next moment, the sacred fire and the 100,000 volts hit Suicune at the same making it curl up in pain.

The north wind howls! The silver snake dances wildly! Blazing fire!

The sky is filled with three colors, and the sky is full of gorgeous moves, like the catastrophe of the world.

Looking at this scene, there was a trance look on Li Zhen's face.

"How beautiful..."

His voice is full of magnetism, but also has a metallic quality.

He slowly took off the mask, revealing an extremely ferocious cheek, and smiled at Lu Cheng.

"You said yes... Lu Cheng?"

A terrifying shadow wrapped around Li Zhen's back. Geng Ghost, half the size of the sky, stood behind Li Zhen, grinning at Lu Cheng.

It is impossible to beat him.

This man, at least has the level of a heavenly king!

Unlike when Han Qing fought, this time, Lu Cheng had to face the real team of Heavenly Kings!

However, I don't need to defeat him.

Lu Cheng quietly clenched the Poké Ball.

All I have to do is to delay as long as possible and wait for reinforcements!



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