My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 349: Steel Mountain City, Forge New Weapons (3/3)

Gangshan City, an industrial city located in a mountain basin, is surrounded by rich ore veins.

However, due to the industrial transfer in recent years, the industry has gradually become lonely, and the population of Gangshan City has also decreased year by year.

From the desolate road, Lu Cheng went to Gangshan City with the transporter of the workers, and could not help but sigh:

"There are really factories everywhere!"

The worker wearing a helmet smiled and said, "In the past, there were more factories here, and there were dense chimneys, but now they have all been banned."

Lu Cheng looked around, but he really couldn't see the huge chimney that towered into the clouds.

However, the sky here is still gray, like a layer of khaki smoke.

Following the transporter, Lu Cheng settled down in Gangshan City and took Leo Lu into the city.

Leo Lu was lying on Lu Cheng's shoulder, yawning sleepily, and suddenly seemed to have sensed something, and his tail wagged happily.

Leo Lu jumped off Lu Cheng's shoulder, plunged his head into the grass, and after a while, proudly took out a light gray stone.

Lu Cheng played with it curiously, and found that he really had to let Leo Lu find a treasure.

This pumice stone can reduce the weight of elves and slightly increase the speed of elves. For large elves, it is better than nothing.

Throwing it to Leo Lu to play, Lu Cheng looked for the trace of Gangshan Gym.

The aging here is extremely serious, and there are almost no young trainers on the road, but there are many shops that are waiting to be sold.

A lot of trucks rumbled past on the road, leaving a gray exhaust, and a few Caler Vas floated leisurely in the air.

"I heard that Gangshan City used to be an industrial city." Lu Cheng murmured, "It seems that the tertiary industry makes money!"

The productivity leap brought by elves is also reflected in the development of industry.

In recent years, some scholars have proposed the Humane Protection Law of Elves, which aims to stop the endless squeezing of labor elves, but it is just sinking into the sea.

Asking the uncle on the roadside for directions, Lu Cheng found the location of Gangshan City.

"Master, do you know where the Gangshan Gym is?"

"What kind of gym is it?"

"Gangshan Gym!"

"What is Gangshan?"

"Okay, sir, it's alright..."

Different from the grand gym in Lu Cheng's impression, the Gangshan gym looks like a small workshop.

The clanging sound of iron hammering came from the workshop, and there was a wooden plaque on the side with the characters of dragon flying and phoenix dancing on it.

"Huangyan Forge".

Below is a line of small characters that reads Gangshan Gym.

With curiosity, Lu Cheng walked into this unique gym.

From the dim shop came the smell of leather and the stench of steel.

A little girl who was changing her teeth ran out of the room and shouted, "Grandpa, here is a guest!"

Then, a man's extremely dull voice sounded.


A meticulous old man with gray hair and a beard, lifted the curtain and glanced at Lu Cheng, frowned, and said,


The old man's aura is like a piece of steel that has been tempered a thousand times.

Lu Cheng nodded quickly and said, "I was introduced by Lin Yuan Taoist pavilion owner, and I would like to invite you to forge a new weapon!"

Hearing that it was Lin Yuan's introduction, the old man's brows stretched slightly, but he still said in a tone of indifference:

"The rules for forging weapons here are very troublesome. If you can't wait, you should be more clever."

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm here for you!"

Huang Yan's face stretched, and the wrinkles on Huang Yan's face stretched out, and he glanced at Leo Lu.

"Is it going to forge weapons?"

"Olu?" Leo Lu tilted his head curiously.

Lu Cheng hurriedly shoved Leoru back and summoned the Lizard King.

After comprehending the two types of sword moves, the Lizard King's aura was like an unsheathed sword.

When Rao Shi Huangyan saw the Lizard King, he couldn't help but admire: "Good!"

"If it wants to forge weapons, I can give you a 10% discount."

"Of course, we still bring our own materials. In addition, we do not accept rework or return."

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have prepared the materials!"

Lu Cheng, who was already prepared, took out the Dragon Teeth from his backpack.

Dragon's tooth is known as one of the sharpest materials in the world, and cutting iron like mud is just commonplace for it.

And Lu Cheng, the dragon's tooth, was taken from the Heavenly King-level Flying Dragon.

The mottled dragon teeth, stained with dark red blood, flashed an icy cold light under the dim yellow light.

Seeing this dragon tooth, Huang Yan's breathing suddenly became rapid.

He looked at Lu Cheng in disbelief, then stared at Long Ya again, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Are you sure, you're going to use it as a material for a new weapon!?"

Lu Cheng smiled and nodded.

Lu Cheng has always been assured of the candidates recommended by Lin Yuan.

Besides, judging from the environment and shop, this Mr. Huang Yan should be a traditional craftsman who is obsessed with forging.

This spirit of study and sharpening is what Lu Cheng has always admired.

Huang Yan took a deep breath, took the dragon tooth with trembling fingers, and murmured:

"No, not only 10% off, I'll give you 30% off!"

As if seeing his most beloved lover, Huang Yan held the Dragon's Teeth in his hands, and his whole body burst out with amazing momentum.

"Give me half a month." Huang Yan said solemnly, "After half a month, I will forge the best weapon in the world for you!"

From the moment he took over Dragon Fang, Huang Yan seemed to have changed.

Without even eating, he hurried into the forging room, and then there was a sonorous sound of hammering.

Lu Cheng, who was hanging aside, had no choice but to tease that cute little girl.

The little girl is changing her teeth, and her speech is leaky, but she is also very lively.

For Leo Lu even more, he said that he would exchange his iron dumbbells with Lu Cheng.

This frightened Lu Cheng.

Unexpectedly, such a little girl would raise a future quasi-god?

However, this also allowed Lu Cheng to obtain information about the Huangyan Spirit.

Looking at Huang Yan's sleeplessness, he suggested that the gym battle would have to wait until the forging of new weapons was over.

Taking advantage of the fact that there were evil spirits in the surrounding mountains, Lu Cheng decided to take Leo Lu to experience it.

The mountain range near Gangshan City is called Tieling... As soon as you hear the name, you know that it is a big city.

And in the cave of the Iron Ridge, there are many rock-type elves.

There are even rumors that some people have seen rare steel elves.

However, it is not difficult for Lu Cheng to push the wild elves here.

The most important thing is to find an opponent who can practice with Leo Lu.

Too strong will dampen Leo Lu's enthusiasm, and too weak will make this kid get carried away.

In the end, Lu Cheng set his sights on the unpretentious Little Fist and Stone family.

A cute little fist stone with a round head.

Whenever you smash a rock, you never know whether it will be a big pincer crab or a small fist rock.

Leo Lu, who was in the first battle, with a hint of excitement in his excitement, couldn't help but let out a whimper.


And Little Fist Stone, who was dozing off, felt that someone was hitting its head in a daze, so he couldn't help scratching his head.

"Jump behind the metal claws!"

Using the high mobility of the flash of lightning, Leo Lu leaped lightly, and his claws burst into a sharp luster.

With a click, Little Fist Stone let out a painful cry, and subconsciously made a rolling move.

And Leo Lu avoided the roll with a fake move, turned around and solved the small fist stone with a feint.


Leo Lu, who had won his first victory, let out an excited cry.

But the next moment, it returned to the small fist stone and used the power of the gentle waveguide to restore its injury.

It wasn't until Little Fist Stone woke up that Leo Lu waved his hand kindly to him and watched Little Fist Stone walk away.

Xiao Quanshi was still confused.

Go to bed early in the morning, get beaten up, and heal your wounds, what kind of thing is this!

Looking at this scene, Lu Cheng couldn't help but smile.

Although Leo Lu is a little naughty, his heart is still quite good.

And this wave of healing power can also prepare for its future healing bell.

It seems that this mischievous heart really has the potential to become a righteous heart!



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