My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 350: The new weapon of the Lizard King (1/5)

Almost all the wild elves in the nearby caves were challenged by Leoru.

With the continuous improvement of Leoru's combat experience, his understanding of moves has gradually increased.

The most significant improvement was the Rock Breaking move that Leo Lu understood.

The broken rock can pave the way for the future tile splitting, and this trick will also work wonders when fighting against the steel and rock types.

Little Fist Stone could no longer satisfy Leoru. After defeating Rumble Stone, Leoru officially challenged the overlord of the cave, a wild big rock snake.

Although he is an overlord, the wild elves in the vicinity are generally weak, and even this big rock snake has only just learned to rock avalanche.

There was a roar in the dark cave, Lu Cheng sat on the back of the armored rhinoceros transformed by the ever-changing monster, and commanded: "Leo Lu, avoid falling rocks, use lightning flashes and rock-breaking moves!"

A large piece of rock crashed down, but Leo Lu was not afraid, instead he was excitedly dodging in the falling rock.

Using the high speed of the flash of electric light, the small Leo Lu tumbled to avoid the iron tail of the big rock snake, held his breath, and a white light burst from his fist.

Shattered rock!

The big rock snake let out a pained cry, shattering the characteristics of the armor, causing the rocks on its body to continuously collapse.

This move directly caused a knowing blow to the big rock snake!

But the Big Rock Snake is also an overlord spirit after all. The shattered armor instantly increased its speed, rumbled through the cave, raised its upper body, and condensed a majestic purple energy in its mouth.

The energy continued to gather, gradually transforming into a purple dragon shadow, and Lu Cheng recognized it. This was the dragon breath move of the Big Rock Snake.

Dragon's breath can paralyze the enemy, even an elves without dragon bloodline can master it.

Lu Cheng couldn't help but nodded.

This trick can let the tyrannosaurus and fossil pterosaur learn it, and also increase their attack methods.

Although it is majestic, the special attack value of Big Rock Snake is really not flattering, and it was just held up and supported by Leo Lu.

The bullet punch that counterattacked turned into a white phantom with metallic luster, just like the blessing of the power of the waveguide.

With a bang, the big rock snake fell to the ground, and there was a violent vibration in the cave.

Lu Cheng patted Leo Lu on the head.

After half a month of training, the progress of this Leoru is astonishing.

And Lu Cheng is also confident, and the bond between him and Leo Lu is gradually deepening.

Lucario is an elf that requires Riolu to evolve through intimacy, which is why Lucario is so loyal and loved.

The Big Rock Snake gradually sobered up under Leo Lu's cure, let out a low roar, expressed his gratitude to Leo Lu, and then rumbled into the ground.

And Leo Lu's eyes lit up, and he leaped towards the raised dirt bag, and after groping for a while, he showed a smug smile.

"Olu!" Leo proudly held up the treasure he picked up.

Pick up features, activate!

Lu Cheng took a closer look.

Although it is not a rare thing, this immutable stone can be used as a material for hatching eggs.

And the immutable stone can delay the evolution of elves, so that they can learn some moves that cannot be mastered after evolution.

Lu Cheng couldn't help falling into thought.

In the animation, there is a very important criterion for Leoru, whether he has mastered the wave missile before evolution.

In Leoru's kingdom, Leoru, who has mastered the wave missile, is even regarded as the successor of the royal family.

For elves who master the mysterious power of wave guides, it is absolutely beneficial and harmless to learn wave missiles in advance!

Lu Cheng pondered and hung the invariant stone on Leo Lu's chest.

"Olu?" Leoru tilted his head curiously.

"Until you master the wave missile, don't take it off." Lu Cheng smiled, "This will be of great help to your future strength!"

Hearing Lu Cheng's words, Leo Lu also nodded seriously.

It can feel human emotions, and naturally knows that Lu Cheng is doing it for its own good.

And in so many days of getting along, it has gradually recognized Lu Cheng, not to mention that Lu Cheng is the inheritance of Bird's messenger.

It seems that the next training will strengthen the little guy's waveguide ability.

Lu Cheng thought about it, smiled and said, "Let's go, let's go back to the gym first."

"Calculate the time, the new weapon of the Lizard King should have been forged!"


In the hot forging room, Huang Yan was looking at the red dragon tooth with a solemn expression.

Forging, quenching, and returning to the furnace... Repeated this several times, under thousands of tempers, the Dragon's Tooth Sword was finally forged!

This weapon seems to have exhausted all Huang Yan's efforts.

Even if he were given hundreds of chances, Huang Yan still didn't have the confidence to forge such an excellent blade again!

Taking a deep breath, Huang Yan poured Shuiyibu's pure water on Longya's body.

The dragon teeth that gradually cooled down had an incomparably cold luster, but there was a trace of blood red on the top.

From the complex lines, it seems that the shadow of the flying dragon covering the sky and the sun can be seen.

The bell swayed, Huang Yan looked back and smiled rarely.

"You came just in time... The weapon you want has been completed!"

Lu Cheng looked at the brand new weapon in surprise.

Even a layman, Lu Cheng could see the extraordinaryness of this blade.

He can be sure that this dragon tooth can definitely make the Lizard King's strength to a higher level!

"The name of this sword is up to you."

Huang Yan looked at Lu Cheng with some hope.

As a craftsman, he also hopes that the weapons in his hands can be famous all over the world.

And the first step is to give it a name!

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Let's call it Longya."

Taken from the Heavenly King-level Flying Dragon, this dragon tooth contains unparalleled power.

An excited look appeared in Huang Yan's eyes: "Okay, it's called Longya!"

The Lizard King carefully took the dragon's tooth, and was surprised to find that there was a scorching temperature at the hilt of the sword.

The majesty of the Flying Dragon is still resisting its new master.

The Lizard King's eyes narrowed, and he directly grabbed the dragon's tooth and stuffed it back to his waist.

At this point, the dragon tooth stopped shaking, as if it had cooled down, with a cold luster.

From the fracture of the Caracalla bone to the newly forged dragon teeth, the Lizard King couldn't help but smile.

And Lu Cheng also nodded and smiled at Huang Yan: "Master Huang, I want to apply for a gym challenge from you!"

Huang Yan was looking at the Lizard King in a trance, and when he heard Lu Cheng's proposal, he couldn't help grinning.

"That's right, old man, I also feel emotional, come on, let's have a gym battle!"

The opposing battlefield of Gangshan Gym is an empty abandoned construction site.

The little girl who changed her teeth, as the judge of the two, gathered a lot of curious workers.

Huang Yan smiled and said, "I remember, you brought a Leo Lu, right?"

Lu Cheng was startled and nodded subconsciously.

"Gym battles are not only about assessing trainers, but also about cultivating and inheriting them." Huang Yan embraced his arms.

"I used a metal monster to fight Leoru, and the victory or defeat will not be counted in the gym battle."

Lu Cheng immediately understood that this was Huang Yan's plan to teach Leo Lu's steel-type moves.

"Excuse me, Master Huang."

Putting Leo Lu on his shoulders on the field, Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Come on, Leo Lu!"



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