My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 341: The Mystery of the Great Flood (2/5)

Lu Cheng clenched the Poké Ball and his eyes gradually calmed down.

"I want to know, what exactly are you doing this for."

Seemingly surprised by Lu Cheng's calm attitude, Li Zhenwan said, "Aren't you surprised, why do I know your name?"

"It's too good, sometimes it's a trouble." Lu Cheng sighed.

Unexpectedly, Li Zhen did not object, but nodded earnestly.

"I've been following you all the time. Indeed, it takes two years to reach the current level, and even I sigh."

"If possible, I really hope you can join our team too..."

Li Zhen sighed and shook his head as if he was very sorry.

Lu Cheng sneered and said, "Join you and take action against the people?"

"No." Li Zhen said seriously, "It is to seek the right to use elves for more people."

Lu Cheng pretended to be puzzled and said, "Can you explain a little more... such as the operation mode, income and expenditure, etc."

Li Zhen gave Lu Cheng a deep look.

"I know you're procrastinating."

Lu Cheng was suddenly shocked.

"But I have no regrets anymore." Li Zhen opened his hands and smiled slowly.

"Looking at this scene, don't you feel shocked?"

The battle of the beasts, the earth-shattering roar, and the moves that are enough to destroy the world.

Although they tried their best to restrain them, the faces of these divine beasts were already full of anger, and even the power of their moves had faintly increased to a new level.

Li Zhen snapped his fingers, Geng Ghost turned into a huge ghost, and withstood the aftermath of the move for the two of them, with a ferocious look on his face.

"While now, we still have some time." Li Zhen looked at the splendid sky and murmured,

"Wait a while, let alone us, even the entire Jiangcheng will be destroyed..."

Lu Cheng only felt horrified and lost his voice: "What on earth are you trying to do!"

Li Zhen raised his eyebrows, and a black clock roulette appeared on Gengar's abdomen.

"Five minutes left..." Li Zhen shook his head, "I can still chat with you for five minutes."

"With the three evil dragons of the Heavenly King level, it would take ten minutes to get here from the imperial capital, and Jiangcheng... there are no Heavenly King-level trainers right now."

Li Zhen stretched and looked extremely relaxed.

"We still have five minutes, what do you want to ask?"

Lu Cheng didn't answer, a drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and he clenched the Poke Ball tightly.

It will take at least ten minutes for the King of Heaven to come here, I have to stabilize him first...

But, can I really hold on for five minutes?

Or, is he so confident that he can solve me in five minutes?

Lu Cheng smiled reluctantly: "To be honest, I'm actually quite interested in the Galaxy Cluster."


Li Zhen glanced at Lu Cheng, "Then you probably don't know about the flood."

Lu Cheng was stunned, a strange feeling filled his heart.

What exactly does this node mean!

Li Zhen looked at the divine beasts fighting in the sky and murmured:

"The three elves were not originally gods, but were actually the three Eevee sacrificed."

Lu Cheng was taken aback.

"You also know that in some places, there are still those ugly customs, right?"

Li Zhen's face showed a look of contempt: "Because of natural and man-made disasters, I blamed the gods for the cause, and delusionally wanted to be forgiven by offering sacrifices..."

"What about the result?" Lu Cheng swallowed.

This world has overlapped with the world of the special edition!

In the legendary scorched tower, Ho-wang appeared and resurrected three unknown spirits, Suijun, Lei Gong, and Entei in front of him.

But Ho-oh was also furious because of this, and vowed not to appear in front of humans again.

In this world, could the result be worse than a scorched tower?

Or, the so-called Great Flood...

"Yeah, you're right." Li Zhen's eyes showed a look of memory, and the pain flashed away.

"Because of the drought, we sacrificed three elves."

"And after King Ho appeared, there was a dispute, even a fight, because of King Ho's capture."

"The enraged Ho-oh resurrected the three spirits and brought down the Great Flood."

Li Zhen showed a mocking look: "I prayed because of the drought, but the flood came down. Is this the power of the gods?"

Lu Cheng opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

Because human beings are to blame?

Or is the punishment of the gods too harsh?

"Perhaps in the eyes of the gods, human lives are of little importance."

Li Zhen shook his head, and his face gradually turned hideous: "Although I want to capture King Ho, there is no reason to use my daughter for my life!"

Lu Cheng's breathing was rapid, could it be possible!

"That's right." Li Zhen exhaled slowly, his eyes cold and said,

"I was the trainer who tried to capture King Ho, and I was one of the Four Heavenly Kings, Li Zhen."

"Doesn't it like to punish humans?"

Li Zhen said coldly, "Then I'll show that big bird what kind of **** it resurrected!"

"Gods are no different from humans, they also have selfish desires, and they also kill each other!"

The roar of the three holy beasts exploded in the air, as if to prove Li Zhen's words, the whole sky seemed to be torn apart.

Lu Cheng suddenly smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" Li Zhen asked.

"Although it is righteousness." Lu Cheng smiled, "but your real purpose is still for holy ashes, right?"

Li Zhen took a deep breath and hissed, "What do you mean?"

"Because of my own fault, my daughter's accident..."

"You don't pay attention to whether the gods kill each other at all. You just want to use this method to coerce King Ho to resurrect your daughter, so as to repay the trivial guilt in your heart."

"'re just for Ho-king's holy ashes, but it's not necessarily your daughter who will be resurrected?"

Lu Cheng's eyes were cold and he said, "If you really did it for human beings, you wouldn't take action against ordinary people."

"And your daughter's tragedy is ultimately caused by your own selfish desires."

Lu Cheng sneered and said, "For the sake of humanity, to put it nicely, you must have fooled a lot of believers, right?"

"As far as I know The assets of the Galaxy Group in various places are exploiting those who have no hope of becoming trainers, but keep their love for elves."

"If it's really for the sake of righteousness, how could you allow the Galaxy Group to develop into what it is now!"

Li Zhen's face gradually became ugly.

And when he heard that his daughter's tragedy was caused by him, his lips were still trembling.

"You mean, everything I do is for myself?" Li Zhen said hoarsely.

"You are just living in your own fantasy for the sake of your daughter." Lu Cheng said indifferently,

"Even if your daughter is safe and sound, you will still be on the road at hand!"

Li Zhen suddenly burst out laughing.

The laughter was extremely sharp, full of pathos and irony.

A thunderstorm rang out, and the rainstorm poured down.

The three divine beasts were almost exhausted. Above the black cloud, they were covered in bruises and blood.

The heavy rain streamed down Li Zhen's cheeks. He looked up at the ink-like sky, and murmured, "Five minutes are up."

"You...bye bye."



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